
  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for a minimum of 10 minutes
  2. Choose a book that you think is an appropriate level and practice reading it out loud. When you are ready, click “record”. Don’t forget to click “stop” when you are finished and read your book right to the end! This way I will have access to your recording 🙂 Keep your eyes open on the Raz website for my “comment” on your recording.

Dictee #2- “oi”

*pronounced like “wuh” in English

  1. Moi—me
  2. Toi—you
  3. un poisson—a fish
  4. Un oiseau—a bird
  5. j’ai soif—I’m thirsty
  6. j’ai froid—I’m cold
  7. une voiture—a car
  8. voir—to see
  9. avoir—to have
  10. Pourquoi—why?

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  Quand je suis sur la route avec toi, je veux voir un oiseau et un poisson! 

  1. Vocabulary practice: What other words can you think of that have the letters “oi” in them? Write a list. Draw a picture beside each word you can think of. E-mail me your list.
  2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.



1. “Les provisions”: Write a grocery list by asking members of your family what they might need and by looking for what might be needed in your fridge and cupboards. Don’t forget that most packages you see have labels in English and also French (so you can check vocabulary/spelling).

Chez nous, nous avons besoin de…/ At our house we need…

2. Choose one day of your week and tell me at least 3 things you did that day, using sequential vocabulary (first this, then that…). Remember to use full sentences, starting with a capital letter and finishing with a period.

Initial Actions (1) Secondary Actions (2) Final Actions (3)
  • D’abord (first)
  • Premièrement (firstly)
  • Pour commencer (to start)
  • Après (after)
  • Ensuite (then)
  • Plus tard (later)
  • Puis (and then)
  • Deuxièmement (secondly)
  • Enfin (finally)
  • Dernièrement (lastly)
  • À la fin (at the end)

Please e-mail me your two writing activities.

Oral Language

This week we will be having buddy conferences on Zoom. Please sign up for a time that works for your child using the link below. Again, a gentle reminder to please not edit any names other than your own.