Summer Activities

Here are some colouring sheets from one of my favourite artists – Dana Irving.

I hope you enjoy doing these summer activities. 🙂 SummerBucketList                         101 Summer Activities

Can’t wait to see your creative weaving.


June 15 – 19, 2020 Weekly Learning Opportunities

Core Competencies – Please fill in the Self Assessment Checklists and give examples where you can. CoreCompetenciesSelfAssessmentChecklisttosupportBCsnewcurriculum     Student Self Evaluation

Math Gr. 2 – Measurement – Height: find 5 objects and arrange them from shortest to tallest. Length: find 5 different objects and arrange them from longest to shortest. Measuring with a ruler: Remember to start at the 0 line. Measure the objects in centimetres – 20200615085025923

Then go and play the Measure It game at

Math Gr. 3 – Watch these short videos to learn about division.  Now demonstrate how to divide a number into equal groups. 20200608152141684  You can use your Multiplication Table to help you.

Play some division games at

Measurement – measuring with a ruler. Remember to start at the 0 line. Measure the objects in centimetres –  20200615085025923 Then go and play the Measure It game at

L. A. – Continue daily reading  for 20 – 30 minutes. Write  at least 2 journal entries for this week. Use the Writing Checklist to edit your writing: EditingChecklist


and then respond – give examples from each step how you are  a  “purple person”. Can you make any connections to other books?

Write a diamante poem for your dad/ important guy in your life. diamante-poem-format

For the middle line you can either put in the nouns or put a sentence telling what you like to do together.

Social Studies – continue working on the Canada unit activities from last week. ProvinceTerritory-report  Colour your province’s/ territory’s flag, flower, bird and map.    20200615085101495  You can choose other provinces or territories to colour also.

Science – Rewatch the states of matter.

Review the facts on the States of Matter posters and on the Facts sheet: StatesofMatterfactsheet  Now draw the molecules of each state of matter in the boxes: StatesofMatterandMolecules

Then cut out the Flip Fact Book pages and staple the sheets together.  20200615104139875 Fill in the pages with Solid, Liquid, Gas facts and examples of each state. You can also cut out and glue the facts/ pictures from the MatterFlipBookFacts sheet.  StatesofMatterFlipBookCutPasteActivity

Art – Go to

and choose a Father’s Day card to make for your father, special other or important guy in your life. Then make a coupon book for activities to do together. You can cut and staple the coupon book FathersDayCouponBook

or fill in your own coupons – FathersDayGiftCouponBookBlank

Music –

Dance – check out Ms. Jaffer’s website for weekly activities.

June 8 – 12, 2020 Weekly Learning Opportunities

Math Gr. 2 – 2 digit addition and subtraction with regrouping  You can watch these short videos to review regrouping.

Now answer these 2 digit addition and subtraction with regrouping equations. Don’t forget to show your work – show where you carried/ regrouped in the tens or hundreds place. Addition2digitRegrouping    SpiderWeb2DigitAddition    addition find the mistake    addition-graph-2dig     subtracting-2-digits-explain    doggie-subtract-2dig   subtraction-graph-2dig    MixedTwoDigitAdditionandSubtraction

Math Gr. 3 – Multiplication making arrays and using repeated addition. Remember our key words. Last week it was “groups of”. This week when using arrays to demonstrate the multiplication concept the key words are “rows of”. Here are some multiplication array questions for you to do.multi_tables   multiplicationArrays  Multiplication can also be demonstrated with repeated addition. multiplicationRepeatedAddition

Play some multiplication games at

Watch these short videos to learn about division.  Now demonstrate how to divide a number into equal groups. 20200608152141684  You can use your Multiplication Table to help you.

Play some division games at

L. A. – Continue daily reading  for 20 – 30 minutes.

Do you remember the Story Starter cards in the Writing Journal bin? Now I’d like you to write a story using a Roll a Story RollAStory

Don’t forget to pre-plan your story with a Beginning, Middle, End organizer then write a rough draft.

Social Studies – continue working on the Canada unit activities from last week. Which province/ territory did you choose to research?

Science – Go explore the states of matter.

