Activity 1

1.     Lis et écoute le petit livre  En Safari

2.     Complete the activity that comes up. Here are the instructions translated in English:

Create a drawing using as many different coloured tiles as you wish. Tell me how many tiles of each colour you used and how many in total. Don’t forget to save your image and send it to me!

Activité 2


3.     Look at the image/regarde l’image à page 22 avec les animaux

4.      How many eyes are there? /Combien y a-t-il d’yeux?
5.     Show your work. You can explain your thinking with words, pictures or objects.
6.     Use your 100 ‘s chart to help you

Grade 2
7.     How many animal legs are there in total? Combien y a-t-il de jambes? This is a tricky question. Make sure to look carefully at the picture on page 22.

8.     Show your work. You can explain your thinking with words, pictures or objects. Don’t forget to submit your work.


Activité 3

Look at Example 1 and example 2. Can you create your own subtraction story? Don’t forget to submit your work.

Example 1 La nuit d’Halloween, j’ai ramassé 32 barres de chocolat. J’adore le chocolat. Pendant la nuit mon papa a mangé 6 barres de chocolat. Combien de barres de chocolat restent t-il?

Example 2 Il y a un grand arbre devant ma maison. Il y 15 oiseaux qui chantent dans l’arbre. 5 oiseaux s’envolent. Combien de oiseaux restent t-il?



_________________________________________________________Combien de _______________ restent-t-il?


Activité 4

= means equal. Use this symbol when the numbers are the same. Ex 36 = 36

> or < are used to indicate which number is bigger. Think of this symbol as a hungry alligator who wants to eat the bigger number. This way the triangle is always open towards the bigger number and pointing towards the smaller ex 36 > 14 or 2 < 9



1.Play double digit warDivide the deck evenly among players. Players flip two cards to create a two digit number. The player can rearrange the two cards to create the largest two digit number possible.  Largest number wins the battle and all the cards.If the numbers are exactly the same, a battle occurs. Players place three cards face down and flip the fourth card over to battle the opponent. Greates number wins all the cards.

2. Play the card game “War”: The deck is divided evenly among players. Players draw the top card from their pile at the same time. Players must say the numbers in French. The biggest number wins and takes both cards for their “winnings” pile. When both players run out of cards, the player with the most cards in their “winnings” pile wins!