That day in the middle of the week…

Hi everyone, I hope you are staying well and keeping busy. Here’s a story for you…When I was young, my mom never let me say I was bored. So when I thought it was boredom I was feeling, I would go to my room and start cleaning it. I know, sounds boring doesn’t it. Well, as I was cleaning, I came across my books and toys of course. Before I knew it, I had found something to do. Then, when I didn’t want to do that any longer, I would go outside. It was hard at times and remember, I did not have a cell phone, or Netflix, or Minecraft to keep me busy. My point is, when you feel like you might be bored, look around your room or your backyard and you’ll be surprised how fast you find something to do. In the meantime, you can do the work I have sent 🙂

10 Replies to “That day in the middle of the week…”

  1. For number 1 I will try to play memory with my brother. For number 2 I will also try to beat my brother in the scavenger hunt. For the times thing I wrote down the numbers on the first time oops (I will try again). For the bundle one the answer is 8.then for the mistake you added 0 to soon. And could you explain the second mistake thingie.

    1. Sure. If you look at the equation I said the two sides were equal. Are they? Does 10-6 equal the same as 6-10?

  2. Hi Mrs. Armstrong ,

    For the first time I did the 7 times table 1-12 my time was 36.94 for the second time I did it my time was 25.63 and for the third time I did it my time was 22.25.

    For the random question of the day my answer is 8 because half of 48 is 24 so if you take 24 away from 48 you have 24 left and you want to put it in 3 bundles so 24 /3= 8 so that why its 8.

  3. Random question of the day answer is 8 because first I divided 48 then I had 24 and 24 but you gave half away so i split 24 in three groups which equalled 8

  4. Random Question of the day answers.
    1.Half of 48 is 24 and if you split 24 in 3 bundles there will be 8 in each of them.
    2.1000+0+29+3 does not equal to 1230 1000+200+30+0 equals to 1230.
    2.10-6=6-10 that is wrong.If you do 6-10 you will have a negative number and that makes that these both are not the same questions.

  5. My answer :
    48 divided by 2 = 24
    24 divided by 3 = 8
    my answer is 8 on each bundle

    where did I go wrong…?
    1000 + 0 + 20 + 3 = 1023 , its not 1230
    10 – 6 = 4 and 6-10 = -4

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