
Month: April 2020 (Page 1 of 2)

Week 3

Addition and subtraction to 20 Review

1. Go Fish – Doubles Materials – deck of playing cards, take out the face cards Like the regular Go Fish game, but when you get a pair, in other words, a double, you need to say what the sum is. Ex. If you have a 6 in your hand, ask the other player “As-tu un 6? (our) 6 et 6 font 12” The player who has the most doubles wins!

2. Complete the addition and subtraction to 20 worksheets below. Think about the strategies we learned in class (doubles, voisins, presque voisins, faire 10, + 9, -9, à zero etc). If you are unable to print the worksheet, copy or write out your own equations. 

“Math Minute Challenge”: If you are looking for a challenge, time yourself and see how many questions you are able to answer in 5 minutes. How about 1?

addition et soustraction a 20

3. Probleme: Tu achètes 20 fruits. Quelques-uns sont des pommes, quelques-uns sont des bananes et quelques-uns sont des oranges. Combien de chaque fruit peux-tu avoir? Explique avec des mots, des dessins ou des objets. You buy 20 fruits, some are apples, some are bananas and some are oranges (feel free to add other fruits to the mix!). How many of each fruit could you have? Explain your thinking with words, pictures, or objects.

4. Look at the Example 1 and example 2. Can you create your own subtraction story?

Example 1 La nuit d’Halloween, j’ai ramassé 32 barres de chocolat. J’adore le chocolat. Pendant la nuit mon papa a mangé 6 barres de chocolat. Combien de barres de chocolat restent t-il?

Example 2 Il y a un grand arbre devant ma maison. Il y 15 oiseaux qui chantent dans l’arbre. 5 oiseaux s’envolent. Combien de oiseaux restent t-il?




Combien de _______________ restent-t-il?

5. Try the following addition and subtraction games/websites:

***Bonus activity: Create your own addition and subtraction worksheet on

Please send me your work for activities 2, 3 and 4 🙂

Week 3


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for a minimum of 10 minutes.
  2. Choose a book in French. This can be a paper book you have at home or an audiobook from Tumblebooks or any other website. Read, listen/watch it as many times as you want. You are going to do a book share during our conferences this week. Plan or write a small script or notes to share with your peers. Here are some things you may want to share about the book you read:
  • Le titre du livre est/Title
  • L’auteur s’appelle/Author
  • L’illustrateur s’appelle/illustrator
  • Les personnages principaux sont/Main characters
  • L’histoire parle de/What the story is about
  • J’ai aimé le livre/je n’ai pas aimé le livre/Parceque/Did you like it?/Why
  • Je recommande ce livre/Je ne recommande pas ce livre/Would you recommend it?
  • J’ai fait un lien avec/Some connections you made while reading

Dictee #3- “au” and “eau”

*pronounced like “oh” in English

  1. L’eau–water
  2. jaune–yellow
  3. chaud—hot
  4. beau–pretty/nice
  5. une auto—a car
  6. un bateau—a boat
  7. beaucoup—a lot
  8. un cadeau—a gift 
  9. Un seau–a bucket
  10. au revoir–goodbye

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional): Il fait beau sur mon bateau où je remplis un seau de l’eau chaud. 

  1. Vocabulary practice: Can you find these letters in any of your French books? Use Raz-Kids, Tumblebooks or any of your at home resources (even labels on food packages and other products) to look for the sound “au” and “eau”. Make a list and send it to me.
  2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. If you want a challenge, try the sentence at the end. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


  1. Think about all of the people who are working with the public to help keep us healthy, safe and equipped with everything that we need. Make a list of these people. Can you write them a thank you letter,  message or image that you could draw with chalk on the sidewalk or post on your window or door. If you know of an essential service worker/un travailleur d’un service ou d’un fonction essentiel, consider sending them your letter/message/drawing.
  2. Ecris une histoire d’aventure basée sur l’image. Before you send your story, please reread your writing. Does it make sense? Do you need to make changes? Once you have done this, please send the story to me.
  • Grade 1 (3-5 sentences)
  • Grade2 ( 6-9 sentences)

Oral Language

This week we will be having small group conferences on Zoom. Please sign up for a time that works for your child using the link below. Remind your child that they will be sharing about a book they read in French this week!

