Activité 1

Montre et Raconte

Choose your favourite book in French, English or any other language. This can be a paper book you have at home or an audiobook from Tumblebooks or any other website. Read, listen/watch it as many times as you want. You are going to do a book share during our conferences this week. Plan or write a small script or notes to share with your peers. Here are some things you may want to share about the book you read:

**please include in your presentation

  • Le titre du livre est/Title **
  • L’auteur s’appelle/Author**
  • L’illustrateur s’appelle/illustrator?
  • Les personnages principaux sont/Main characters
  • L’histoire parle de/What the story is about
  • J’ai aimé le livre/je n’ai pas aimé le livre/Parceque/Did you like it?/Why
  • Je recommande ce livre/Je ne recommande pas ce livre/Would you recommend it?
  • They can read their favorite page to their group

MontreetraconteFrenchShowandTelltemplatesfortheyear (dragged) 2 MontreetraconteFrenchShowandTelltemplatesfortheyear (dragged)

Activité 2


Take your time with this activity. You can do this one over the course of 2 days.

Une carte de ma journé (horaire)

Create a visual map of your day including all the activities that you do in your day and the time that you do them. Make it a work of art – illustrate/colour/paint, etc. 

 Quelques mots uitles : 

Je me réveille/ I wake up 

Je me brosse les dents/ I brush my teeth

petit-déjeuner/ breakfast

travaille/work, joue/play, écrire/write, lire/read, marcher/walk, manger /eat, nettoyer/clean

le diner/déjeuner/lunch

le souper/diner

Je me baigne/ I take a bath

Je dors/ I sleep

Voici mon example


 Activité 3

Grade 1 and 2

Le son “oi”

  1. Watch the video  on the son “oi” pronounced ‘wuh’ in English
  2. How many words did you hear with the sound oi? Can you write some of the words down.

grade 1

  1. complete “oi” booklet

oi revised


grade 2

cahier-fais-moi-un-dessin (dragged)


Activité 4

1.Find scrap paper and cut it into rectangles.

2. Go around your house and label in French as many items (nouns) as you can. See how many words you know without using the computer.

3. If you would like an extra challenge, put the article un/une in front of the word. If you do not know if a word is masculine or feminine, you can check a dictionary.

For example: une chaise  (chair in French is feminine)

3. If you can, take a picture of the whole scene not each labeled item.



  1. Continue your home reading program