Here’s to another Tuesday…

Well, I cannot believe it is already May 5! We should have been back together 5 weeks ago and it is still feeling like a bad dream. I hope you are able to come up with a lot of questions for Mr. Wu. I have some more work for you too. Remember, I only ask that you do what you can to the best of your ability and ask for help if you need it. You know the drill…click on the date to get started 🙂

14 Replies to “Here’s to another Tuesday…”

  1. For number one you should leave the house at 5:20 or before. For number 2 there are 6 different combos (I don’t want to say it because it is so long). And the error is that you thought that since 6 times 3 equals 18 if you add 2 to the 3 it will just be like adding 2 to 18.

  2. Hi Mrs. Armstrong,

    1. For one of the questions for math is that you should leave your house at 5:20 because first I added 30+10 which equalled 40. Then I subtracted 60 – 40. It equalled 20 so I knew the answer could be 5:20.

    2. For question two, you can have…….
    1. 2 scoops chocolate.
    2. 2 scoops vanilla.
    3. 2 scoops strawberry.
    4. 1 scoop strawberry 1 scoop vanilla.
    5. 1 scoop chocolate 1 scoop vanilla.
    6. 1 scoop strawberry 1 scoop chocolate.

  3. Random problem of the day
    He should leave the house at 5:20 in order to have enough time to shop.

  4. You can make is possibilities.
    Just vanilla, just chocolate, just strawberry, chocolate strawberry, chocolate vanilla and strawberry vanilla.

  5. Math
    You did two to 18 which equals 20 but that is not what you are supposed to do.
    You are supposed to do this: 5-3=2 2×6=12 12+18=30 and that is your answer.

  6. I read who started WWI I like the book because it is about history. I think that it is cool because there are lots of cool facts

  7. Hi Mrs. Armstrong this is my math:

    1. You would have to leave at 5:10

    Bonus: since 3 is 2 numbers smaller than 5 you thought that if you add 2+18 you would get the answer to 6×5 ( the explanation is below)
    6×3 = 6 + 6 + 6 = 18
    6×5 = 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 30 not 20

  8. Math Quetion 1
    there are 6 Posibilities
    Math Question 2
    your error is that 6×5 doesn’t equal to 20 ut is 30.
    Math Question 3
    you should go to the store at 5:20 so you have 30 min. wich will make 5:30 then 30 more min. and when youre done it will be 6:00 o’clock just in time for you to leave.

  9. Hi Mrs. Armstrong my answer for the first question is 5:20 because 60-30 is 30 -10= 20 so my answer is 5:20. For the second question there are 6 combinations to use. For bonus 6*3=18 is correct but 6*5=20 is not correct it is actually 30.

  10. * I need to leave at home at 5:20 pm
    *yes, the combination is Chocolate-vanilla,chocolate-strawberry, vanilla-strawberry
    *6×3= 18 is correct
    6×5 = 20 is wrong because 6×5 = 30

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