Week 2

Math Activity #2: Number Sense Review


1. Listen to the story “En Safari” through Pearson’s Mathology Series:

Complete the activity that comes up. “How many tiles?” Create a drawing using as many different coloured tiles as you wish. Tell me how many tiles of each colour you used and how many in total. Don’t forget to save your image and send it to me!

2. Complete the “Greater Than/Less Than” worksheet below and send it to me. If you are unable to print the worksheet, you can write the questions (or create your own) on a piece of paper.

= means equal. Use this symbol when the numbers are the same. Ex 36 = 36

> or < are used to indicate which number is bigger. Think of this symbol as a hungry alligator who wants to eat the bigger number. This way the triangle is always open towards the bigger number and pointing towards the smaller ex 36 > 14 or 2 < 9

Practice saying the equations out loud using vocabulary in French:

  • Plus que/more than
  • Moins que/less than
  • Égal à/equal to

Ex. 12 est plus petit que 20 


3. Play the card game “War”: The deck is divided evenly among players. Players draw the top card from their pile at the same time. Players must say the numbers in French. The biggest number wins and takes both cards for their “winnings” pile. When both players run out of cards, the player with the most cards in their “winnings” pile wins! 

4. Practice grouping 10’s and 1’s in this place value game:

5. Teach someone in your family how to play the “Digit Game”. We will review how to play this game during our conferences this week. Here are the instructions:

One person picks a number, writes it down and hides it. The second person has to guess the number. Write down each guess in the left column. In the second column you will write how many numerals (out of the two) are guessed correctly and in the third column you write how many of those numbers are in the correct digit (10’s and 1’s place). The game continues until the second person guesses correctly. Once students have a good understanding of how this game works they are able to use strategy to guess the correct number. Here is an example of how the game could look.

*numbers must be double digit (between 10 and 98) with no repetition (ex 99)

Secret number: 24

Devine (guess) Numéro (numeral) Chiffre (digit)
















*Bonus Activity: Go for a walk. Look at the house numbers in your neighbourhood: what do you notice?

Week 2


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for a minimum of 10 minutes
  2. Choose a book that you think is an appropriate level and practice reading it out loud. When you are ready, click “record”. Don’t forget to click “stop” when you are finished and read your book right to the end! This way I will have access to your recording 🙂 Keep your eyes open on the Raz website for my “comment” on your recording.

Dictee #2- “oi”

*pronounced like “wuh” in English

  1. Moi—me
  2. Toi—you
  3. un poisson—a fish
  4. Un oiseau—a bird
  5. j’ai soif—I’m thirsty
  6. j’ai froid—I’m cold
  7. une voiture—a car
  8. voir—to see
  9. avoir—to have
  10. Pourquoi—why?

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  Quand je suis sur la route avec toi, je veux voir un oiseau et un poisson! 

  1. Vocabulary practice: What other words can you think of that have the letters “oi” in them? Write a list. Draw a picture beside each word you can think of. E-mail me your list.
  2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.



1. “Les provisions”: Write a grocery list by asking members of your family what they might need and by looking for what might be needed in your fridge and cupboards. Don’t forget that most packages you see have labels in English and also French (so you can check vocabulary/spelling).

Chez nous, nous avons besoin de…/ At our house we need…

2. Choose one day of your week and tell me at least 3 things you did that day, using sequential vocabulary (first this, then that…). Remember to use full sentences, starting with a capital letter and finishing with a period.

Initial Actions (1) Secondary Actions (2) Final Actions (3)
  • D’abord (first)
  • Premièrement (firstly)
  • Pour commencer (to start)
  • Après (after)
  • Ensuite (then)
  • Plus tard (later)
  • Puis (and then)
  • Deuxièmement (secondly)
  • Enfin (finally)
  • Dernièrement (lastly)
  • À la fin (at the end)

Please e-mail me your two writing activities.

Oral Language

This week we will be having buddy conferences on Zoom. Please sign up for a time that works for your child using the link below. Again, a gentle reminder to please not edit any names other than your own.


Our class had registered for the Walk 30 Challenge where we planned to get outside and walk for 30 minutes a day from April 6th to May 9th. Please do your best to participate in this anyways!

