Welcome to my Aubrey families!

Week 4: Write Your Own Song Lyrics

This past week I had fun joining a socially distant project with Phoenix Chamber Choir in singing a parody on Billy Joel’s song from 1983 “The Longest Time”. I miss singing together but this was the next best thing! Have a listen…

Now let’s get started writing our own parody together! Watch this first…

Here is the song we wrote together in February:   Let Us Sing Together lyrics

“We Can Make a Difference”

Our new song needs your input! Help me write the verse that’s missing!


  My homemade bread !!!

See complete instructions under your grade tab 🙂



  1. taylen

    Nice song! These are my missing verses:

    I can only work from home
    Therefore I cannot see my co-workers!
    They cannot help me with work
    Or even buy me burgers.

  2. Isabella

    Can´t see my friends and family
    who don´t live in my home,
    I walk my dog three times a day
    For treats she gets a bone.

    • hearde

      I love this Isabella!! I think our dogs are loving that we’re all at home! They’re getting very spoiled with treats and walks for sure!
      Thanks for adding your lyrics to our song! Stay well!
      Mrs. H ❤️

  3. almighty aidan

    I love this COVID-19
    ’cause I get to stay home
    I play all day with Daddy
    So I never feel alone

    • hearde

      Aidan – this is fantastic! And so true! Neverending playtime with Daddy is the best! ❤️

  4. James, Div.12

    Hi Ms. Heard. Here’s my verse:

    I don’t have any school
    So I sleep late everyday
    Le base-ball et le soccer
    C’est toujours ce qu’on fait!

    My mom and me wrote it together.

  5. James Division 12

    Hi Mrs. Heard. Here is my verse:

    I don’t have any school
    So I sleep late every day
    Le base-ball et le soccer
    C’est toujours ce qu’on fait!

    My mom and I wrote it together.

    • hearde

      Hello James! This is fabulous! And I love that it’s bilingual! There is definitely more time for the sports we love. Thank you so much – I will add this to our collection of verses!
      Mrs. H 🙂

  6. Mica

    I felt kind of bored,
    So, I decided to sew instead!
    Covid-19 is getting to me,
    There are voices in my head.

  7. Terrence

    We went outside one day
    expecting to hear a beep
    there wasn’t a single car out
    not even a single jeep

  8. Asher

    To continue education,
    I had to use more screens,
    But this is really vital,
    To stop covid-19″

  9. Desmond

    To improve my math,
    I use up more electronics,
    But i haven’t took a bath,
    So i drink more tonics!

  10. Miro

    I’m way to excited
    My birthday is near
    I’m hoping for a Nerf gun
    Cause I’ve waited all year

    • hearde

      Happy birthday Miro! And I hope you get that Nerf gun!

  11. Kai - Division 6

    We are all at home
    and there is no school
    My parents are home to teach us
    And they are super cool

    • hearde

      Well done! It sounds like you’ve made the most of all this time at home!

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