
Tag: Language Arts (Page 1 of 2)

Summer Ideas

Below are some optional French language activities/resources that you can explore throughout the summer.



Keep reading daily in French and English. Here are some online options:

SummerReadingClubflyer (1)

Username: Marlborough

Password: reads

Dictee/Vocabulary Practice

Sight Words 1

sight words 2

sight words 3

sight words 4

Below are some websites with games and activities using vocabulary/spelling in French. 


Start a summer journal in French where you can write about your day to day activities.

Oral Languages

Set up a virtual playdate with a classmate where you can chat in French. Here are some topic ideas:

  • Play a game (guess the number, hangman, 20 questions)
  • Share your plans for the weekend
  • Tell a story, put on a puppet show 
  • recommend/give a recap of your favorite book or movie
  • Listen to Music, sing a song together

Listen to French Music

Watch your favorite TV show in French on Netflix by changing the language to “French” or adding subtitles

Play your favorite card game using the numbers in French and teaching a family member the vocabulary.

Week 10


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for a minimum of 10 minutes.
  2. Practice reading out loud your writing activity #1. You are going to be sharing this with your classmates during our small group Zoom meetings this week. 

Dictee #10: IN

*pronounced the same as in English but with a nasal sound

  1. La fin–the end
  2. intéressante–interesting
  3. le lapin—the rabbit
  4. un magasin—a store
  5. le jardin—the garden
  6. le requin—the shark
  7. elle invite—she invites
  8. le patin—the skate
  9. le raisin—the grape
  10. un singe—a monkey

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  Le singe invite son ami le lapin au magasin de patin cette fin de semaine.

1. Vocabulary practice: Put the vocabulary words into alphabetical order

When putting words into alphabetical order you look at the first letter of the word and what order it comes in the alphabet. For example, if a word starts with “a”, it would be the first word on your list and if a word ends with “z” it would be the last. If there is more than one word that starts with the same letter, you look at the second letter. If they are also the same, look at the third, then fourth etc…

In this case, please ignore “le”, “la” and “un”.

2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. If you want a challenge, try the sentence at the end. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


1. Write about your favorite in class memory from this year. Highlight any vocabulary in English that you need in French or any vocabulary that you had to search/translate for this writing activity. You may add a drawing if you wish. Below is an optional graphic organizer:

Mon souvenir préféré de cette année

Grade 1s please write a minimum of 3 sentences

Grade 2s please write a minimum of 5 sentences

** Don’t forget to check for periods and capital letters when you reread your writing. 

2. Complete the booklet on IN


Optional: Tell me a story about our classroom butterfly now that they are free in the garden. 

What happened to them? Where did they fly to? Where do they sleep and what do they eat? 

Your story can be a prediction of where you think the butterfly really are at this moment or it can be imaginative/creative. For example:

Did they have an adventure? Did they make new friends? 

Oral Languages

This week we will be having small group Zoom meetings with our peers in class. Please sign up for a date and time that works best for your child.

Week 9


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for a minimum of 10 minutes.
  2. Try the following reading activity: Read the description in French and draw 🙂

reading response gr 1

reading response gr 2

Dictee #9: “EN/”EM””

*pronounced same as you would in Eng but with a nasal sound

  1. le temps—the temperature
  2. Je prends–I take
  3. une tempête—a storm
  4. un emploi—a job
  5. décembre–December
  6. vendredi–Friday
  7. le silence–silence
  8. un calendrier—a calendar
  9. un parent—a parent
  10. un dentiste—a dentist

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  Ce vendredi de décembre, quand on a fait le calendrier, le temps était “il fait tempête”.

1.Vocabulary practice: Watch the following video on the sound “en”

  1. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. If you want a challenge, try the sentence at the end. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


1. Complete the booklet on EN (or write the corresponding answers on a piece of paper)


2. Journal: Pendant la fin de semaine

Tell me at least 3 things you did over the weekend. Try not to just give me a list of all the activities you did. Add interesting details. What did you see? How did you feel? Who did you spend weekend with? 

