Happy Monday!

Good morning everyone! I hope you had a great weekend and you spoiled your mom 🙂

Starting this week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, you will be doing a journal but we will also be starting to look deeper into topics of interest. I may add in some other things occasionally, but this is what you can expect for some time.

For your journals, you don’t need a fancy book but a piece of paper big enough to write on would be good. Of course, you could practice typing if you want but it may take longer!

I will be giving you the topics for the first while. Here are my expectations:

Full, complete sentences. A paragraph.
Capitals and periods. (of course question marks and exclamation marks can be included)
– Make sure your entry makes sense. Did you respond to the topic? Will I understand what you have written? Does it flow from one idea to another or jump all over the place?
Spell common and familiar words correctly. Don’t worry about harder words because that will stop your thought process. Just sound them out as best you can.
– You can include pictures like we did in our picture journals at school if you want but it’s not necessary.

OK. Let’s get started.

JOURNAL TOPIC: If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you be? Why?

TOPIC Of CHOICE: Just like in class, I want you to start thinking of something you would like to learn more about. The ONLY work you need to do today is: 1. Think of a topic and
2. Start a list of questions you have about that topic. Try to frame your questions as ‘I Wonder’ questions. This is an important part of the process because it will help you narrow your research later on.

Be sure to send me your work in any way you can. I look forward to seeing all your work!

30 Replies to “Happy Monday!”

  1. Hi Mrs.Armstrong this is my topic of choice

    I want to be Nikola Tesla because he was very smart and he invented radio. All about Tesla. Tesla lived in Croatia but he was from Serbia. In school Nikola Tesla was very smart Nikola’s mom was a farmer Nikola had 1 brother and 3 sisters the name’s where Dana, Milka, Anjelana and Maric’ Nikola worked for Edison he was Nikola was going to be rich but Edison lied Edison took all of Nikola’s ideas Nikola then worked for another person THE RACE STARTS Nikola vs Macorni first one two invent radio Macoroni was from Italy we worked with his father as the race starts Nikola was taking the lead as he invented glow stick Macoroni took the lead Nikola said he’s coming back Nikla was losing the the final piece for Macoroni and he got it Nikola did not give up he kept on pushing and then Nikola won The slam dunk compitition.

    1. Hi Lazar. Remember, you have two things to do today. You have your journal question AND your topic of choice. Your journal is more personal. I was hoping for the why part of the question. Why would like to be Nikola Tesla? IF you want him to also be your topic of choice, you still need to come up with guiding questions that will help you with more specific research. You seem to have blended the two together today so what you could do now is the more personal part of the journal.

  2. Hi Mrs. Armstrong,

    If I would be one person for a day, I would choose Hawley Bennet- Awad. I chose Hawley Bennet- Awad because she is a role model for me. I say that because when I grow up I want to be riding in the four star events called Rolex, Pau,Badminton, Burghley and Luhmuhlen. Eventing is when a single horse and rider competes in these three events Cross country, Dressage and showjumping. Those are all horse trials and the amount you must ride your horse is about 5k. Hawley rides with her team and competed for Canada. She and her team brought back a silver medal to Canada. This sport is very risk taking. Lots of riders got either injured badly or even KILLED.

    Topic of choice: Horseback riding

    I wonder why people love to ride horses so much.

    I wonder why people love eventing when it is so risky.

    I wonder why all ages can participate in eventing.

    I wonder why horses are so expensive.

    I wonder why having a horse takes SOOO much responsibility.

    I wonder why People do not encourage others to this sport.

    I wonder why equestrian horses sometimes do not listen to their rider which causes accidents.

    1. Great Lauryn! Now when you look at your questions, you might come up with new ones which is great. You have many directions you could take your research so before you begin, start to narrow your focus. Will you look up eventing? or care and responsibilities of owning a horse, or…?

  3. I would like to be a chef for one day because I would be able to learn how to cook different types of world dishes. I also want to be a chef for a day because I would be able to learn different methods of cooking one type of food. The next reason that I would want to be a chef for a day is because this might help me for my future job. I chose this topic because I love cooking I help out a lot at dinner and sometimes cook dinner all by myself!!!

    1. I’m not surprised that you could cook dinner by yourself Niko! Will your topic of choice be in the same subject area as cooking?

