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PHE 8 June 15-18

Happy Monday Everyone!!

We are in our final week of school, I know we are all looking forward to a restful summer 🙂

Final Assignment:

As a wrap up of the year I would like everyone to complete a final reflection on PHE 8.  Your reflection should be AT LEAST 1 page long (double spaced) and should reflect on how these past few months have gone.  There is no criteria for the reflection, other than I want to get a sense of how you have been doing during this time.  What were some challenges, what were some highlights, most importantly how are you and what are some strategies that you have used to get through this experience.  You can talk about your activity if you want but it is not required.


This reflection will be due on Friday 🙂


It has been a challenging year and I hope each and every one of you have taken time to reflect and make space for all of the emotions that accompany this journey we are going through.  It has been a pleasure being your teacher.

Miss.Sturgeon's Class Blog. Check it weekly!: School's Out For Summer!

Science 10 June 8-18

Happy Monday Everyone!

We are down to our LAST TWO WEEKS!! We have officially finished our Biology section (Your DNA Technologies projects are due on Friday) and our last unit is Physics.


We will be focusing on Energy Transfer and Transformations.  Your Final project will be to be design a Rube Goldberg Machine.  This will be a challenging assignment where you will really need to be creative and think outside of the box!  There are TONS of resources and videos to watch to help you along the way and it will be collected on the LAST day of class (June 18).  A video of your Rube Goldberg machine in action must be submitted with the assignment.

Rube Goldberg Machines — Boom Box Post

Class Notes:
Energy Type, Transfer and Transformation


PHE 8 June 1-12

The Two week countdown begins!!

Reminders for this week: Fitness Log #4 Due on FRIDAY!!!!

For those of you who have come in to school, it has been GREAT to see you!

If you are at home, keep up the activities and ensure to get some FRESH AIR!!


Happy Monday Everyone

Just 3 weeks left until Summer!

Reminder that in school attendance is “Optional” and no one’s progress will be affected by not attending.  For PHE Classes no equipment may be used either personal or school provided.  We will be enjoying the outdoors taking a walk to Deer Lake or Running a Fitness Circuit outside without equipment.

Letter sent home to families INCLUDES SCHEDULE

  • June-1-2020-Start-Up-Info
    • You will be split up into groups by Last Name.  Each group may attend school (mornings only) 1 day a week.
    • Only attend your class during scheduled time.
    • You may attend as many or as little classes as you would like on your designated day
      • For example, if you need help in Science but not in English, you can just attend for one block.
  • Safety is our main concern
    • Please make sure to wash hands once you have entered the building
    • Bring your own device and writing materials.  You will not be supplied with them
    • Do not attend if you or anyone in your household is ill
    • You will be required to wipe down your space when class is over.
    • No congregating in hallways or commons (or anywhere in the school)
    • Everyone must enter and exit through the schools main entrance.
    • Practice social distancing at all times.
    • Gyms will not be open and no equipment may be used or brought to school.

I hope everyone is keeping up with their Fitness Journals.  #3 is Due TODAY! So please submit by the end of the day.

Our Last and Final fitness log starts today! It will be due June 12.

There will be an alternative assignment for the last week of classes.

I have really enjoyed reading all about the activities that you have all been up to, it is SO important especially now to take some time for yourself to do something that makes you happy and take a break from school work to PLAY!


Monkey Baby | Cute animals, Happy animals, Smiling animals

Science 10 June 1 – 5

3 weeks left till summer!!

Happy Monday Everyone,

Update for “in class instruction”:  This is OPTIONAL, online learning will continue and in class instruction is just for additional support if you need it.  There will be no penalty for not attending.  The schedule is as follow:

Letter sent home to families INCLUDES SCHEDULE

  • June-1-2020-Start-Up-Info
    • You will be split up into groups by Last Name.  Each group may attend school (mornings only) 1 day a week.
    • Only attend your class during scheduled time.
    • You may attend as many or as little classes as you would like on your designated day
      • For example, if you need help in Science but not in English, you can just attend for one block.
  • Safety is our main concern
    • Please make sure to wash hands once you have entered the building
    • Bring your own device and writing materials.  You will not be supplied with them
    • Do not attend if you or anyone in your household is ill
    • You will be required to wipe down your space when class is over.
    • No congregating in hallways or commons (or anywhere in the school)
    • Everyone must enter and exit through the schools main entrance.
    • Practice social distancing at all times.
    • Gyms will not be open and no equipment may be used or brought to school.

This week’s activities

QUIZ TODAY! Make sure that you write the quiz by 3pm 

We are in our last section of Biology!

Class Notes:

Research Project

Please do some research before picking a topic and choose something that interests you 🙂

As you may need longer than 1 week to complete this assignment, I will push back the due date until June 15


We can identify 'bad' genes. Why can't we use CRISPR gene editing ...

Our Last Unit is Physics, we will spend the last two weeks learning about Energy Transformation.



Science 10 May 25-29

Happy Monday Everyone!!

Last week of May, heading into our Last couple weeks of school!

As you all have heard, the school will be re-opening on part time basis starting June 1st.  You will soon be given the information on when and how you will be able to access the school.  I want to reassure everyone, that attendance is OPTIONAL.  You will not lose any marks or miss out on any information by remaining online.  All of the notes, assignments and resources will still be posted on my blog and collected through teams.  The “In school” portion will be designed to help those individuals who need additional support or those of you who still have a missing test from before spring break.

The time you will be able to access the school are still being determined and you will find out sometime this week.  I am still happy to do Teams chats with those individuals who need additional support but do not feel comfortable coming into the school.

More Info on School Reopening to come!

This week’s activities:

Quiz on Natural Selection, Artificial Selection, Mutations (Everything up until now after Genetics)  On MONDAY June 1st (Will be open 8 am-3:30 pm) 

Textbook Pages 47-57

Speciation Activity

Artificial Selection

Quiz Preparation

  • Review Section 1.3 from textbook and workbook
  • Workbook Pages 43-47

I am going to do a check in at 11 am Block 3 and 1pm Block 4 on Tuesday May 26th for a Question and Answer session.  If you want to attend the other classes’ session that is possible but I will have to invite you, so please let me know if you want to attend the other block’s session.

Have a great week everyone !!!

70 Best Motivational "You Can Do It" Memes That are Super Funny


PHE 8 May 25-29

Happy Monday Everyone!!

Last week of May, heading into our Last couple weeks of school!

As you all have heard, the school will be re-opening on part time basis starting June 1st.  You will soon be given the information on when and how you will be able to access the school.  I want to reassure everyone, that attendance is OPTIONAL.  You will not lose any marks or miss out on any information by remaining online.  All of the notes, assignments and resources will still be posted on my blog and collected through teams.  The “In school” portion will be designed to help those individuals who need additional support with online learning.

The time you will be able to access the school are still being determined and you will find out sometime this week.  I am still happy to do Teams chats with those individuals who need additional support but do not feel comfortable coming into the school.

More Info on School Reopening to come!

Continue to work on your Fitness logs.  Refer to previous posts for activity ideas!

Fitness Log #3 is Due on FRIDAY!

Have a great week!

Check out these funny cat memes to help you through quarantine

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