Activity 1

1.Lis et écoute le petit livre Pinotte et Loupi

2.   Go to essaie cette activité. Change the page from symbols to numbers. I circled where you  can do that.

3.   Complete the following activity. You will have to add 40 pounds to one side of the scale.

4.Garfield the Cat weighs 40 pounds. Find 5 different ways to make the scale equal 40 pounds. How do you know when the scale is equal? Garfield pèse 40 livres. Trouve 5 façons différents  d’équilibré l’echelle.

5.Explain your thinking with words, pictures or objects.

6.What do you weigh? Est-ce que tu pèse plus ou moins que Garfield?

7.Please submit your work

Voici deux examples

Leah                                                                               Claire



Activity 2

Tu achètes 20 fruits. Quelques-uns sont des pommes, quelques-uns sont des bananes et quelques-uns sont des oranges. Combien de chaque fruit peux-tu avoir? Explique avec des mots, des dessins ou des objets. You buy 20 fruits, some are apples, some are bananas and some are oranges (feel free to add other fruits to the mix!). How many of each fruit could you have? Explain your thinking with words, pictures, or objects.


Activity 3

 Complete the addition and subtraction to 20 worksheets below. Think about the strategies we learned in class.  If you are unable to print the worksheet, copy or write out your own equations. Math Minute Challenge”: If you are looking for a challenge, time yourself and see how many questions you are able to answer in 5 minutes. How about 1?

Mad Minute



Try the following addition and subtraction games/websites:


Activité 4 


  1. Recreate this image with toothpicks
  2. Déplace deux cure-dents pour former 2 carrés. Move 2 toothpicks to make 2 squares.
  3. Remember all sides of a square must be equal.