Zoom day

I’m looking forward to our meeting today. I hope you all got the invite. Remember we are meeting together as grade 3’s and then again as grade 4’s. Bring a piece of paper and pencil to the meeting. While you wait, here are some thinking tasks for you to complete. Just click on the date! May7

17 Replies to “Zoom day”

  1. Math
    The first time I took 25 seconds. The second time I took 27 seconds. The third time I took 22 seconds.I would say I did good.

  2. Math
    2. Each player gets 13 cards.
    3. If you skip count by 3’s you will eventually get 51.

  3. Random Math Problems Of The Day
    1. you have to bake it in 4 batches because 4×9=36
    2. each player will get 13 cards
    3. yes you will say 51 when you reach 17×3=51

  4. Hi Mrs. Armstrong,

    It says on epic that I have 5 assignments but I actually only see 2 assignments.

  5. Here are my questions….

    1. The answer is 4 batches of cupcakes because 4 times 9 equals 36.

    2. The answer is each player will have 13 cards each.

    3. The answer is yes because I knew that 51 was odd.

  6. Hi Mrs. Armstrong ,
    For the random problems of the day:
    . 1.you will have to make 4 batches.
    .2.each player gets 13 cards
    .3. If you skip count by 3 you will get to 51 when you get to 13.

  7. Epic
    I read a book called The Energy That Warms Us, A Look At The Heat.
    The book is is about heat and the things about heat like where heat comes from, how to make heat and how to balance heat and cold. There is also a experiment that was a bit boring for me.

  8. Mrs. Armstrong,

    I just wanted to say ‘thank you’ for setting the weekly zoom at the same time and day. it makes it so much easier to plan around it for Logan (he uses my laptop for it, haha). He really enjoys them.


  9. For number one I worked with five on the first run I got 6 seconds but on two and three I got 4 seconds!!! The batch of cupcakes are 4. The card one is 13. I have not done your assignment yet bye.

  10. Your mistake is that you put the zero at the end. You are supposed to put the in this spot:1023.

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