  • je suis allé(e)
  • j’ai fait
  • j’ai joué
  • j’ai mangé
  • j’ai aimé
  • j’étais

Grade 1  3-5 sentences

Grade 2  5-8 sentences

Don’t forget to start your sentences with capital letters and finish with a period. Reread your work when you are finished to make sure it makes sense. 

Optional: Create your own drawing and description (see above reading activity). You may want to start by drawing your object/animal/monster first and describe it’s appearance after or you may choose to write first and then draw what you have described. Here are some things to consider

  • le couleur
  • la taille
  • l’arrière plan (ou est-il?)
  • qu’est-ce que c’est
  • la forme
  • d’autres détails

Oral Languages

Please join us for Snack and Story on Tuesday June 9th and Thursday June 11th at 10 a.m. I will e-mail the Zoom link for those dates on Monday. See you all then!

Week 8


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for minimum of 10 minutes
  2. While doing your reading throughout the week, complete at least one activity from the below choice board. 

Reading Choice Board

Dictee #8: “EU”

*pronounced same as you would in Eng

  1. le feu—the fire
  2. bleu–blue
  3. je veux—I want
  4. Je peux–I can
  5. un œuf—an egg
  6. le déjeuner–lunch
  7. leur–their
  8. une heure—one hour
  9. une soeur—a sister
  10. heureux–happy

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  Ma soeur est heureuse quand elle peut manger un oeuf pour le déjeuner. 

1.Vocabulary practice: Watch the following video on the sound “eu”

2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. If you want a challenge, try the sentence at the end. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


  1. Complete the booklet on EU (or write the corresponding answers on a piece of paper): eu
  2. Complete the Core Competency Self Assessment and be ready to talk about your answer during conferences this week 🙂 Student-Parent Assessment
  3. Missing Poster: Listen or read the audio book Le gros monster qui aimait trop lire on Marlborough Tumblebooks  (username: marlborough password: reads)

Pick one of the main characters from the book. Your character has gone missing. Your task is to create a missing persons poster. Please include a drawing and description of the missing character. Pick two adjectives that describe your character (generous, kind, greedy, mean, funny, lazy, etc.) and use examples from the text that show that your character fits the adjectives that you have chosen to describe them.

Feel free to use the graphic organiser to help you organise your ideas.

FrenchNarrativeWritingCommentecrireunehistoire (dragged) 2

Take your time. Read/listen to the book and work on the graphic organizer one day and then complete the poster another day.

Please complete the poster and send to me


Here are some examples


Optional: Continue working on your Covid Capsule


Oral Languages

One on One conferences to work on Core competency self assessment. Please complete the Student-Parent Assessment with your child and sign up for a conference time that works for them.

Week 7


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for minimum of 10 minutes
  2. While doing your reading throughout the week, complete at least one activity from the below choice board. 

Reading Choice Board

Dictee #7: “CH”

*pronounced like “sh” in English

  1. chaud–hot
  2. il marche—he walks
  3. une chanson—a song
  4. un chemin—a road
  5. la bouche—the mouth
  6. une mouche—a fly
  7. le chocolat—the chocolate
  8. un cheval—a horse
  9. chaque–each
  10. Un chat–a cat

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  Il fait chaud chaque semaine quand je marche au chemin pour visiter le cheval et le chat qui habitent chez ma grande-mere.

  1. Vocabulary practice: Create a “tongue-twister” using the sound “ch” in a sentence (in French) as many times as possible. Remember that your sentence can be silly, but needs to make sense grammatically. You may use some of the vocabulary words but try to come up with some of your own “ch” words to add.
  2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. If you want a challenge, try the sentence at the end. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


Non fiction writing/Facts

1. Write down 3 “faits”/“facts” that you know about our caterpillar or 3 observations from the above picture.

Les chenilles sont… ”

2. Write down 3 questions you’d like answered about our caterpillar or butterflies in general.

Est-ce que les papillons/chenillles….?

  • Aiment/like
  • Vont/will they
  • Ont besoin de/need
  • sont/are

3. Covid 19 Time capsule continued: Please choose 2 more pages from the time capsule to complete. The English Version is include underneath for translation.

ma capsule 2020


4. Le point d’exclamation et les bandes dessinés:

Le point d’exclamation (!) se place à la fin d’une phrase exprimant beaucoup d’émotion (la surprise, la colère, la peur, la joie, la frustration) Faites une bande déssinée avec les phrases d’exclamation. Ensuite pratiquez à dire ces phrases avec émotion.

