
Month: May 2020 (Page 2 of 2)

Week 5


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for a minimum of 10 minutes
  2. You should receive a letter some time this week. Read your letter 🙂 Read it out loud to someone else in your family.

Dictee #5: “ai”

*pronounced like “eh” (the Canadian way) or sometimes “e” same as in English and SOMETIMES “eye”

  1. j’ai–I have
  2. j’aime–I like
  3. Mais–but
  4. Je fais–I make/I do
  5. aider–help
  6. La maison–the house
  7. Le travail–work **pronounced “trav-eye”
  8. Un main–a hand
  9. Maintenant–now
  10. Je serais–I will be

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  J’aime aider et je fais le travail de maison, mais maintenant mon main est fatigué!

1. Vocabulary practice: Create a word search using the vocabulary from this week. If you have a printer, you can use the template below. Add your vocabulary inside the grid then fill in the rest of the squares with random letters. Make sure to include your vocabulary search list on the left side. 

*As a challenge, you may add more words containing the same sound.

word search

2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. If you want a challenge, try the sentence at the end. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


  1. Write a letter to respond to the one you received in the mail. Try and answer one or all of the questions. Can you think of any other questions? Please take a picture of your letter and e-mail it to me.
  2. Try one or both of these vocabulary games:

Optional: l’atelier des histoires – story workshop 

Créer une histoire. Pensez à un endroit, des personnages et les évènements.  Est-ce qu’il y a un problème et comment se termine l’histoire? Essaie de ton mieux à écrire dans tes propres mots en français. 

Make sure you choose a setting, characters and events in your story.  Try to write down your story or represent it in another way. 

Oral Language

This week we will be having one on one conferences on Zoom. With your child, please decide on a focus point. Choose whether you would like us to work on reading (through Raz Kids), writing, Math, conversation in French or a specific homework assignment. Please sign up for a time that works for your child using the link below.

Week 5

Math Activities #5: Shapes/Les formes

1. Listen and follow along with the story:

 When you are finished reading, go back and complete the activity. Don’t forget to save 🙂 Here are the instructions in English:

Look at the 2 hexagons. How many sides do these two hexagons have? Use different shapes and create two new hexagons.

2. Scavenger Hunt: Can you find these shapes inside or outside of your house? Once you have found a shape, write down the object you found it in and please do a drawing. You may use the following worksheet to help you organize your findings. 

Shape scavenger hunt

3. Worksheet: Choose one of the following worksheets to complete. You may print, copy or create your own.

Un forme 2D: is a flat plane figure that has two dimensions: length and width with no thickness. 

Un forme 3D: is a solid, object or shape that has three dimensions- length, width and height

Formes de 3D have: les  faces/faces, les arrêts/edges et les sommets/vertices



4. For this next question there is no wrong answer as long as you explain your reasoning and make comparisons. Which shape do you think doesn’t belong? Why? Please video or audio record your answer (in French) and send it to me. 


Optional: Make a 3D shape using any material (drawing, cutout paper, playdough, lego etc)

geometric nets

Week 4

Activity #4: Mothers Day Card

Dimanche, le 10 Mai est la fête des mères. Fais un carte pour ta maman pour célébrer et pour la remercier. Voici une liste de vocabulaire:


  • Chère Maman/dear mom
  • Je t’aime parce que/I love you because
  • Merci pour/Thank you for
  • Je suis reconnaissant de/I am thankful for
  • Tu es/you are


Voici quelques inspirations:

Week 4


  1. Continue with your At Home Reading Program through Raz Kids, reading daily in French for a minimum of 10 minutes
  2. Listen and follow along with the below audiobook. Draw me a picture of your favorite part and tell me what is happening.

Grade 1’s:

Grade 2’s:

Dictee #4- “é”

*pronounced like “eh” (the Canadian way) or “ay”

  1. J’ai mangé/I ate
  2. Le marché/the market
  3. L’été/summer
  4. Le bébé/the baby
  5. La poupée/the doll
  6. J’étais/I was
  7. L’école/the school
  8. La crème glacée/Ice cream
  9. Un carré/a square
  10. Un vélo/a bike

*BONUS SENTENCE (optional):  Pendant l’été, je suis allée au marché avec ma poupée et j’ai mangé une crème glacée!