Art – integrating Math: multiplication arrays  Make a city skyscraper landscape MultiplicationCity-skyline-arrays

Music “Read More” under the Playing for Change heading and watch the video “One Love” . Then go to and listen to the story at –

Dance – check out Ms. Jaffer’s website for weekly activities.

June 1 – 5, 2020 Weekly Learning Opportunities

Math Gr. 2 – Money: Count the total of the coin values. MoneyNickels   MoneyDimes  MoneyQuarters    MoneyLoonies    MoneyToonies    MoneyMixedCoins MoneyMixedCoins1

Math Gr. 3 – Multiplication: The key words for multiplication are “groups of” and “equal groups” X = “groups of” For example: 5 X 4 = 5 groups of 4  Go to for examples. Now try some multiplication equations demonstrating “equal groups. MultiplicationEqual-groups2   MultiplicationEqual-groups3   MultiplicationEqual-groups-describe1  MultiplicationStrategiesMakeEqualGroupsWorksheet    MultiplicationGroupsThen go Mathplayground and play some multiplication games.

L.A. – Continue daily reading (chapter books, graphic novels, recipes, etc. ) for 20 – 30 minutes.

Write at least 3 journal entries for this week. Remember the Writing Checklist we glued in your Writing Journal – capitals and periods, spelling sight words, appropriate spacing between words, etc. Do you remember the purple “W” poster on the front wall? Include in your writing – Who, What, When, Where, Why and How details.

Poetry – What is a couplet? It is a 2 lined poem that rhymes at the end. Can you write your own couplets? They are short so I’m sure you can create many.

Social Studies – (Not due at the end of the week) Canada Colour the provinces and territories on the Canada Map. CanadaMap    Find information for the Canada Fact Sheet CanadaFacts at

Choose a province/ territory to research. Check out the Canada sites on the library website

for research information or search for other sites, such as and search your province or territory. Begin to fill out the Province/ Territory Research pages ProvinceTerritory-report

Science – Watch The Magic School Bus Three in One episode (or on your own Netflix) While watching fill in the Matter sheet TheMagicSchoolBusRidesAgainThreeinOneStatesofMatter

Art – Go to and choose a few directed drawings “How to Draw ________”

Music – Check out the Rhythm Guide on Ms. Ishii’s blog

Dance – check out Ms. Jaffer’s website for weekly activities

May 25 – 29, 2020 Weekly Learning Opportunities

Please e-mail me your completed activities. I love to see all your wonderful work.

Math Gr. 2 – Show What You Know : Tell me in pictures and words what you know about Geometry.

Addition and subtraction review:  ExpandedFormAddition2digit  2DigitAdditionVB  2DigitAdditionV   2DigitAdditionHB   Shape Addition

Subtraction2DigitNoRegroupingB    Subtraction2digitNoRegroupingA    Subtraction2digitNoRegrouping

Math Gr. 3 – Subtraction with regrouping. You can watch a short video reviewing subtraction with regrouping with base ten blocks.

Now try some subtraction equations. subtraction3digit2digit  subtracting-3dig   subtractionblock   subtractionmath-riddle-garden-alien   subtractionmath-riddle-rabbits-on-vacation   subtract-regroup

L.A. – Continue daily reading (chapter books, graphic novels, recipes, etc. ) for 20 – 30 minutes.

Write at least 2 journal entries for this week. Remember the Writing Checklist we glued in your Writing Journal – capitals and periods, spelling sight words, appropriate spacing between words, etc.

For Poetry you have written acrostics and haikus. Our next type of poem is a Diamante poem. It gets its name because it is shaped like a diamond. Parts of speech to know to write a diamante poem: verb – action word ; noun – person, place or thing; adjective – a word to describe the noun. An antonym means opposite and synonym means words that mean the same thing (ex. big, large). Here is a sheet explaining a diamante poem and a template for you to write your own. diamante_poem_antonyms     diamante_poem_synonyms  Here are some templates for you to write your poem in. diamante-poem-format  Or you can go to to watch a lesson on how to write a diamante poem.

Thursday: Go to The Kennedy Center website and see who is being appreciated for “Thankful Thursday” or check out previous weeks in May.