Exclamative sentences express strong feelings and end with an exclamation mark (!) An exclamative sentence is used to show fear, surprise, anger, frustration, joy etc.  Create a cartoon using exclamative sentences, then practice saying the sentences with expression. Please send me your work. If you practice saying them, you can send me a video of you acting them out.

Voici mon example.  Je peux améliorer mon travail en en ajoutant de la couleur.

Oral Languages

Please sign up for a conference time that works for your child. This week we will be looking at the transformation the caterpillars are making. We will be sharing our observations/questions about the caterpillar and butterfly as well as making some new observations and predictions.

Week 6


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for minimum of 10 minutes
  2. While doing your reading throughout the week, complete at least one activity from the below choice board. 

Reading Choice Board

Dictee #6: “ON”

*pronounced with a nasal sound

  1. mon–my
  2. son– his/hers
  3. bon–good
  4. bonjour—hello
  5. le bonbon—the candy
  6. le pont—the bridge
  7. rond—round
  8. la saison—the season
  9. l’avion–the plane
  10. le cochon—the pig

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  Mon bon chien dit bonjour à son ami le cochon rond à l’autre côté du pont. 

1.Vocabulary practice: Write a journal entry about your day. Share whatever you like:

J’ai mangé/I ate

J’ai fait/I did/made

Je suis allé(e)/I went

Je vais/I will

Je veux/I want

Je suis/I am

Grade 1’s please write a minimum of  3 sentences 

Grade 2’s a minimum of 5 sentences. 

Highlight, circle or underline every time you use the sound “on”.

2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. If you want a challenge, try the sentence at the end. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


1. Write down three questions that you could ask your friends during our Zoom conference

  • Est-ce que tu/do you
  • Aimes-tu/do you like
  • As-tu/have you
  • Est-ce que tu vas/will you
  • Comment est-ce que tu/how do you

2. Place words in the correct order.

Une phrase commence avec une LETTRE MAJUSCULE et se termine avec un .!?

Grade 1:

  1. rouge pomme une voici
  2. jouer soccer j’aime le
  3. mange il biscuit un
  4. marché au j’ai aujourd’hui parc
  5. mes gentils amis sont

Grade 2:

  1. manger j’aime la beaucoup au tarte chocolat
  2. après-midi j’ai cet petites voitures joué aux
  3. passé weekend le ski fait j’ai du
  4. préféré sport est mon le soccer
  5. mère aidé j’ai ce avec matin rangement ma le
  6. avec veux je dehors jouer amis mes
  7. en chenilles se papillon vont les transformer en

3. Covid19 Time Capsule

COVID-19 has given us the rare gift of time. It has given us a time to pause, time for us to reconnect with the earth and our families. This time capsule allows your child to reflect on how they are feeling during these times. They will also have a chance to document what is important to them at this time.




Enlgish Version:



Oral Languages

This week we will be doing small group Zoom sessions. We are going to focus on vocabulary through a selection of games. Please sign up for a time slot that works for you.

Don’t forget to come prepared with 3 questions written in French that you could ask your classmates. Please view Writing Activity #1 for sentence starters and prompts.

Week 5


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for a minimum of 10 minutes
  2. You should receive a letter some time this week. Read your letter 🙂 Read it out loud to someone else in your family.

Dictee #5: “ai”

*pronounced like eh (the Canadian way) or sometimes e same as in English and SOMETIMES eye

  1. j’ai–I have
  2. j’aime–I like
  3. Mais–but
  4. Je fais–I make/I do
  5. aider–help
  6. La maison–the house
  7. Le travail–work **pronounced “trav-eye
  8. Un main–a hand
  9. Maintenant–now
  10. Je serais–I will be

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  J’aime aider et je fais le travail de maison, mais maintenant mon main est fatigué!

1. Vocabulary practice: Create a word search using the vocabulary from this week. If you have a printer, you can use the template below. Add your vocabulary inside the grid then fill in the rest of the squares with random letters. Make sure to include your vocabulary search list on the left side. 

