Feel Good Friday

Hello my lovelies! I hope you had a great week and are looking forward to our Zoom meeting. I split the class into grade 3’s (11:00 am) and grade 4’s (11:45 am) this time.

Join Zoom Meeting here

As you can see form the title of this blog, today is all about feeling good. The activities you have today should not cause you any stress. 🙂


I have assigned two books on Epic. One of them is about stress and is very long so if you can only read one of them, please read the book titled ‘Be Positive’. Write down 5 things you can say or do to help you stay positive or to help you be more positive.


Do you consider yourself to be an optimist? Why or Why not? Give an example of a time when you were optimistic. (I should get at least a paragraph…please)
(psst…an optimist is someone who is hopeful and sees the bright side of any situation)

Act of Kindness:

Doing something for others is one way to make ourselves feel good. Choose an act of kindness that you could do for another person. Here are some examples of things you can do: make a card with a positive message, fold laundry, clean your room without being asked, make lunch for your mom or dad, or call a relative to say hello. The list is endless. I’m sure you could think of something nice to do for someone else.
*Tell me what you did and how you felt afterwards.


Play games! Find a game to play that uses math. Better yet, make one up! It doesn’t matter what kind of game as long as you are using adding, subtracting, or multiplying. Tell me what you decided to do.

*If this doesn’t work for you, practice getting faster at your timestables or use the flashcards you have (or made).
*If this doesn’t work for you, email me and I will give you some word problems to do.

The math I have given for today is NOT optional. In other words, you still need to do math today. Even though I have not given you specific questions, I still want you to practice your math and I have given you some flexibility in how you do that. I also know that some of you are doing your own math practice and that’s great. Your job is to let me know how you practiced your math today.

I hope you have a fantastic Feel Good Friday! See you all later…hopefully 🙂

Wonder Wednesday

Hi everyone! I hope you had a fantastic long weekend. Seems like so long ago now. As you may have noticed, I titled this post ‘Wonder Wednesday’. Here’s why:

I want you to take 10 minutes (or more) to just sit somewhere quiet. I find outside is best but anywhere quiet is good. As you sit, look around your surroundings. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? Now, start to make a list of your wonders. I would love to see at least 10. This will take some time, so be patient. Based on your responses to the last journal question I gave you, this may be hard for some of you 🙂

Look at your list. Choose something from this list to research. I have attached my example. wondersexample

Some of you may be choosing to continue with the topic you chose last week. That is fine but please do the wonder activity and make your list of at least 10 questions. (email me if you are not sure what I mean)

If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? Why?

– There are a lot of unfinished assignments on Khan academy. Please check there.
– Go to Epic books and read the book on measurement. Do the quiz.
– Make a neighbourhood map.
*take a walk around your neighbourhood and take some notes or pictures.
*be sure to go at least one street away from you in all directions
*on a piece of paper, draw and label your map. Add colour.
*you can add symbols and a key if you want
*include one measurement statement (eg. It is 1 km to my friend’s house)
*take a photo of your completed map, and send it to me (email is easiest I’m guessing)

I hope you have a great day! Remember to reach out if you need help.


Happy Friday everyone. I’m looking forward to our Zoom meeting today.

For today:

JOURNAL: Do you consider yourself to be a patient person? WHY or WHY NOT?

a) Word Problems: (Choose 2) – Read carefully

#1 The Yinx is an unususal bird. It flies 10 km a day, but it only flies on days that begin with the letter ‘T’ or ‘S’. How far does the Yinx fly in 3 weeks?

#2 Doodlewazzers have 3 eyes on each of their 4 heads. Fangwanglers have 7 eyes on each of their 2 heads. How many eyes do 3 Doodlewazzers and 3 Fangwanglers have all together?

#3 You are taking care of your neighbour’s pet stinkbugs, Mel and Molly. They each get 2 vitamin drops per day. How many vitamin drops will you have used after 5 days.

b) Practice your facts. Try to beat your best time or choose another factor to challenge yourself.
c) Check Khan academy and catch up on missed work.
d) Check your Epic mail box for the math book and quiz assigned. Only a few of you completed it.
e) Visit bc.mathgames.com to find worksheets and games for extra practice

Hopefully, you have all had a chance to do some research on your topic of choice. Your job today is to finalize your findings in some way. Tell me what you found out. Remember when we were in class and I said just stick to the points you think the audience would want to hear? Do that. If you are able, add a picture.

Also, let me know if you want to do more research on the same topic. Maybe you aren’t done or you had more questions the more you researched. That’s OK too. You will be asked to come up with another topic next week unless I hear that you are continuing. Either way, please present your findings to me.

Have an amazing day and a great long weekend!

Wednesday May 13.

Hi everyone. I couldn’t think of a fancy name for this post. Ideas for Friday?

Today’s work includes some research, a journal write, and some math. Be sure to read through this entire post. I’d hate for you to miss something 🙂

OK, I hope you had a chance to think of your topic of choice. Remember, this is a topic that you want to learn more about. Remember too, that we’ve done this in class and it’s not new for you.

Hopefully, you are ready to do some research today. I’ve seen some great topics and some great questions so far. In case you are having trouble with your questions, here’s an example on the topic butterflies.
– I wonder how long they live?
– I wonder how many different kinds there are?
– I wonder if they all migrate?
– I wonder if they can still fly with a broken wing?
– I wonder if they live in groups or by themselves?
– I wonder if they make some kind of home?

