
Happy Friday everyone. I’m looking forward to our Zoom meeting today.

For today:

JOURNAL: Do you consider yourself to be a patient person? WHY or WHY NOT?

a) Word Problems: (Choose 2) – Read carefully

#1 The Yinx is an unususal bird. It flies 10 km a day, but it only flies on days that begin with the letter ‘T’ or ‘S’. How far does the Yinx fly in 3 weeks?

#2 Doodlewazzers have 3 eyes on each of their 4 heads. Fangwanglers have 7 eyes on each of their 2 heads. How many eyes do 3 Doodlewazzers and 3 Fangwanglers have all together?

#3 You are taking care of your neighbour’s pet stinkbugs, Mel and Molly. They each get 2 vitamin drops per day. How many vitamin drops will you have used after 5 days.

b) Practice your facts. Try to beat your best time or choose another factor to challenge yourself.
c) Check Khan academy and catch up on missed work.
d) Check your Epic mail box for the math book and quiz assigned. Only a few of you completed it.
e) Visit to find worksheets and games for extra practice

Hopefully, you have all had a chance to do some research on your topic of choice. Your job today is to finalize your findings in some way. Tell me what you found out. Remember when we were in class and I said just stick to the points you think the audience would want to hear? Do that. If you are able, add a picture.

Also, let me know if you want to do more research on the same topic. Maybe you aren’t done or you had more questions the more you researched. That’s OK too. You will be asked to come up with another topic next week unless I hear that you are continuing. Either way, please present your findings to me.

Have an amazing day and a great long weekend!

42 Replies to “FriYay!”

  1. I feel like I am not patient because when I wait too long I start getting un patient and I also start getting bored. If I am standing up to long because I am waiting for a long time my legs get tired because I am not that strong. Sometimes I am patient and sometimes I am not patient but I don’t have to wait for to long because of this covid-19. I still wait but not for long. So I am not sure if I am patient or not. That is your answer but a I am not sure if you want one answer either yes or no.

    1. It sounds to me like you are not really sure. Sometimes you are and sometimes you are not. I think we are all a bit impatient at times. I would suggest taking a bit more time…and patience 🙂 to plan out what you will write. You have a couple of sentences that need more detail and explanation.

  2. 1. Yinx can fly 120 km for three weeks.
    2. They have 26 eyes in total.
    3. Mel and Moly get 10 vitamins for 5 days.

  3. I think I am not patient because when ever we go to a long lineup I always get tired, bored and sometimes mad I will give you a example. (This is a true story) One day while in Chicago my mom told us we were going to the Willis Tower. It was a short drive from our cousins house but when we got there the lineup was huge!!! I thought it would take maybe a hour or a hour and a half but I guessed that from only what I could see. Anyway, it ended up taking like 3 hours but I got to use my moms phone for like 1 hour. When we got there it was pretty worth it (even though we stayed for 30 min). When I got home my feet were dead tired. Any way I guess you could call me patient because I don’t really know. Well I look forward to the zoom meeting.

    1. You must be patient if you waited that long in a line-up! Examples are a great way to write a journal entry. Your writing is clear and you have a variety of sentences. I like the use of the exclamation marks too!

  4. I would say I am not patient because….. Here is an example. ( true story) I once went horse back riding and I just could not wait to jump the horse I was riding. I just could not wait! My instructor kept teaching me the basics ( Walk, Stop,Turn) I needed to learn how to Canter!! ( Canter is fast but not as fast as a full gallop) I got so frustrated I literally blew up! But I am horse crazy and I could not help it. But eventually I did jump my Horse But he was so slow. 🙁

    1. I think sometimes it is hard to exercise patience, especially when we are excited. I do think you are a patient person though.

  5. Hi Mrs.Armstrong
    1.The yinx can fly 120 km in 3 weeks.
    2. The doodlewazzer and the fanwanglers have 26 eyes.
    3. mel and molly used 20 vitamins in 5 days.

