Math Activities #6: Graphing/les graphiques

1. Listen and follow along with the story:

When you are finished reading, complete the activity. Don’t forget to save 🙂

Here are the instructions in English:

In a survey on animals, we see 4 cats and 8 dogs.

Show 4 cats and 8 dogs on the graph.

Which animal is the post popular?

Explain how you know this just by looking at the graph.

2. Create your own pictograph by comparing at least 2 things you can find in your household. 

Ex. Are there more windows or doors in the house?

Ex 2. Do you have more books in English or in French?

3. Come up with 3 “sondage”/survey questions that you could ask your classmates. 

4. Complete the following worksheet or create your own tally graph. 
