Feel Good Friday

Hello my lovelies! I hope you had a great week and are looking forward to our Zoom meeting. I split the class into grade 3’s (11:00 am) and grade 4’s (11:45 am) this time.

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As you can see form the title of this blog, today is all about feeling good. The activities you have today should not cause you any stress. 🙂


I have assigned two books on Epic. One of them is about stress and is very long so if you can only read one of them, please read the book titled ‘Be Positive’. Write down 5 things you can say or do to help you stay positive or to help you be more positive.


Do you consider yourself to be an optimist? Why or Why not? Give an example of a time when you were optimistic. (I should get at least a paragraph…please)
(psst…an optimist is someone who is hopeful and sees the bright side of any situation)

Act of Kindness:

Doing something for others is one way to make ourselves feel good. Choose an act of kindness that you could do for another person. Here are some examples of things you can do: make a card with a positive message, fold laundry, clean your room without being asked, make lunch for your mom or dad, or call a relative to say hello. The list is endless. I’m sure you could think of something nice to do for someone else.
*Tell me what you did and how you felt afterwards.


Play games! Find a game to play that uses math. Better yet, make one up! It doesn’t matter what kind of game as long as you are using adding, subtracting, or multiplying. Tell me what you decided to do.

*If this doesn’t work for you, practice getting faster at your timestables or use the flashcards you have (or made).
*If this doesn’t work for you, email me and I will give you some word problems to do.

The math I have given for today is NOT optional. In other words, you still need to do math today. Even though I have not given you specific questions, I still want you to practice your math and I have given you some flexibility in how you do that. I also know that some of you are doing your own math practice and that’s great. Your job is to let me know how you practiced your math today.

I hope you have a fantastic Feel Good Friday! See you all later…hopefully 🙂

31 Replies to “Feel Good Friday”

  1. I can stay positive by playing fun games with my family and laughing with them. I am stay positive by talking to my mom, playing with my toys and working on my comic named Energizer.

  2. I do not consider my self optimistic because whenever something bad happens to me I always look at the dark side. I will give you an example one day in the afternoon I was reading a book. I was too focused on reading the book (probably Pokemon) that I did not notice that my dog Ziva was chewing on my hockey puck! When I got to her it was too late the puck was ruined. My mom said at least you can still use it but I was to busy thinking about the dark side. That is why I do not consider my self optimistic.

    1. It is easy to think negatively. I hope you can find ways to stay positive. Being disappointed is not the same as being a pessimist. I would be disappointed too if my dog ate my puck.

  3. You can stay positive by looking on the bright side. You can also stay positive by writing positive things on sticky notes and then put them all over your room. To stay positive you can think of happy thoughts or listen to music that reminds you of happiness. You can look at pictures of places that you have been to that makes you happy.6

    I held the door open for my mom. I also closed it for her.

    I am going to work on my times tables instead of playing a math game.

  4. My game is a adding and multiplying game. You first have to split the deck into two piles then you have two find doubles and thrips. Then Rock Paper Scissors to see who go’s first. When you find out who go’s first the person that go’s first will put a pare or a thrip or a single. If it is a thrip or a pare you add the cards up then the other guy has to beat that number that you add or multiply but it does not have to put a pare or a thrip. They can also pass if they want. If both of the cards that they put down are equal then who ever has more cards that they just put down is higher but if they have the same amount of cards are the same than they have to take it back and play something else down. The first one to get rid of there cards is the winner.

  5. 5 things that make me positive
    1. I never give up: Whenever I fall off my bike, I get up and ride again
    2. Helping someone else:I help my dad with gardening
    3. Talking to someone that I can trust:I talk to my dad if I feel uncomfortable about something
    4. Doing new things:I like to try out new things. At first I don’t feel like doing a new thing, but at the end I like it.
    5. Thinking about good things:If something bad happens to me, I just think of a good thing that replaces the bad one

  6. Are you optimist?

    I would say I am optimist because I always like to say positive things and be positive. I say this because whenever at home or at school I like to be very positive around people especially around people or teachers that are very,very,very enthusiastic! I also see the bright side of a situation. Sometimes I am not positive. WHY? It is because I sometimes feel like I have either been accused of something I did not do, or someone hurt my feelings. But I always try to stay positive. Honestly being positive makes your life way,way,way better. You should try to stay positive too because it feels great!

  7. I look on the good side of things. Like when I play sports or like today when I didn’t do good on my first try at the paragraph. One time me and my team were losing 3-0 it was the end of the first half I told my team to not give up and we found a way to win in the end. Or like today, when I had a hard time writing this paragrpah my dad said I should write it again. I looked at the good side of practicing more of my writing instead of being upset. I like looming at the good side because the more. I use the good side the more I get friends.

  8. Hello Ms.Armstrong

    Here is my 5 things to help you stay positive:

    You can go for a walk it is best to go on a sunny day, you can also have a conversation with a friend or family member or even a teacher, you are able to listen to some music, you can play a bord game with some one in family and you can do a family gathering and talk. My favourite one is the listen to music one :).

  9. I don’t consider myself optimistic because one time I was playing with my sister, having lots of fun that I forgot that I had homework. I played so much with my sister that it was time for me to go to sleep. When I was heading towards my bed I had remembered that I had to finish my homework. I got mad at myself. It was hard doing my work when I was tired. But it was due the next day! I rushed through my work not caring if it was correct. That’s why I consider myself optimistic.

  10. I don’t consider myself optimistic. Because one time me and my friends were playing together and we got a lot of kills in a game and my friend said we are going to win the game and then we ran into the last person we thought he was a robot but he was a pro player that played the game also he was really good at the game. Then he knocked down one of my friends and me and my other friends had no more heals so we were stuck with 50 health ,150 health , and I was 30 health in the game you only can reach the health of 200, so we tried to win but lost we were really upset and that is why I am not optimistic.

  11. Things that help me stay positive:
    Say something nice to someone
    Help someone with there stuff ( like homework)
    Talk to myself
    Read a book
    Talk to something (like a stuffy)

  12. For multiplication my mom thought me how to use both hands by counting 6,7,8,9,10. I just need to fold my fingers, for example 7×7, so fold 2 fingers each and count by ten so it’s equals to 40,then the remaining 3 in each hand,you just gonna multiply it,3×3 is equals to 9 so I got 49 .For subtraction and addition she pretend to be my teacher and I am the student then she gave me a test.In addition I got one wrong,I got perfect on subtraction.

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