Below is a list of other possible activities that you can be doing to stay active. Please make an effort to spend AT LEAST 30-60 minutes a day getting active and getting outside (while continuing to practice social distancing, of course). At the bottom of the list is a Neighbourhood Scavenger List and a BINGO sheet. Do your best to cross off each activity on the BINGO sheet over the next couple of months!


DPA Scavenger Hunt and BINGO


The following activities are optional and are meant to be done at your own pace. You may choose to share your assignments with me but it is not expected that you e-mail me these assignments. 


Activity #1: Go for a walk. Enjoy the fresh air. Keep your eyes open for anything interesting. Imagine you’re a bird looking down or an ant looking up. Pay attention to the path you take.

Fais une promenade. Amuse-toi bien dans l’air frais. Garde tes yeux ouverts aux affaires intéressants. Imagine que tu es un oiseau en regardant le terre d’en haut ou un fourmi d’en bas. Fais attention à ton chemin. 


Activity #2: Go for another walk. Try to follow the same path as before. When you get back,  recreate the path you took. You can use your toys, you can draw or you can use loose parts from nature to map the route. Include all the important landmarks. Did you pass a park? Store?  Gas station? Where are the mountains in relationship to where you started?

Fais une autre promenade. Essaie de suivre le même chemin. Quand tu es de retour, recrée ton chemin. Tu peux utiliser les jouets, la nature ou dessiner pour montrer ton chemin. Inclus tous les points de repères. As-tu passé un parc? Un magasin? Un station-essence? Où sont les montagnes?


Activity #3: Go for a walk or sit in  your backyard. Look for something living (ie insect, animal, plant). Observe for at least 5 minutes before drawing. Find a quiet spot where you can continue to observe and do a dessin scientifique/scientific drawing. Remember that this means your drawing is as précis/accurate as possible. Label the parts of your drawing using vocabulary in French. 

Fais une autre promenade ou va dans ton cour. Cherche quelque choses vivant. L’observe pendant au moins 5 minutes avant de dessiner. Trouve quelque part tranquille pour observer et fais un dessin scientifique. Ça veut dire que ton dessin est précis. Etiquette ton dessin.


Activity #4: Go for a walk or sit in  your backyard. Choose an inanimate object (ie house, playground, water fountain etc). Observe for at least 5 minutes before drawing. Find a quiet spot where you can continue to observe and do a dessin scientifique/scientific drawing. Remember that this means your drawing is as précis/accurate as possible. Label the parts of your drawing using vocabulary in French.

Fais une autre promenade ou va dans ton cour. Cherche quelque choses non vivant. L’observe pendant au moins 5 minutes avant de dessiner. Trouve quelque part tranquille pour observer et fais un dessin scientifique. Ça veut dire que ton dessin est précis. Etiquette ton dessin.


Activity #5: Go for a walk. Count and record how many people you see on your walk (practice tallying in groups of 5).

Fais une promenade. Compte combien de personnes que tu vois.


Activity #6: Go for a walk. Make a list of all of the animals you see. Your list can be written, drawn, tallied or graphed. 

Fais une promenade. Fais une liste de tous les animaux que tu vois. Ta liste peut-être dessiné, écrits ou une graphique.


Activity #7: Go for a walk. Write down all of the different types of buildings that you see (ex. Apartments, houses, library, post office, Metrotown, 7/11, gas station, fire hall etc). Keep your list for activity 8.

Fais une promenade. Écris tous les édifices que tu vois. Garde ta liste pour activité 8.


Activity #8: Compare your list from activity 7 with the following document. Did you come across anything not on this list? Did you miss anything from the list? If so, why do you think that is?


Order the pictures from most to least important. Was this difficult to do? How did you decide? 

Compare ta liste d’activité 7 avec le document ci-joint. As-tu trouvé quelque chose qui n’est pas sur la liste? Y-a-t-il quelque choses sur la liste que tu n’as pas vu? Pourquoi?

Project #1: Think about what you noticed on your neighbourhood walks and reflect on the question “what makes Burnaby special?”. Make a “map” of Burnaby by drawing all of these essential services, buildings and/or people. Do not worry about placing these sites accurately on your map but focus on including the important symbols. Label what you have included in your drawing. 