Science -Watch the two short videos: States of Matter for Kids (K-2) and What’s Matter Intermediate (3-5) and then answer the fill in the blank question sheet. StatesOfMatterVideos

Dance – check out Ms. Jaffer’s website for weekly activities

Music – check out Ms. Ishii’s blog for weekly activities

Art – Explore BC parks and colour the animals and landscape CPAWSBC_colouring_booklet  Have you been to any of these Provincial Parks? I have been to Wells Gray Provincial Park and seen the Helmcken Waterfalls.

May 19 – 22, 2020 Weekly Learning Opportunities

Math Gr. 2 Geometry: Last time you made 3D solid nets with paper. If you have toothpicks and Plasticine/ mini marshmallows you can make 3D skeletons. Here are some examples:           Then you can go to the site and explore with the Geoboards, Tangrams, and Pattern Blocks manipulatives.

Math Gr. 3 – Subtraction without regrouping review. 2 digits subtracting 2 digits – Subtraction2digitNoRegrouping   Subtraction2digitNoRegroupingA   Subtraction2DigitNoRegroupingB 3 digits subtracting 2 digits – Subtraction3digit2digitNoRegrouping 3 digits subtracting 3 digits – Subtraction3Digit3DigitNoRegrouping    subtractionmath-riddle-fairy-tale

Language Arts – Continue to read daily for 20-30 minutes and keep track on the Reading Log (from last week’s schedule). I know that some of you have been doing some cooking and some gardening so take a listen to the book Zombies Don’t Eat Veggies! then complete the Story Map story map template You can then explore the website and listen to another book of your choice.  Complete a different Story Map version: StoryMap

Continue writing haiku poems.

Science – Reading non-fiction text: Choose one of the What is Convid19? books at your reading level Level 1,  Level 2, Level 4, and then answer the question sheet. What is Covid19Book

Dance with Ms. Jaffer 

Warm up: Ninja Dance:

Activity: Makes some Noise:    Try dancing to this song and make up some of your own moves!

Cool Down: Stretching Music:

Do some stretches and cool down to this music.

Music with Ms. Ishii – check out her website and “Go Camping with Ms. Ishii”

May 11 – 15, 2020 Weekly Learning Opportunities

Please continue to do what you are capable of doing and e-mail me your work when finished. Thank you for all your hard work!

Math Gr. 2 – 3D solids – complete the chart with how many faces, edges, and vertices the prisms and pyramids have.  3Dfacesedgesvertices

Try making some 3D solid nets. Either tape or glue the tabs together. Cube Net PyramidNet RectangularPrismNet TriangleBasedPyramidNet TriangularPrismNet   Challenge – DodecahedronNet

Math Gr. 3 – Watch the video for a review on regrouping.  Then watch the video about adding 3 digit numbers with regrouping.   Now practice adding 3 digit numbers with either 2 digit numbers or 3 digit numbers with regrouping. 3digit3digitAdditionRegrouping     3digit2digitAddition   3digit2digitAdditionB  3digit3digitAdditonB  3digitAddition math-riddle-the-amazing-talking-dog

Language Arts – We have written a lot of acrostic poems and now it’s time to learn about haiku poems. It is a traditional Japanese poem (about nature) with 3 lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables and the third line has 5 syllables. To get a brief lesson and some beautiful examples you can watch Then watch the short video A Cat Named Haiku   At our Teams Meetings we will write some together. Try writing some haikus about nature, for example a season, places, etc.

Begin recording your experiences/ feelings, etc.  during this time in the Co-Vid Time Capsule booklet. Co-Vid Time Capsule Resources

Continue reading daily. Fill in the Reading Log. Reading-Log

Dance with Ms. Jaffer – Go to her website do some dance activities.

Music with Ms. Ishii – Check out Ms. Ishii’s blog– I hope you get a smile on your face watching the “We’ll Be There For You” video.  Explore her activities for our division.

Science – while you watch Bill Nye the Science Guy  see how much you can complete of the Bill Nye Matter sheet. Bill Nye Matter

P.E. – “Keep your heart healthy by eating healthy foods and participating in lots of active play.” Check out the HeartSmart Kids activities. 2-3_HSK_Calm_Heart 2-3_HSK_Favourite_Foods 2-3_HSK_Hungry_Goal HSK_Colouring_ThankYou_ENGLISH K-1_HSK_Eat_Together K-1_HSK_Foundation_Stations K-1_HSK_Healthy_Food

May 4 – May 8, 2020 Weekly Learning Opportunities

Please do what you are capable of doing at this time and continue e-mailing me your  work when it is complete.