*As a challenge, you may add more words containing the same sound.

word search

2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. If you want a challenge, try the sentence at the end. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


  1. Write a letter to respond to the one you received in the mail. Try and answer one or all of the questions. Can you think of any other questions? Please take a picture of your letter and e-mail it to me.
  2. Try one or both of these vocabulary games:

Optional: l’atelier des histoires – story workshop 

Créer une histoire. Pensez à un endroit, des personnages et les évènements.  Est-ce qu’il y a un problème et comment se termine l’histoire? Essaie de ton mieux à écrire dans tes propres mots en français

Make sure you choose a setting, characters and events in your story.  Try to write down your story or represent it in another way. 

Oral Language

This week we will be having one on one conferences on Zoom. With your child, please decide on a focus point. Choose whether you would like us to work on reading (through Raz Kids), writing, Math, conversation in French or a specific homework assignment. Please sign up for a time that works for your child using the link below.

Week 4


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for a minimum of 10 minutes
  2. Listen and follow along with the below audiobook. Draw me a picture of your favorite part and tell me what is happening.

Grade 1’s:

Grade 2’s:

Dictee #4- “é”

*pronounced like “eh” (the Canadian way) or “ay”

  1. J’ai mangé/I ate
  2. Le marché/the market
  3. L’été/summer
  4. Le bébé/the baby
  5. La poupée/the doll
  6. J’étais/I was
  7. L’école/the school
  8. La crème glacée/Ice cream
  9. Un carré/a square
  10. Un vélo/a bike

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  Pendant l’été, je suis allée au marché avec ma poupée et j’ai mangé une crème glacée!

  1. Vocabulary practice: Try this online game to practice spelling words with the sound é
  2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. If you want a challenge, try the sentence at the end. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


  1. Spring: Use all your senses to come up with a good list of words, sentences or images associated with Spring. If you prefer, you can draw a  spring scene and then label your drawing. If you need inspiration, look out a window or go for a walk. ‘

Ecrire des mots, des phrases ou dessiner des images associées au printemps. “Pendant le printemps…”:

  • Je vois/observe/regarde
  • Je sens
  • J’entends/j’écoute
  • Je goûte/je mange/je déguste
  • Je touche
  • j’aime

Le Printemps

Bonjour le soleil qui sort de sa cachette

Bonjour les enfants qui font de la bicyclette

Bonjour les fleurs qui se reveille

Mars, avril et mai

C’est le temps de célébrer

Une nouvelle saison

Le printemps

Using your words, sentences and images from activity 1, write a poem, a paragraph or sentences about spring. Please write in French and do your best to add detail and be creative. Make sure to send me your work

GRADE 2: Please write a poem or paragraph 5-7 sentences

GRADE 1: You can write sentences (3-5), a paragraph or a poem

Spring vocab

2. Please find and correct the mistakes in each sentence:

  • J’ai allée au parc. (1 mistake)
  • Je a mangé une banane é un sandwich. (2 mistakes)
  • Mon maman et gentille. (2 mistakes)
  • la fille joue avek sa frère. (3 mistakes)
  • J’ème les fleur (3 mistakes)
  • Le bato flotte dans l’eau. (1 mistake)

Oral Language

This week we will be having small group conferences on Zoom. Please sign up for a time that works for your child using the link below. For this meeting, students will be presenting a show and tell. Below is an optional worksheet to help your child prepare:

Show and Tell:

Please prepare and practise your montre et raconte for when we meet up again. Here is a script. You do not have to follow it.

  1. Bonjour je m’appelle_____________
  2. J’ai un objet mystère/ I have a mystery item
  3. Peux-tu deviner mon objet? Voici des indices/ Can you guess my object? Here are some clues.
  4. C’est petit(e)/moyen(ne)/grand(e)
  5. C’est vivant/non-vivant
  6. C’est fait en bois/plastique/métal
  7. C’est en forme d’un rectangle
  8. Mon objet commence avec la lettre
  9. ________________________________________
  10. J’aime mon objet parce que

