Activity 1

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Tu trouves 12 oeufs. Quelques-uns sont bleus, quelques-uns sont verts. Combien d’œufs bleus et verts as-tu? Explique ta réponses avec des dessins, des mots, ou des objets. Peux-tu trouver plusieurs solutions?

You find 12 Easter eggs. Some are blue, some are green. How many of each colour can you have? Explain your thinking with words, pictures or objects. Can you find several solutions?



Tu trouves 23 oeufs. Quelques-uns sont bleus, quelques-uns sont verts et quelques-uns sont jaunes. Combien d’œufs bleus, verts et jaunes as-tu? Explique ta réponses avec des dessins, des mots, ou des objets.  Peux-tu trouver plusieurs solutions?

You find 23 Easter eggs. Some are blue, some are green and some are yellow. How many of each colour can you have? Explain your thinking with words, pictures or objects. Can you find several solutions?

Activity 2


Subtraction snakes and ladders


GRADE 2  Math problems ( To work on at your own pace)

If you can not print out the booklets. Please write down the math problem and show your work on a separate paper.


 Activity 3

Découpe les polygons. Trier les polygones. Combien de façon Différentes peux-tu trier les polygones? Est-il possible de couvrir le rectangle en utilisant tous les polygones?

Cut out the polygons. Sort the polygons. How many different ways can you sort the polygons? Can you find a way to cover the rectangle using all the polygons.

quel-casse-tete-3e-cycle (dragged)

Activity 4

(Please submit)

  1. Listen to the story “Neige et Minuit” from the Mathology series by Pearson

2.  Complete the activity that comes up. Here are the instructions translated in English:

This is an ABBA pattern. What shape is the letter A? What shape is the letter B? Use the shapes to create another ABBA pattern. Don’t forget to save your pattern!

3.  Create and label a pattern in your home.

Voici une régularité…

4.  Create and label a pattern outdoors. My challenge for grade 2 students is to create a   growing pattern. Take a picture.