  4. Hi Mrs.Armstrong,
    If I had to be someone other than myself is probably going to be my dog because she does not no about the virus and even if she did know about the virus she would not be able to get it because she is a dog. For my topic of choice I chose contortion and my questions are: how made contortion a official word? how was the first one to do contortion? is contortion a sport ? What is the hardest contortion moves? and more and more questions.

    1. Thank you Samantha. I would like to hear more about you wanting to be your dog for a day. You have some good questions to get you started. Before you begin your research, try to narrow your focus. What specifically about contortion will you look up? Take some time to come up with more questions and begin narrowing your focus.

  5. Hi Mrs. Armstrong for my Topic of choice I chose would be about Nikola Tesla

    Tesla was born in Austro-Hungarian empire which is now Croatia and his parents were both Serbs. Tesla was raised on a farm. He had 3 sisters and 1 brother. Nikola was very smart in school. A few years later Nikola worked for Edison. Edison told Tesla if he had invented something he will give him a 500,00 bonus and he made it but Edison lied so Tesla quit and Tesla worked for another guy. Nikola though he can invent radio. Nikola also invented AC. As a child Nikola missed a lot of school as a kid he had a endemic as a kid once he all most died but the doctors saved him. As a child Nikola read books about Niagara falls. After the invention of AC he invented many other things that many people can’t make today. A few years later Tesla died in his hotel penny less in the U.S.A. New York City at the age 86.

    1. I appreciate you finding this information Lazar. For next time, let’s slow down and come up with questions to research. That way we focus our search on something specific. This was a good overall picture of Tesla’s life though. I’m still not sure if this is who you want to be for a day or not.

  6. I would like to be my mom for a day because I want to know more about being a mom so that I will know what to do. Like help her with cooking or cleaning the rooms and because I don’t want her to get to tired because my dad is home and she needs to take care of him to so I am trying to keep my sisters with me then keeping all the work to mom.

    Topic of Choice Doctors
    1.I wonder why do doctors give appointment to you?
    2.I wonder why do doctors take care of us?
    3. I wonder do doctors have breaks like holidays?
    4.I wonder do doctors get a lot of money? because they take care of us all.
    5.I wonder do doctors get sick from their patients?
    6.I wonder do doctors take care of themselves when they are sick?

  7. I would be Nikola Tesla be Tesla because he made lots of inventions like AC and radio. I want to be Tesla because he travelled around the world and he meet cool famous people in the U.S. Tesla invented a lot of stuff that people still cannot make today. Tesla is left hand in writing and Nikola had 3 sisters and 1 brother. Tesla has the same habit because he is Serbian he’s left handed and he is a big part of Serbian history.

    1. Thank you Lazar. That is more personal and that is what I want from your journal responses. Thank you!

  8. I want to be LeBron James because he won a lot of championships and really famous and I also want to be LeBron James because he is the third leading scorer of all time. And another thing I want to be LeBron James because he is 6 feet 9 and I would be LeBron James because he is with Anthony Davis and also I would be LeBron James because his nickname is the king I wonder why Lebron James is called the king I wonder why Lebron James is 6 ft 9 in I wonder why LeBron James is in the Los Angeles Lakers I wonder why LeBron James plays forward and guard I wonder how much LeBron James gets paid I wonder why LeBron James eats tacos every Tuesday I want to be LeBron James for the day because I want to do really great dunks and I also want to be LeBron James because I want to be in the Los Angeles Lakers team.

    1. Thank you Liam. It looks like you combined the journal and the Topic of Choice. This is fine that they are the same topic but your ‘I wonder’ questions should be separate from the journal. Take some time to organize what you want to say so that your sentences flow better together.

  9. Hello Mrs. Armstrong
    If I could be one person for a day, I would choose Emma Milne, she is a vet.
    I want to be a vet because I love animals. I choose
    Emma Milne because she is a vet and she takes care of injured or sick animals. I want to experience how it feels to take care of injured animals. She also is one of Britain’s best-known vet.
    Here are my questions:
    I wonder why some people do not like animals?
    I wonder who was the first veterinarian in the world?
    I wonder if you can get sick from a sick animal?

    1. Thanks Tina. I think you could start adding more detail and explanation to your journal entry. For example, how did you find out about this person? What is it about her job that interests you? For your Topic of Choice, I am not clear what your topic is. Is it animals? Is it veterinarians? You’ll need to focus in on one thing to be able to research.

