Wonder Wednesday

Hi everyone! I hope you had a fantastic long weekend. Seems like so long ago now. As you may have noticed, I titled this post ‘Wonder Wednesday’. Here’s why:

I want you to take 10 minutes (or more) to just sit somewhere quiet. I find outside is best but anywhere quiet is good. As you sit, look around your surroundings. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? Now, start to make a list of your wonders. I would love to see at least 10. This will take some time, so be patient. Based on your responses to the last journal question I gave you, this may be hard for some of you 🙂

Look at your list. Choose something from this list to research. I have attached my example. wondersexample

Some of you may be choosing to continue with the topic you chose last week. That is fine but please do the wonder activity and make your list of at least 10 questions. (email me if you are not sure what I mean)

If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? Why?

– There are a lot of unfinished assignments on Khan academy. Please check there.
– Go to Epic books and read the book on measurement. Do the quiz.
– Make a neighbourhood map.
*take a walk around your neighbourhood and take some notes or pictures.
*be sure to go at least one street away from you in all directions
*on a piece of paper, draw and label your map. Add colour.
*you can add symbols and a key if you want
*include one measurement statement (eg. It is 1 km to my friend’s house)
*take a photo of your completed map, and send it to me (email is easiest I’m guessing)

I hope you have a great day! Remember to reach out if you need help.

36 Replies to “Wonder Wednesday”

  1. I would have the super power to be able to shoot fire from my hands. The reason I want fire power is because I could use like a jet pack. That would be useful because I could get to places in a flash. The next reason I want fire power is I could cook anywhere (if I have the ingredients.) I also want fire power because I could camp in my yard.

    1. Shooting fire from your hands…wow! That’s a pretty cool superpower to have Niko. Hopefully it would be easily controlled 🙂

  2. Hi Ms Armstrong,
    If I had to have a super power it would be either talking to animals, becoming or controlling things with my mind. Why? because if i could talk to animals I would be able to communicate with my dog and other animals.If I had the power to control things with my mind than I wouldn’t have to go all the way down stairs just to get a pen or something I am okay with going down once in a while just not after online dance.

    1. I would also love to be able to talk to animals. Controlling things with your mind could make someone very lazy though 🙂

  3. I wonder how to make plastic, I wonder how to make a magnet, I wonder if dinosaurs still alive, I wonder how leaves change colour, I wonder how people make paper brown with out colouring it, I wonder if it is true that monkeys evolved into humans, I wonder how metal stick to magnet.

    1. Sorry Lauryn. I had to be at school all day and am only seeing this now at 7pm. You don’t need to post anything unless you want to. I got your email.

  4. My superpower would be to be smart. I would be smart because you will know what to build like a car. I want to be smart because you can also read people’s minds. If was I smart I could make inventions or gadgets. I would be smart because I would know want to do when we are trapped. Being smart is a very good super power because if you were still in school you would skip many grades and get a lot of scholarships. If I was smart, I would find many solution or find many ways to do things. A lot of smart people like Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and Marconi were very smart because they read a lot of books. If you were smart you could be rich and live in a nice house or travel the world. If you want be smart then read books because it makes you smarter and if you play video games or eat candy it will be dumb

    1. An interesting perspective Lazar. I think everyone is smart in a certain way. There are many different ways a person can be smart but you are right about reading!

  5. If I could have any superpower that I wanted then I would probably have mind powers. (I forgot the right word) With mind powers I would be able to read peoples mind and even control them!!! I think that it would be so cool! If I wanted to I could cheat in games and cheat in tests and much more. If I decided to gamble then I could cheat and win! If I had mind powers then it would be easy to know if people are sad, mad, scared or even jealous. I wouldn’t have to be worried about people talking behind my back or telling secrets about me. I will know if they are lying to me. With these mind powers I wouldn’t have to bring out the death-stare. When people prank or trick me I will know. Let’s say that it is April fools I don’t have to us my telepathy/mind powers. One of the main reasons why I chose this super power instead of super strength is that I wouldn’t have to worry about squishing things like my alarm clocks.