Continue Star Wars activities if you wish.

Math Gr. 2 – Recognizing 3D solids: watch the video to learn about the 3D solid names and characteristics – faces, edges and vertices.    Here is a 2D shapes and 3D solids chart to review characteristics: 2Dand3DBank Now see if you can find 3D solids around you and sort them. 3DSolidsRealWorld  Match the real object to the solid and name how many faces, edges and vertices/ corners each solid has. 3Dsolids When done go to Mathplayground and play some shape games or go to

Math Gr. 3 – You have shown me that you can add 2 digit numbers with and without regrouping. Now practice 3 digit numbers without regrouping. 3digitaddition   3digitnoregrouping    3digitmath-riddle-addition-shark-attack When done practice using base ten blocks when adding 3 digit numbers.

Language Arts – Go to Ms. Lynka’s website and listen to her read No Clean Clothes by Robert Munsch. Make your own t-shirt design using the template or draw your own. blank-tshirt-template  Watch Robert Munsch perform The Paper Bag Princess  What was your favourite part of the story? What was your favourite part of watching/ listening to Robert Munsch tell his own story? Continue reading for 30 minutes a day – maybe another Robert Munsch book. Or go to and listen to him read another story.

Dance – with Ms. Jaffer

Warm Up: Let’s get Moving! :


Can you make up your own dance routine using Locomotor and Non-Locomotor movements?

Cool Down:

Practice some more dances using Mrs. Jaffer’s YouTube Channel! Click on her blog and look under Primary Dance!

Music –  with Ms. Ishii and check out the story inspired by Oscar Peterson.

P.E. – enjoy some outdoor activities – skipping, badminton, bike riding, etc. Tell me which activities you did and who participated with you.

Monday May 4th – “May the Force Be with You”

I hope you enjoy the Star Wars themed learning opportunities.

Choose which activities you would like to do.  Get This Deal on Gertmenian: Star Wars Rug episode 8 HD C-3PO R2 ...

Math – Addition/ subtraction review puzzles. See if you can figure out which number is represented by the Star Wars character and answer the equations. Choose which ones you do: the levels get harder as you go up.  StarWarsMath   StarWarsMath2 StarWarsMath3

Language Arts – Write to Darth Vader and tell him how he can leave the Dark Side – give him examples of kindness acts that he can do. Choose a Journal Entry inspired by Yoda’s knowledge. YodaJournal   Colour the “th” words Mystery Picture. MysteryPictureTH  Cut out the Star Wars Character bookmarks to use. StarWarsInspiredBookmarks

Art / ADST / Free Choice – Choices: Colour a Star Wars character, find the wordsearch words, design your own droid. MaytheFourthStarWarsActivityPack Or see if you can make your own droid with materials around your house – toilet paper rolls, cardboard, recyclables, etc.


April 28 – May 1, 2020 Weekly Learning Opportunities

Please do what you are capable of doing at this time. E-mail me your  work when it is complete.

Math Gr. 2 – Geometry – How many 2D shapes can you list? [Here are some helpful hints: penta = 5 letters, 5 sides, hexagon has the letter “x” like “six”] 2D Name the Shapes     grade-2-geometry-identify-2d-shapes-b How many 2D shapes can you find in your home? Home2DShapeHunt  How many sides and vertices (corners or points) does each shape have? 2D shapes counting edges    comparing edges and vertices  Can you sort the shapes by how many sides they have? 2D side sort

Math Gr. 3 – Review of learning how to add 2-digit numbers with regrouping/ borrowing demonstrating base ten blocks using column addition. Or using expanded form by adding the tens and then the ones together. For example: ExpandedFormAddition2digit Here are some equations to show that you can add 2 digit numbers with regrouping. Addition2digitRegrouping  addition find the mistake  Shape Addition    Addition2digitWordProblems

Language Arts – Point of view writing: Write in the point of view of your pet. What is your pet thinking about you being home all the time? How is your pet feeling? Think of the “W” chart – who, what, when, where, why, (how).    If you don’t have a pet at home here is a Story Starter: If I could have any animal as a pet, I would have a ………    Read for 20-30 minutes a day. Go to Story Time with the BC SPCA and listen to the story The Forgotten Rabbit  then do the connected activity –

For more animal activities check out their site

Dance – Warm Up:


Dance to this song again with your own moves!  Do you have a favourite Dance Move?

