Our Social Studies and Science units for term three were intended to create connections between curriculum while focusing on our local environment. This term is all about connecting with nature, exploring our local community and place-based learning. Here are the Big Ideas from the B.C. Curriculum for term three:

  • Living things have life cycles adapted to their environment as well as features and behaviours that help them survive in their environment.
  • Water is essential to all living things, and it cycles through the environment.
  • We shape the local environment, and the local environment shapes who we are and how we live.


I understand that  every family is going through something different and there will be varying degrees of what you can do with your child. The following activities are optional.

Activity 1

  1. Go for a walk around your community.
  2. Keep your eyes open for anything interesting. Imagine you’re a bird looking down or an ant looking up.
  3. When you return. Write down everything that you saw on your walk (keep the list)

Activity 2

Go for a walk. Bring your list and add to it. Write down all of the different types of buildings/places that you have visited in Burnaby. Les immeubles? Maisons?  Une biliothèque? Les rues?  Keep your list for activity 3

À Burnaby, il y a _________________

À Burnaby, il y a ______________________

Activity 3

  1. Open the document. Take out your list. Check to see if your list  included all the same places that are on the worksheet. Do you have others not on the list? Did you miss one from the list? If so why do you think that is?
  2. Cut out the images and  place the images in order from most to least important. Was this difficult to do? Was it difficult to chose what is most important and what is least important?

communitygamesFrench2016Revised (dragged)

Activity 4

  1. Go for a walk. Count and record how many people you see on your walk (practice tallying in groups of 5).  Count how many animals you see?

       Combien de personnes vois-tu?

        Combien d’animaux vois-tu?

Activity 5

  1. Click on the link
  2. Membres de la communautÇ-mÇtiers – lexique (dragged) 2
  3. Membres de la communautÇ-mÇtiers – lexique (dragged) 3
  4. Membres de la communautÇ-mÇtiers – lexique (dragged)
  5. Pick a profession of your choice.  You can pick from the list or un can pick another one that is not on the list. Write everything that you know about the profession.
  6. Choisis un métier. Dessine le métier. Écris tout ce que tu sais a propos du métier de ton choix.  
  7. ton métier

Activity 6

  1. Think about the people  who are working with the public to help keep us healthy, safe, and equipped with  everything that we need. Make a list of  these people.  Can you write them a thank you letter,  messages or image. How can you thank them?

Activity 7

  1. Go for another walk.
  2.  When you get back,  recreate the path you took. You can use your toys, you can draw or you can use loose parts from nature to map out the route. Include all the important landmarks. Did you pass a park? Store?  Gas station? Where are the mountains in relationship to where you started?

Activity 8

  1. Repeat activity 7 on a different day. I usually do this several times. This time draw a map of the route that you took

Activity 9

  1. This is a picture of Kingsway taken in the  1900’s
  2. How has Kingsway changed in the last 100 years. Look closely. How has the environment changed? Why  do you think it has changed?



Voici un photo de Kingsway de l’année 1900. Comment  la communauté a t-elle changé? Comment l’environnement a-t-il changé? Pourquoi penses-tu que ces changements se sont déroulés?

Activity 11


Project  I am an Urban Planner/ Je suis un/e urbaniste

Build your ideal city. What would you need to include in your city to meet your needs? To keep you safe and to make you happy?

1.Make a plan

2.Make a list of the materials you will need

j’ai besoin _____________________

Je vais utiliser ____________________

You can use recycled materials, Lego, or even nature from around your home.

3.Take your time.

4.Take a picture when you are done.

5.Write a paragraph about your city.