mon objet mystere

Week 3


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for a minimum of 10 minutes.
  2. Choose a book in French. This can be a paper book you have at home or an audiobook from Tumblebooks or any other website. Read, listen/watch it as many times as you want. You are going to do a book share during our conferences this week. Plan or write a small script or notes to share with your peers. Here are some things you may want to share about the book you read:
  • Le titre du livre est/Title
  • L’auteur s’appelle/Author
  • L’illustrateur s’appelle/illustrator
  • Les personnages principaux sont/Main characters
  • L’histoire parle de/What the story is about
  • J’ai aimé le livre/je n’ai pas aimé le livre/Parceque/Did you like it?/Why
  • Je recommande ce livre/Je ne recommande pas ce livre/Would you recommend it?
  • J’ai fait un lien avec/Some connections you made while reading

Dictee #3- “au” and “eau”

*pronounced like “oh” in English

  1. L’eau–water
  2. jaune–yellow
  3. chaud—hot
  4. beau–pretty/nice
  5. une auto—a car
  6. un bateau—a boat
  7. beaucoup—a lot
  8. un cadeau—a gift 
  9. Un seau–a bucket
  10. au revoir–goodbye

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional): Il fait beau sur mon bateau où je remplis un seau de l’eau chaud. 

  1. Vocabulary practice: Can you find these letters in any of your French books? Use Raz-Kids, Tumblebooks or any of your at home resources (even labels on food packages and other products) to look for the sound “au” and “eau”. Make a list and send it to me.
  2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. If you want a challenge, try the sentence at the end. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


  1. Think about all of the people who are working with the public to help keep us healthy, safe and equipped with everything that we need. Make a list of these people. Can you write them a thank you letter,  message or image that you could draw with chalk on the sidewalk or post on your window or door. If you know of an essential service worker/un travailleur d’un service ou d’un fonction essentiel, consider sending them your letter/message/drawing.
  2. Ecris une histoire d’aventure basée sur l’image. Before you send your story, please reread your writing. Does it make sense? Do you need to make changes? Once you have done this, please send the story to me.
  • Grade 1 (3-5 sentences)
  • Grade2 ( 6-9 sentences)

Oral Language

This week we will be having small group conferences on Zoom. Please sign up for a time that works for your child using the link below. Remind your child that they will be sharing about a book they read in French this week!

Week 2


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for a minimum of 10 minutes
  2. Choose a book that you think is an appropriate level and practice reading it out loud. When you are ready, click “record”. Don’t forget to click “stop” when you are finished and read your book right to the end! This way I will have access to your recording 🙂 Keep your eyes open on the Raz website for my “comment” on your recording.

Dictee #2- “oi”

*pronounced like “wuh” in English

  1. Moi—me
  2. Toi—you
  3. un poisson—a fish
  4. Un oiseau—a bird
  5. j’ai soif—I’m thirsty
  6. j’ai froid—I’m cold
  7. une voiture—a car
  8. voir—to see
  9. avoir—to have
  10. Pourquoi—why?

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  Quand je suis sur la route avec toi, je veux voir un oiseau et un poisson! 

  1. Vocabulary practice: What other words can you think of that have the letters “oi” in them? Write a list. Draw a picture beside each word you can think of. E-mail me your list.
  2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.



1. “Les provisions”: Write a grocery list by asking members of your family what they might need and by looking for what might be needed in your fridge and cupboards. Don’t forget that most packages you see have labels in English and also French (so you can check vocabulary/spelling).

Chez nous, nous avons besoin de…/ At our house we need…

2. Choose one day of your week and tell me at least 3 things you did that day, using sequential vocabulary (first this, then that…). Remember to use full sentences, starting with a capital letter and finishing with a period.

Initial Actions (1) Secondary Actions (2) Final Actions (3)
  • D’abord (first)
  • Premièrement (firstly)
  • Pour commencer (to start)
  • Après (after)
  • Ensuite (then)
  • Plus tard (later)
  • Puis (and then)
  • Deuxièmement (secondly)
  • Enfin (finally)
  • Dernièrement (lastly)
  • À la fin (at the end)

Please e-mail me your two writing activities.

Oral Language

This week we will be having buddy conferences on Zoom. Please sign up for a time that works for your child using the link below. Again, a gentle reminder to please not edit any names other than your own.

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