Cool Down:

Practice some more dances using Mrs. Jaffer’s YouTube Channel! Click on her blog and look under Primary Dance!

Check out Kidz Bop Daily Dance Break on youtube

Music – check out Ms. Ishii’s activities on her blog

Art/ ADST – Design an animal pet habitat. Plan out what the animal needs/ wants. For example maybe you could design an obstacle for a hamster.

Teams Meeting – Tuesday April 27 – 11:00

April 24, 2020

Math – Review 2 digit addition without regrouping (Next week we’ll be regrouping) 2DigitAdditionHB 2DigitAdditionVB Which do you find easier to do – the equations vertically or horizontally? Once done choose a Math station – playing cards, Math game, math online, etc.

Language Arts – What is a syllable? Research what a syllable is and then find out how many each family member has in their name and write them down. Read for 20-30 minutes.

Science – States of Matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas – Read the States of Matter Posters –States of Matter posters Then go on a Matter Scavenger Hunt States of Matter Scavenger Hunt

Free Choice – Choose a Free Choice activity: playing cards, board games, lego, etc.

April 23, 2020

Math – finish the 2 digit addition sheets. For a quick review of place value and base ten blocks watch this short video. Once done  you can practice your addition facts playing

Language Arts – Continue writing your Mother Nature point of view activity and acrostic poems.

Dance – Warm Up:


Pick 3 new dance movements you learned from this Dance. Create your own dance using your new moves and pick your own song. Count 8 beats for each dance movement. Share your dance with a family member.

Cool Down: Listen to this song while you cool down by doing your own stretch

Practice some more dances using Mrs. Jaffer’s YouTube Channel! Click on her blog and look under Primary Dance!

1:30 Teams Meeting – Be prepared to share one of your poems with the class. 🙂 Also share what you did to celebrate Earth Day.

P. E. – Since it might be raining, here is a fun activity to do inside P.E. – PEWhat’sYourName

April 22, 2020 – April 23, 2020

Math – Adding 2 digit numbers. Find the sums of the equations on the following worksheets. 2DigitAdditionH2DigitAdditionV2DigitAdditionPlanetEarth Review – even numbers end in a 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8. Odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5,7, 9. For the Planet Earth sheet, put the letters of the sums on the blanks in the order they appear on the sheet.

Language Arts –  Continue composing acrostic poems to celebrate Earth Day.          Point of View writing assignment – Pretend you are Mother Nature: what would she want to tell the people who live on Earth.  For example it could begin: Hi this is Mother Nature. Thank you for treating our Earth with respect. I love it when our water our land is pollution free. …..    E-mail me when your Mother Nature writing is done.

Social Studies – Earth Day theme! Make a chart about Earth Day. Earth DayChart Name 5 or more things that you can Reduce, Reuse or Recycle. Celebrate Earth Day by doing something from your chart. For example help sort the recyclables, go for a walk and pick up litter, etc.

Music – Go to Ms. Ishii’s blog (in Links section of this website) and check out the Earth Day song.

Art – Here are some Earth Day colouring sheets for you to enjoy. EarthDayColouring , EarthDayColouring2

April 21, 2020

Math – 100 review  Write down ten or more addition equations where the sum is 100. Choose five equations and explain how you got the answer. For example, double fact (50 +50), near doubles,  adding the tens place value digits and then adding the ones place value digits, or vice versa (65 + 35 = 100: tens 60 + 30 =90 ones 5 + 5 =10 so 90 + 10 = 100).

Language Arts – Earth Day is tomorrow! Write an acrostic to celebrate. Some topic ideas: EARTH, ENVIRONMENT, RECYCLE, NATURE, CLIMATE, etc. E-mail them to me when they are done. I have really enjoyed reading all your thoughtful acrostics.

Dance – Warm Up:

           (Try asking different family members to share their energy flow with you!)