Now what I need to do is focus in on an area of interest before I start my research. My example research could be “do all butterflies migrate?” Do you see how your research needs to be narrower than just your overall topic? I could narrow this topic even further by specifying which butterfly or asking where they migrate. *Remember to ask for help if you need it.

To clarify: your job today is to start researching your focus question (30 minutes) (or…catch up by writing your questions). As you research, think of the phrase ‘did you know’ and try to find information to answer this. That way, you are not copying everything from the website you found! Hopefully you can post your findings on Friday.

Also for today:

JOURNAL (15 minutes): If you could join your favourite sports team or musical group, which one would it be? WHY?

MATH: (15-20 minutes):
1. Read the assigned book on Epic (about decimals and money) and do the quiz.
2. Answer these:

– A family of 4 went to the movie theatre. Adult tickets were $15.25 each and child tickets were $6.50 each. How much did this family spend to go see a movie?

– Which is the better deal: One T-shirt for $12.99 OR two T-shirts for $25.00 OR three T-shirts for $30.00? Explain.

– The manager at the concession stand ordered 850 large popcorn bags. On Saturday, 415 bags were used and on Sunday 372 were used. How many bags were used on this weekend? How many does he have left?

– The local baseball stadium holds 1000 seats. If 783 people were watching a game, how many seats were empty?

– Choose your most difficult fact to multiply with. Write out the numbers 1-10 OR 1-12 vertically and challenge yourself. See if you can improve your speed over 3 attempts. Remember to choose the ones you find the hardest to remember. I would probably choose the 6’s or the 8’s. What did you choose?

Happy Monday!

Good morning everyone! I hope you had a great weekend and you spoiled your mom 🙂

Starting this week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, you will be doing a journal but we will also be starting to look deeper into topics of interest. I may add in some other things occasionally, but this is what you can expect for some time.

For your journals, you don’t need a fancy book but a piece of paper big enough to write on would be good. Of course, you could practice typing if you want but it may take longer!

I will be giving you the topics for the first while. Here are my expectations:

Full, complete sentences. A paragraph.
Capitals and periods. (of course question marks and exclamation marks can be included)
– Make sure your entry makes sense. Did you respond to the topic? Will I understand what you have written? Does it flow from one idea to another or jump all over the place?
Spell common and familiar words correctly. Don’t worry about harder words because that will stop your thought process. Just sound them out as best you can.
– You can include pictures like we did in our picture journals at school if you want but it’s not necessary.

OK. Let’s get started.

JOURNAL TOPIC: If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you be? Why?

TOPIC Of CHOICE: Just like in class, I want you to start thinking of something you would like to learn more about. The ONLY work you need to do today is: 1. Think of a topic and
2. Start a list of questions you have about that topic. Try to frame your questions as ‘I Wonder’ questions. This is an important part of the process because it will help you narrow your research later on.

Be sure to send me your work in any way you can. I look forward to seeing all your work!

Love your Mother

Hi everyone! Happy Friday 🙂 Today I thought I would just give you a few things to do.
1. Tell me how your week was and your plans for the weekend (aim for a paragraph). Include your thoughts, feelings, frustrations, questions and I will write back. You can write it (and send a photo), email it, or post it.

2. Draw your mom a flower bouquet and send me a picture of your work. I have attached a step-by-step guide if you would like to use it. (maybe make a card too…it’s Mother’s Day on Sunday)

3. Play. Do not use a device for this. Go outside. You could build a fort, make a fairy garden, play tag, paint some rocks, play hide-and-seek, or ride your bike. (Just make sure you ask permission for some of those ideas…and let your parents have some time to do their own work.

You have all been so amazing and you deserve a bit of a break. I said a bit of a break 🙂

Zoom day

I’m looking forward to our meeting today. I hope you all got the invite. Remember we are meeting together as grade 3’s and then again as grade 4’s. Bring a piece of paper and pencil to the meeting. While you wait, here are some thinking tasks for you to complete. Just click on the date! May7

That day in the middle of the week…

Hi everyone, I hope you are staying well and keeping busy. Here’s a story for you…When I was young, my mom never let me say I was bored. So when I thought it was boredom I was feeling, I would go to my room and start cleaning it. I know, sounds boring doesn’t it. Well, as I was cleaning, I came across my books and toys of course. Before I knew it, I had found something to do. Then, when I didn’t want to do that any longer, I would go outside. It was hard at times and remember, I did not have a cell phone, or Netflix, or Minecraft to keep me busy. My point is, when you feel like you might be bored, look around your room or your backyard and you’ll be surprised how fast you find something to do. In the meantime, you can do the work I have sent 🙂

Here’s to another Tuesday…

Well, I cannot believe it is already May 5! We should have been back together 5 weeks ago and it is still feeling like a bad dream. I hope you are able to come up with a lot of questions for Mr. Wu. I have some more work for you too. Remember, I only ask that you do what you can to the best of your ability and ask for help if you need it. You know the drill…click on the date to get started 🙂

May the fourth be with you!

Happy Star Wars day everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! I have put together some more work for you to do today. Do your best. I look forward to your responses. Remember to just click on the date to get started.
May 4