For example you may wish to draw the mountains, Metrotown, Burnaby Public Library etc 

Réfléchis sur la question “pourquoi Burnaby est-il spécial?” Fais un carte de Burnaby avec tous les édifices et personnes importants. Dessine des symboles (il ne faut pas bien les placés sur ta carte) et étiquette tout ce que tu as choisis d’inclus. 


Activity #10: Open the document below and look at the different professions. Pick a profession of your choice. You can pick from the list or you can pick another one that is not on the list. Do some research (with the support of an adult) if necessarily to help you complete the following worksheet. The worksheet can also be done as a written journal entry. 

Regarde le document. Choisis un métier. Dessine le métier. Écris tout ce que tu sais sur le métier de ton choix. 

Membres-de-la-communaute 1



Activity #11:  This is a picture of Kingsway taken in 1900. How has Kingsway changed in the last 100 years? Look closely. How has the environment changed? Why do you think it has changed?

Voici un photo de Kingsway de l’année 1900. Comment est-ce que Kingsway a changé? Comment l’environnement a-t-il changé? Pourquoi penses-tu que ces changements se sont déroulés?


Project #2: Create your own utopian/ideal neighbourhood. What does this look like? What would you need to include to meet the needs of its citizens? What keeps people safe? What would make them happy? What animals live in your neighbourhood? How are their needs met?

Take your time with this project. Use any materials you can find at home or outside. When you are finished, take a picture and write a paragraph to describe your neighbourhood. 

Crée ton propre quartier utopique ou idéal. De quoi a-t-il a l’air? Comment est-ce que ton quartier va répondre aux besoins des citoyens? Comment va-t-il les gardés en sécurité? Qu’est-ce qui va les rendres contents? Quels animaux y habitent? Comments leurs besoins sont-ils satisfaits? Prends ton temps avec ce projet. Tu peux utiliser n’importe quel matériel de l’intérieur ou de l’extérieur. Quand tu as fini, prend un photo et écris un paragraphe pour décrire ton quartier. 


Week 1


  1. Continue with your AT Home Reading Program through Raz-Kids:
  2. Read through the different levels to determine an appropriate reading level for you. If you can read all of the words on the page, and you understand what you have read, move on to the next level. If you are having difficulty understanding what you are reading, the level is probably too difficult.
  3. Send me an e-mail with: 

your reading level/ Je lis au niveau _________

And what level you hope to be reading at by the end of the year/ J’aimerais lire au niveau _____ à la fin de l’année.

Dictée #1- “ou”

*pronounced like “oo” in English

  1. nous—us  
  2. rouge—red
  3. pour—for
  4. je joue—I play
  5. je cours—I run
  6. elle écoute—she listens
  7. le journal—the newspaper/journal 
  8. la souris—the mouse
  9. un jour—a day
  10. Sous—under

Bonus: Quand nous allons au parc, je joues et je cours sous la balançoire rouge.

1.  Vocabulary practice: Grade 1’s, please practice writing and reading the vocabulary and circling or coloring the sound “ou” within.

Grade 2’s please write each of the vocabulary words in a complete sentence.

Please e-mail me a photo or word document of your work. 

2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link below and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


For your writing activity #1 please write to me about your Spring Break and/or the first couple weeks of distance education. Add a drawing. Consider the following questions:

  • Qu’est-ce que tu as fait?
  • Comment te sens-tu?
  • Qu’est-ce que tu aimes? Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas?

Remember when writing in the past tense:

  • Je suis allé(e)/ I went
  • J’ai fait/ I did
  • J’ai joué/ I played 
  • J’ai mangé/ I ate

Students are capable of writing independently for approx. 30 min. They may need assistance spelling some words but are encouraged to try to sound them out first. 

Please take a picture of your writing and e-mail it to me.

Oral Languages

This week we will be having a class meeting in groups of 5 or 6 to practice the use of ZOOM and go over guidelines for participation. Please consult the following Google Docs link. There are 4 time slots available. Two on Wednesday April 15th and two on Thursday April 16th. Please write your child’s name in the time slot that is most convenient for participating in a video chat.  You are welcome to change your selected time but please do not erase any names already there.



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