  10. I would be for one day Spider-man because he is smart, strong and can make cool gadgets like web shooters and other things. My favourite reasons that I want to be Spider-man is that he gets to see Tony Stark also known as Anthony Stark and Iron man, I also want to be him because he was one of the the first marvel character in Stan Lee’s marvel comics and I want to be him because he has a cool costumes and I say that because I like how they can tighten in to the body if it is to lose he also has more then 42 suits in the ps4. I know that because I saw it on a YouTube video. My topic is how do you make things sticky. I wonder what materials they use to make things sticky, I wonder how they put sticky stuff on paper, I wonder how the paper on the back of the sticker keeps the sticker sticky and I wonder if stickers can stick to everything.

    1. Spider-Man is pretty cool. You have some good explanations in your journal. I want you to pay attention to your sentences. Make sure you have periods and capitals because it is harder to read when you don’t. I know it is hard when you are typing but slow down to make sure you can create complete sentences. You have chosen an interesting topic Logan. I look forward to hearing about the information you find.

  11. Ok so this is my topic of choice!

    I want to be Kate and McKenzie because Kate used her brain and invented a thing and called it a kettle. Now I’m gonna say everything about Kate. Kate lives in California,Kate is 18 years old, she likes cats,and she’s in collage. Now I’m gonna say everything about McKenzie Kate’s friend. McKenzie is 18 like Kate, McKenzie likes dogs,and she’s very smart. Kate’s mom is a teacher and Kate’s dad is a surgeon. Mackenzie’s mom is a nurse and Mckenzie’s dad is a doctor. Kate likes inventing new things but her favourite thing she invented was a kettle and she’s very proud.

    1. Hi Yasmeen. Who are these people? Are they characters from a TV show? Remember that when you write, you need to be very clear so your reader can understand. You have combined the two tasks together. This looks like your journal entry. What topic will you be researching?

  12. Hello Mrs.Armstrong,
    If I could be any person for a day, I would like to be a vet. Vets take care of animals and check them to see if they are okay. A vets job is important. I learned about vets when I read a story on the internet. A vets job is difficult if you don’t study about animals. I would like to be a vet even if it is a difficult job and even if it takes a long time.
    Topic: animals
    I wonder if you could get sick from animals?
    I wonder if you can train a parrot to read?
    I wonder if a dog can do a flip?
    I wonder if you can find insects in the Arctic?
    I wonder what other animals beside a parrot can talk?

    1. Great work Tina. I appreciate you taking the time to make your work clearer. You have some good questions to get you started.

  13. I want to be LeBron James because he won a lot of championships and really famous and I also want to be LeBron James because because he is the third leading scorer in NBA history and nother thing I want to be LeBron James because he is 6’9 and I would be LeBron James because he is with Anthony Davis and also I would be LeBron James because his nickname the king I wonder why LeBron James plays for the Los Angeles Lakers
    My questions
    Why does LeBron James eats tacos every Tuesday
    Why does LeBron James play forward and guard
    I wonder why Lebron James plays for the Los Angeles Lakers
    I wonder how much LeBron James gets paid
    I wonder why Lebron James is 6’9

    1. Thank you Liam. That is clearer. I know it might be harder when you are typing but it is still important to remember punctuation. Have you been able to do some research on your questions?

      1. LeBron James family often uses the phase on Instagram to let people know it is his family’s taco night. LeBron James not only was deadly when he attacked the rim from the perimeter because of his speed or explosiveness
        and his versatility. LeBron James went to the Los Angeles Lakers because of the Lakers historic franchise with so much history and the partner with Magic Johnson someone he kinda look up to when he was younger, contract well see him get him paid $162 per second, LeBron James is most likely just genetically tall. So, LeBron ‘s height is more luck than genes.

  14. Who would you be for a day and why?
    I would be Deadpool
    He is very funny and he has immunity and never dies. He is good at fighting and he is smart . He is in movies and I like acting. He also made himself a really cool suit and he has a utility belt. The reason I want to be him is all of the cuts he gets that all heals up right away and I want to live forever.

    Deadpool has lots of friends like me he has a big friend named colossus. He is a big guy made out of metal and you know he’s really cool.

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