    1. Reading people’s minds could be a bad thing too. Would you really cheat?! I’m not sure that is a good use of your superpower 🙁

  6. If I had a super power it would be flying because I want to touch the clouds. But I have to be careful to stay in the atmosphere. Also I could rescue things from trees, like kites. And it would be so cool to be able to get into another country without going to the airport or taking a plane. My legs could get tired from flying though. Flying is nice because you can keep your feet of the ground.

    1. Flying would be a great power to have! I wish I could fly sometimes. Especially when I see eagles soaring in the wind. It looks freeing!

  7. Can a black hole suck up the world

    Were is Jesus from

    Where were the 7 wonders of world

    What cool stuff did Ceasar do

    Who was Ceasar

    Were was Ceasar from

    When was king Tut born

    Who invented radio

    Who was Leonardo De Vinci

    Who is Pablo Pacaso

    Well Ceasar could do many things like ride a horse with two hand behand his back. Ceasar was the emperor of Rome 100 BC to 50 BC

    1. You have some interesting questions Lazar. Did you look up any one in particular to find out more information? I see some facts about Ceasar, is that who you researched?

  8. I wonder….
    – I wonder why flowers have different colors and smell ?
    – I wonder why is it so cold outside ?
    – I wonder why is it so cloudy ?
    – I wonder why there’s no animals that I see ?
    – I wonder how tall can trees grow ?
    – I wonder why bears love honey ?
    – I wonder how long birds make a nest ?
    – I wonder why cars park in random spots ?
    – I wonder why electricity lines are so long ?
    – I wonder why there are no loud noises outside ?

    I chose flower’s with different colors and smell.
    – Flowers that are bright colors are meant to attract birds, bees and other insects in order to help the plants reproduce.
    – Colors come from a flower’s hereditary genome.
    – Green may actually be the most common flower color and pink are also very common and violet is a flower and a color.
    – A flower’s sent is created within the petals where essential oils are stored.
    – The Middlemist’s Red camellia is considered the rarest flower in the world. Only two known examples are believed to exist one in New Zealand and another one in England.

    1. Great job Liam! You have some great wonders. I found your research interesting too. I have never heard of the red camellia before.

    1. Sorry Sams. I wasn’t able to see this earlier today. When you finish the book, there should be two buttons. One will say finish the book, and the other should say quiz.

      1. Hello Mrs. Armstrong, hope you are doing well. I did not find the quiz option when I finished the book.

  9. If you had a super power what would it be?
    I would be immune to death. Why I would have the Super power because I could save people and I would not die

    If the world ends I will be alive forever ♾ so that is why I wanna have this super power

  10. Hello Mrs.Armstrong i did the epic books quiz
    Journal writing
    If i had a super power it would be keeping people have self confidence because without self confidence people won’t be doing things like zip lining because they don’t have self confidence and self confidence is like believing in yourself and not scared and i want everyone to have it.

    1. Self confidence is very important Meyri. You are right, without it people may not try new things.

  11. I smell my mom cooking and I see my mom cooking and I hear my mom cooking I hear the birds singing and I see the birds flying I see my self so quiet and I hear m self quiet I hear the wind blowing and I see the beautiful blue sky.

    1. These are good observations Yasmeen. Did you think of any wonders that you had while sitting quietly? Did you look up anything of interest?

    1. I can’t seem to figure out why. I re-invited you to join. If you have a different email I could use to sign you up again, I can try that.

  12. If I had a superpower it would be to have all superpowers because I could be the best superhero in the world and that I could use any power at any time. Another reason that I want to have this power is because I can help anyone no matter what cause and that I can do a lot of things with my powers. I still wonder if someone can make powers.

    1. That’s clever Logan. To have all the superpowers would be amazing! There would probably be a favourite though, no?

  13. I WONDER……
    I see birds flying ,i hear birds chirping, i smell the fresh air ,i see people walking their dogs , i hear people talking ,i smell the beautiful flowers , i see houses , i hear cars starting their engines , i see friends together talking about the day , i see people watching the horizon, i hear the construction working ,i hear dogs barking ,i smell popcorn (because someone was eating popcorn),i see parents and child(ren) riding bikes.

  14. If I have a super power it would be Teleporting because if I wanted to go some where like Los Angeles, I would just teleport there without flying or driving. Another thing why teleporting would be my super power because if I wanted to go to places that I have never been in I could just teleport there. I can watch basketball in different states while eating large size of popcorn and also I could visit other cool places.

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