
  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for minimum of 10 minutes
  2. While doing your reading throughout the week, complete at least one activity from the below choice board. 

Reading Choice Board

Dictee #6: “ON”

*pronounced with a nasal sound

  1. mon–my
  2. son– his/hers
  3. bon–good
  4. bonjour—hello
  5. le bonbon—the candy
  6. le pont—the bridge
  7. rond—round
  8. la saison—the season
  9. l’avion–the plane
  10. le cochon—the pig

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  Mon bon chien dit bonjour à son ami le cochon rond à l’autre côté du pont. 

1.Vocabulary practice: Write a journal entry about your day. Share whatever you like:

J’ai mangé/I ate

J’ai fait/I did/made

Je suis allé(e)/I went

Je vais/I will

Je veux/I want

Je suis/I am

Grade 1’s please write a minimum of  3 sentences 

Grade 2’s a minimum of 5 sentences. 

Highlight, circle or underline every time you use the sound “on”.

2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. If you want a challenge, try the sentence at the end. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


1. Write down three questions that you could ask your friends during our Zoom conference

  • Est-ce que tu/do you
  • Aimes-tu/do you like
  • As-tu/have you
  • Est-ce que tu vas/will you
  • Comment est-ce que tu/how do you

2. Place words in the correct order.

Une phrase commence avec une LETTRE MAJUSCULE et se termine avec un .!?

Grade 1:

  1. rouge pomme une voici
  2. jouer soccer j’aime le
  3. mange il biscuit un
  4. marché au j’ai aujourd’hui parc
  5. mes gentils amis sont

Grade 2:

  1. manger j’aime la beaucoup au tarte chocolat
  2. après-midi j’ai cet petites voitures joué aux
  3. passé weekend le ski fait j’ai du
  4. préféré sport est mon le soccer
  5. mère aidé j’ai ce avec matin rangement ma le
  6. avec veux je dehors jouer amis mes
  7. en chenilles se papillon vont les transformer en

3. Covid19 Time Capsule

COVID-19 has given us the rare gift of time. It has given us a time to pause, time for us to reconnect with the earth and our families. This time capsule allows your child to reflect on how they are feeling during these times. They will also have a chance to document what is important to them at this time.




Enlgish Version:



Oral Languages

This week we will be doing small group Zoom sessions. We are going to focus on vocabulary through a selection of games. Please sign up for a time slot that works for you.

Don’t forget to come prepared with 3 questions written in French that you could ask your classmates. Please view Writing Activity #1 for sentence starters and prompts.