Activité 1

  1. Pendant la fin de semaine
  2. Please send me your work.

Tell me at least 3 things you did over the weekend. Try not to just give me a list of all the activities you did. Add interesting details. What did you see? How did you feel? Did you celebrate Mother’s Day? What did you do?

Grade 1  3-5 sentences

Grade 2  5-8 sentences

Activité  2 

Choice 1

  1. Watch the following video.
  2. Put the images in order.  Colle les images dans l’ordre de l’histoire des trois petits cochons.
  3. Les trois petits cochons
  4.  Write one sentence to describe each picture. Revisit the song to help you find the words. Record yourself retelling the story in your own words. Can you change a part of the story to make it different? Écris une phrase pour décrire chaque image.  Raconte moi l’histoire dans tes propre mots. Peux-tu changer une partie de l’histoire?


choice 2

Write a story.  Make sure you choose a setting, characters and events in your story.  You can use your toys at home to create a scene like in the example below. Think of a main character.  Describe your main character. Describe the setting. Does your story have a problem? Try your best to do this activity on your own. You can record yourself telling the story and send it to me or you can write it down. You can use the graphic organiser to help you organise your thoughts.

Créer une histoire. Pensez à un endroit, des personnages et les évènements. Est-ce qu’il y a un problème et comment se termine l’histoire? Essaie de ton mieux à écrire avec tes propres mots en français

Graphic organiser for writing a story

FrenchNarrativeWritingCommentecrireunehistoire (dragged) 2

Activité 3

Grade 1

  1. Watch the video. This week, we are looking at the sound “in”
  3. complete booklet
  4. in

Grade 2

  1. Read and draw

cahier-fais-moi-un-dessin (dragged)

Banderole in English is banner


Keep up with your reading. Alternate between reading physical books and an e book  to limit screen time.



It looks like we might have some rainy days this week. This was one of my favourite activities as a child to do on a rainy day.

Construis un fort avec des draps, oreillers, coussins, boites, etc.  Lis tes livres préférés dedans.  Demande à quelqu’un de prendre un vidéo lorsque tu lis a voix haute.  Choisis un livre en français. 

 Build a fort for reading.  Use pillows, sheets, cushions, boxes, etc.  Read your favourite books inside! Have someone take a video of you reading a just-right book in French (a physical book or a book on RAZ kids or Je lis, je lis) Parents: please note, I’m not wanting to see a memorized book, just a book that your child understands and can read independently.