           Activity:  Earth Day is this week!  Try following the actions to this song and                  then make up your own:

           Cool DownListen to this song while you cool down by doing your own                          stretches

           Practice some more dances using Mrs. Jaffer’s YouTube Channel! Click on                  her blog and look under Primary Dance!

Science – On your Matter chart fill in the What you Wonder column with 3 or more questions.

April 20, 2020

Math – Practice your single digit addition facts. Review doubles, near doubles, making ten and using ten strategies. Write as many equations as you can for each strategy. Then for more practice you can go to or

Language Arts – Find a nice quiet area to read for 20-30 minutes. If the weather is nice maybe take a book outside.                                                                                                          I’ve loved reading your acrostic poems. 🤍 Let’s write one together. Send me some brainstormed words for the word Springtime. Maybe take a walk and observe some signs of Spring to get some inspiration.

11:00 Teams Meeting – I know we all can’t wait to chat with each other. Click the “join” meeting button and we’ll begin. 🙂

Science – Make a T chart about Matter. MatterKWLChart Fill in the “What you Know” section.

April 17, 2020

Math – I hope you got a chance to play the Making 10 card games. You’ve done “making 10” now try “Using 10” strategy.  Make a list adding 10 to single digit numbers. Ex. 0 +10 = 10, 1 + 10 = 11, etc. Why is it easy to add 10 to a number? Why does knowing how to add 10 to a number help when adding 9 to a number?

Here are some more Math card games to help reinforce your addition facts.

“Sum War” – deal the deck equally. Each player turns over two cards and says the sum (review – sum is the answer to an addition equation) of their numbers. Face cards count as 10. The person with the greater sum wins and takes the cards. The person who gets all the cards first, or who has the most cards, wins. (You can also play using subtraction.)

“25” – Deal the deck equally. Players take turns turning over a card. Each player turns over a card and adds it to the previous number. You keep adding cards until you reach the number “25”. If a person’s card would go over 25, they need to subtract the number. When someone hits 25, they win.

Language Arts – Create some more acrostic poems. Maybe write them about an activity you like to do, subject at school, friend, family member, etc. Remember that the words going across have to be related to or about the vertical word.               Are you missing reading all the Dogman books? If so you should check out Please e-mail me your DogMan drawing,  story, or other activity you did.                                                            Or in connection to Ms. Lynka’s letter to you, go and check out and do an activity she has suggested.

Free Choice Friday – Our family’s ‘free choice’ activities have been doing jigsaw puzzles, playing lots of board games, building lego, etc. What activity will you be choosing? Share your Free Choice activities with me and give me ideas I can be doing at home too. 🙂

April 16, 2020

Math – Making 10 review – Did you figure out the number pattern when you made your “Making 10” list? How does knowing your 10 facts help you with other addition equations? For example, how does knowing  that 8 + 2 = 10 help you figure out what 8 + 3 = ? Review all the making 10 facts and then get a deck of cards.                                                                                                                                                                      “Go Fish for 10” – remove the 10’s, Jacks, Queens and Kings. Each player gets 4 cards. Play just like Go Fish, but instead of looking for pairs/ matches, look for combinations of 10.  For example I have a 6, 3, 8, Ace in my hand. I could say “Do you have a 4?  So that I add 6 + 4 =10.                                                                                                      “Go for 10 Memory/ Concentration – Remove 10’s and face cards.  Lay the cards face down in rows. Choose 2 cards and flip them over.  Each player takes turns removing two cards that add up to ten. Play until all the 10 facts have been made.     Have fun!

Language Arts – April is poetry month! Do you know what an acrostic poem is? It sounds like the word “across”. It is a poem where you write a word/ words vertically, brainstorm words that begin with the letters and write the words across. You can read and watch a short video by children’s author/ poet Kenn Nesbitt

Here’s an example I did for you:



Now you try it. Make an acrostic with your name. You can also make some acrostics about family members or friends. :)Then e-mail your acrostics to me. I can’t wait to read them. 🤍

P.E. – Enjoy this nice spring weather. Choose an activity – basketball, badminton, soccer, biking, or just go for a walk and experience the signs of spring.

April 15, 2020

Math -Making 10 addition strategy. List all the addition ways to make 10.  Write them on a piece of paper vertically.

For example:

1 + 9 = 10

2 + 8 =10

Do you see a pattern emerging already?

