Below are some optional French language activities/resources that you can explore throughout the summer.



Keep reading daily in French and English. Here are some online options:

SummerReadingClubflyer (1)

Username: Marlborough

Password: reads

Dictee/Vocabulary Practice

Sight Words 1

sight words 2

sight words 3

sight words 4

Below are some websites with games and activities using vocabulary/spelling in French. 


Start a summer journal in French where you can write about your day to day activities.

Oral Languages

Set up a virtual playdate with a classmate where you can chat in French. Here are some topic ideas:

  • Play a game (guess the number, hangman, 20 questions)
  • Share your plans for the weekend
  • Tell a story, put on a puppet show 
  • recommend/give a recap of your favorite book or movie
  • Listen to Music, sing a song together

Listen to French Music

Watch your favorite TV show in French on Netflix by changing the language to “French” or adding subtitles

Play your favorite card game using the numbers in French and teaching a family member the vocabulary.