Addition and subtraction to 20 Review

1. Go Fish – Doubles Materials – deck of playing cards, take out the face cards Like the regular Go Fish game, but when you get a pair, in other words, a double, you need to say what the sum is. Ex. If you have a 6 in your hand, ask the other player “As-tu un 6? (our) 6 et 6 font 12” The player who has the most doubles wins!

2. Complete the addition and subtraction to 20 worksheets below. Think about the strategies we learned in class (doubles, voisins, presque voisins, faire 10, + 9, -9, à zero etc). If you are unable to print the worksheet, copy or write out your own equations. 

“Math Minute Challenge”: If you are looking for a challenge, time yourself and see how many questions you are able to answer in 5 minutes. How about 1?

addition et soustraction a 20

3. Probleme: Tu achètes 20 fruits. Quelques-uns sont des pommes, quelques-uns sont des bananes et quelques-uns sont des oranges. Combien de chaque fruit peux-tu avoir? Explique avec des mots, des dessins ou des objets. You buy 20 fruits, some are apples, some are bananas and some are oranges (feel free to add other fruits to the mix!). How many of each fruit could you have? Explain your thinking with words, pictures, or objects.

4. Look at the Example 1 and example 2. Can you create your own subtraction story?

Example 1 La nuit d’Halloween, j’ai ramassé 32 barres de chocolat. J’adore le chocolat. Pendant la nuit mon papa a mangé 6 barres de chocolat. Combien de barres de chocolat restent t-il?

Example 2 Il y a un grand arbre devant ma maison. Il y 15 oiseaux qui chantent dans l’arbre. 5 oiseaux s’envolent. Combien de oiseaux restent t-il?




Combien de _______________ restent-t-il?

5. Try the following addition and subtraction games/websites:

***Bonus activity: Create your own addition and subtraction worksheet on

Please send me your work for activities 2, 3 and 4 🙂