Activité 1

  1. Pendant la fin de semaine
  2. Please send me your work.

Tell me at least 3 things you did over the weekend. Try not to just give me a list of all the activities you did. Add interesting details. What did you see? How did you feel? Who did you spend weekend with?

Grade 1  3-5 sentences

Grade 2  5-8 sentences

Initial Actions (1) Secondary Actions (2) Final Actions (3)

·      D’abord (first)·      Premièrement (firstly)

·      Pour commencer (to start)

·      Après (after)·      Ensuite (then)

·      Plus tard (later)

·      Puis (and then)

·      Deuxièmement (secondly)

·      Enfin (finally)·      Dernièrement (lastly)

·      À la fin (at the end)


Activité 2

  1. Look at the Canada Food Guide/Guide alimentaire canadiens

  1. What do you notice? What do you think this image is telling us? 

You will notice that the plate of food is split into 3 main food groups

  • Les légumes et les fruits (veggies and fruits)
  • Les grains entiers (whole grains)
  • Les aliments proteins (proteins)
  1. Make a list in French of all the food on the page that you recognise and write if you like it or not.

J’aime ___  __________.   J’aime le broccoli.

Je n’aime pas.  ____ ____________. Je n’aime pas trop le tofu, mais parfois je le mange.


Activité 3

  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for minimum of 10 minutes
  2. While doing your reading throughout the week, complete at least one activity from the below choice board.

Reading Choice Board


Activité 4


1.Watch the video. This week, we are looking at the sound “eau”

2.Complete the booklet eau
