May the fourth be with you!

Happy Star Wars day everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! I have put together some more work for you to do today. Do your best. I look forward to your responses. Remember to just click on the date to get started.
May 4

31 Replies to “May the fourth be with you!”

  1. Math
    My number can be 335.
    This is how I got the number.
    I thought of 5+6 then I divided 6 by 2 and I got two threes and that’s how I got the number.

  2. Star War Quotes: The greatest teacher, failure is.
    It means failure can teach you great things, learn from your mistakes.
    If you don’t study you’ll fail but, if you study you won’t fail.
    Math, 3 digit odd number
    You can get 3 numbers, 119, 803, 407.

  3. Math
    My strategies are ether I use scrap piece of paper and write the up to down or Ido it in my head.

  4. The greatest teacher, failure is.
    I think it means that if you make a mistake you have to learn from it

  5. For quote number 2 I think it means that every Jedi master failed at least once to be who they are now.300+15 15+300 320-5.Your number is 551 and I am going to play hide and seek with Ziva!

  6. Math- 315
    213+ 102=315
    629- 314=315
    438- 123= 315
    Math- how to get 7 times 3 strategies:
    1. 6 times 3=18,18+ 3= 21.
    2. And you can add 7 three times or add 3 seven times

  7. ” To reach our goal a straight line we will not follow” To me I think it means that if you have a goal do not follow the easy way go the challenging way. For example, if you have an obstacle course, Go around it not go for it.

  8. It says one message on epic nothing else no books or videos but for me it still says 3 more messages on my mailbox

        1. I do not know but can you assign me some science experience videos on epic? (DIY, Slime,cooking.)

          1. Was it the hummus dip, No guilt fudgsicles and fizzy fruit? It looks like on the mailbox it has number 3 which means you sent me something but actually there is only the assignments you sent me but I already read them and watched the all.

          2. It was those three. I don’t know if there are very many to choose from so I’m not surprised you’ve seen them all. THANK YOU for the muffins…YUM! That was very generous of you.

  9. Answers for 3 digit and ODD that equals 11
    When you don’t know how to muntiply 7×3
    you can do 7+7+7 or 3+3+3+3+3+3+3.

  10. The greatest teacher failure is what I think it means is that you have to learn from your mistakes and never give up for example if you are doing a experiment you will have to do it a lot of times and you should learn from the mistakes you made.

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