After you have made your list you can go to and practice your 10 facts.

Language Arts – Go to and watch one of our favourite authors, Peter H. Reynolds read his latest book, Be You! I miss seeing all the things that make you, you.  🙂 What was your favourite page in the book? If you could add your own page to his book, what would it be? Write it and draw an illustration and then e-mail it to me.

Music – go to Ms. Ishii’s website at  for our divisions activities.


April 14, 2020

MathNear doubles reviewnear double facts are double facts plus or minus 1 or 2  than the number.

For examples 5 +6 = 11    6 is one more than 5 so 5+5 = 10 +1 =11   or 5 is one less than 6 so 6+6=12 -1=11

7 +9 =16   9 is  two more than 7 so 7 + 7 = 14 +2 = 16  or 7 is two less than 9 so 9+9=18-2=16

Choose five numbers and write down its double fact and near double facts.

Ex. Three 3+3=6,  (1 less) 3+2=5  (2 less) 3+1=4     (1 more) 3+4=7  (2 more) 3+5 =8

Language Arts – Writer’s Workshop: finish editing your Easter story and e-mail it to me. Read daily for 15 – 20 minutes.

Science – Check out for some interesting Scientific investigations. Can you remember any other animal adaptations we researched?

Dance – You can use the GoNoodle site for dance today.

Warm Up


Make up another dance using this song and include three dance movements that you learned from the “I’m still standing” dance.

Cool Down

Practice some more dances using Mrs. Jaffer’s YouTube Channel! Click on her blog and look under Primary Dance!

April 9, 2020

Math –  Double Facts Memory/ Concentration Game – you will need a deck of cards with the face cards removed.  (If you don’t have a deck of card perhaps you can write the numbers 1-10 twice on pieces of paper instead) Lay the cards face down in rows. Choose 2 cards and flip them over. If you get a pair/ double fact, add them up and you keep the cards if you get the fact correct. Play the game until all the cards are matched.

Language Arts – Writer’s Workshop: once your rough draft is finished begin editing it yourself and then with a parent, sibling, etc.  Edit for correct spelling, punctuation, and to make sure the text makes sense and stays on topic. When you have finished editing you can type it on the computer and send it to me when it is done. I can’t wait to read your creative story. 🙂

Science – go to and watch a video and read about a savanna animal.

Drama – play charades – on pieces of paper write down some activities/ people/ sports, etc. Take turns acting them out and guessing. 🙂

April 8, 2020

Mathdouble facts – ex. 3 + 3 =6,   7 + 7 = 14  how many do you know already? Make a table with the double facts to 20. How does knowing double facts help you with addition or subtraction?

Language Arts – Writer’s Workshop: continue working on your rough draft. Things to work on – remember to have periods at the end of your sentences and capitals at the beginning.

Dogman! check out and listen to Dav Pilkey read or learn how to draw some of the characters.

Music – check out Mrs. Ishii’s website for some activities –

Free Choice – play a game with a family member, collect some things to create with, free time outside, charades, etc.

April 7, 2020

Math – collect things from your scavenger hunt and begin to sort them. For example, I would group my Girl Guide cookie box, puzzle box, speaker, and shoe box together because they all have rectangle faces.

Language Arts – Writer’s Workshop: begin your rough draft for your story. Things to remember – introduce setting and characters in the beginning, have a problem in the middle and come up with a solution.

Art – check out Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems, author of the Elephant & Piggie and the Pigeon books. or   I would love to see your doodles! 🙂

P.E./ Dance – check out Ms. Jaffer’s blog/ website at and click on Primary Dance

April 6, 2020

Math – Go on a scavenger hunt in your home! See how many 2-D  shapes and 3-D solids you can find. Look for rectangular prisms, cylinders, cubes, cones, pyramids, and spheres.

Language Arts – Writer’s Workshop Story Starter:  “When I went on an Easter Egg hunt I didn’t find any eggs. Instead I found…..”
Pre-writing Planning- fold a paper in thirds with headings Beginning (setting, characters), Middle (problem) and End (solution)

Read, read, read. Re-tell or act out a story you read.

P.E. – enjoy the wonderful spring weather – go for a walk, skipping, bouncing a ball