
  1. Continue with your AT Home Reading Program through Raz-Kids:
  2. Read through the different levels to determine an appropriate reading level for you. If you can read all of the words on the page, and you understand what you have read, move on to the next level. If you are having difficulty understanding what you are reading, the level is probably too difficult.
  3. Send me an e-mail with: 

your reading level/ Je lis au niveau _________

And what level you hope to be reading at by the end of the year/ J’aimerais lire au niveau _____ à la fin de l’année.

Dictée #1- “ou”

*pronounced like “oo” in English

  1. nous—us  
  2. rouge—red
  3. pour—for
  4. je joue—I play
  5. je cours—I run
  6. elle écoute—she listens
  7. le journal—the newspaper/journal 
  8. la souris—the mouse
  9. un jour—a day
  10. Sous—under

Bonus: Quand nous allons au parc, je joues et je cours sous la balançoire rouge.

1.  Vocabulary practice: Grade 1’s, please practice writing and reading the vocabulary and circling or coloring the sound “ou” within.

Grade 2’s please write each of the vocabulary words in a complete sentence.

Please e-mail me a photo or word document of your work. 

2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link below and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


For your writing activity #1 please write to me about your Spring Break and/or the first couple weeks of distance education. Add a drawing. Consider the following questions:

  • Qu’est-ce que tu as fait?
  • Comment te sens-tu?
  • Qu’est-ce que tu aimes? Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas?

Remember when writing in the past tense:

  • Je suis allé(e)/ I went
  • J’ai fait/ I did
  • J’ai joué/ I played 
  • J’ai mangé/ I ate

Students are capable of writing independently for approx. 30 min. They may need assistance spelling some words but are encouraged to try to sound them out first. 

Please take a picture of your writing and e-mail it to me.

Oral Languages

This week we will be having a class meeting in groups of 5 or 6 to practice the use of ZOOM and go over guidelines for participation. Please consult the following Google Docs link. There are 4 time slots available. Two on Wednesday April 15th and two on Thursday April 16th. Please write your child’s name in the time slot that is most convenient for participating in a video chat.  You are welcome to change your selected time but please do not erase any names already there.