    1. I emailed it to everyone a few days ago. I’m sorry you missed it. I will have another one next week.

  6. Math
    1. 120km. in 3 weeks
    2. Total will be 30 eyes
    3. 2 stink bugs 2 drops each stink bug 2×2=4 4×5=20. 20 drops for 5 days

  7. Journal

    I am not patient because L hate waiting in lines l hate waiting to get something I just hate waiting. But sometimes I can be patient because I have no choice to be impatient like now for example with the COVID-19 we can’t just go back to school or go on a trip we just can’t do that

    1. Waiting is no fun! You are right about not having a choice to be patient. Sometimes we just have to.

  8. I would consider myself mostly impatient. When there is something that is going to happen in a long time I get impatient. For example if I am growing a plant I get very impatient because it takes a long time for the plant to grow. Another reason I am impatient is when I have to wait for a long time for a thrilling event to occur. Sometimes I am patient but not all the time.

    1. This was a tough question because you are right, sometimes it is hard to be patient. Whenever you want something, it seems harder to wait for it.

  9. V2

    I would say my patients would be a 7 because I am used for waiting a long time. When I was in Disney land there was a ride I wanted to go the incredicoster. It was not going to be long so then me and my dad waited and we didn’t see the sign that said one hour. Then we had to wait and wait and wait. I got to watch my Dads phone and plus I had to stand up while waiting for one hour. While that was happening my dad took the phone away because he said I would get sick on the ride. We had to wait we had to wait in till we got there but then the guy said you have to wait another 10 minutes so then we waited and talked and stuff then we got to go on the ride and then me and my Dad sat down to eat some food and we sat down for 15 minutes.

  10. Patient or impatient?
    I really don’t know if I’m patient or impatient. I’m both patient and impatient. I was impatient while I was waiting in the car to get passed the U. S. border. It took 3 hours to pass. I was thirsty, hungry, and bored. Last year’s family day, we went to visit Vancouver aquarium. There was a long line – up to enter but I was patient. Later in the aquarium I started to get hungry. My parents said that we would go to the cafe after we see everything in the aquarium. I couldn’t wait till we reached the cafe. That was a time where I was impatient. When we reached the cafe, it was closed! Also I’m patient at restaurants. I wait quietly for my food.

  11. It depends on the situation. If it is a sports game or practice then I am not that patient but I personally think that I am patient. In school I am patient. In public I am pretty patient. For me I think that it also depends on how my day has been going. If it has been bad then I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t be patient at all. If I am having a good day then I would probably be more patient. Like I said earlier it depends on the situation and how my day has been. To be honest I think that I have more patients then both of my brothers Matthew and Justin. I also think that most kids tend to be less patient and that when you get older you tend to get more patient.If I had to answer this question then I would probably say that I am patient. I have some tips if you are a kid like me. If you are a kid then I suggest that you bring something along that interests you. Just in case you get bored and start to get inpatient.

    1. Great Sarah! Be careful not to jump your ideas around. Try to plan out what you are going to write and it may help you keep the flow. You have some great ideas.

  12. Would you consider your self a patient person why or why not?
    No I am not a patient person because I don’t like waiting in lines. Because I’d rather do something else than wait in a line. I know I’m not a patient person because there was a package that was supposed do be here on my little cousins birthday. Her birthday was 2 weeks ago. The email said it would be here yesterday but it did not come and then it said it would be here today but it is not here. I can’t wait for that long. So that is why I think I’m not patient.

    1. Great job on the sentences Jacob! It is hard to be patient sometimes. I’m seeing a pattern in our class 🙂

  13. Journal

    I am not patient because if there was a huge line up and it took like 15 -20 minutes I would get upset and get bored and I would wine if I am bored and another thing why I am not patient is when I had to eat and I was playing something with my friends I could not wait because we were right in the middle of a game so they continued playing when I was eating. And one time when me and my family were at the airport I couldn’t wait because it was a 13 hours flight and I was awake the whole flight. I was very excited to fly back to the Philippines because my cousins were there.

    1. It’s hard to be patient sometimes. You’ve done a lot of writing Liam! Remember to check for complete sentences with capitals and periods.

  14. #2 3 eyes on 3 heads = 9 – eyes of Doodlewazzers
    7 eyes on 3 heads = 21 eyes on Fangwanglers
    9 + 21 = 30 eyes

    #3 2 x 2 = 4 drops per day
    4drops x 5 days = 20
    20 drops for 5 days

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