  1. Vocabulary practice: Try this online game to practice spelling words with the sound Ă©
  2. Dictée: Once you have had sufficient practice spelling the words, listen to the audio link and test yourself by writing out the words without looking. If you want a challenge, try the sentence at the end. When you are finished you can compare your words with the spelling list above and make any necessary corrections.


  1. Spring: Use all your senses to come up with a good list of words, sentences or images associated with Spring. If you prefer, you can draw a  spring scene and then label your drawing. If you need inspiration, look out a window or go for a walk. ‘

Ecrire des mots, des phrases ou dessiner des images associĂ©es au printemps. “Pendant le printemps…”:

  • Je vois/observe/regarde
  • Je sens
  • J’entends/j’écoute
  • Je goĂ»te/je mange/je dĂ©guste
  • Je touche
  • j’aime

Le Printemps

Bonjour le soleil qui sort de sa cachette

Bonjour les enfants qui font de la bicyclette

Bonjour les fleurs qui se reveille

Mars, avril et mai

C’est le temps de célébrer

Une nouvelle saison

Le printemps

Using your words, sentences and images from activity 1, write a poem, a paragraph or sentences about spring. Please write in French and do your best to add detail and be creative. Make sure to send me your work

GRADE 2: Please write a poem or paragraph 5-7 sentences

GRADE 1: You can write sentences (3-5), a paragraph or a poem

Spring vocab

2. Please find and correct the mistakes in each sentence:

  • J’ai allĂ©e au parc. (1 mistake)
  • Je a mangĂ© une banane Ă© un sandwich. (2 mistakes)
  • Mon maman et gentille. (2 mistakes)
  • la fille joue avek sa frère. (3 mistakes)
  • J’ème les fleur (3 mistakes)
  • Le bato flotte dans l’eau. (1 mistake)

Oral Language

This week we will be having small group conferences on Zoom. Please sign up for a time that works for your child using the link below. For this meeting, students will be presenting a show and tell. Below is an optional worksheet to help your child prepare:

Show and Tell:

Please prepare and practise your montre et raconte for when we meet up again. Here is a script. You do not have to follow it.

  1. Bonjour je m’appelle_____________
  2. J’ai un objet mystère/ I have a mystery item
  3. Peux-tu deviner mon objet? Voici des indices/ Can you guess my object? Here are some clues.
  4. C’est petit(e)/moyen(ne)/grand(e)
  5. C’est vivant/non-vivant
  6. C’est fait en bois/plastique/métal
  7. C’est en forme d’un rectangle
  8. Mon objet commence avec la lettre
  9. ________________________________________
  10. J’aime mon objet parce que

mon objet mystere

Week 4

1. We need to stay 2 metres apart from people when we are in public. What does 2 metres look like? How can you show it? How many ways can you show this distance and what materials can you use? Comment peux-tu montrer 2 mètres? Utilise des dessins, des mots, des objets pour montrer tes idées. You do not need to send me this assignment. Please discuss with an adult. 

2. Listen to the story “Measuring Penny”:

Choose something inside or outside of your house to measure. Measure it in as many ways as you can think of. Record (in drawing, writing or on the following worksheet) at least 5 different measurements.

Optional worksheet: 

measuring penny

3. A “unit of measurement” is what you use to measure something. Standard units of measurement include cm, mm, m, km, inches, ft, lbs, grams, cups etc. They are more widely recognized and can measure different attributes of an object such as weight, size or volume. Non standard units of measurement can be anything you use to compare measurement. For example: My phone is the same length as my hand. My table measures 7 pens wide.

  • longueur/Length: how long something is
  • largeur/Width: how wide something is (the smaller sides on a rectangle)
  • hauteur/Height: how tall something is
  • Volume: used to measure liquids
  • poids/Weight: how heavy something is
  • plus grand que/bigger than
  • plus petit que/smaller than
  • la mĂŞme taille que/the same size as

Choose 5 objects to measure. Measure each object using a different “unit of measurement” (standard or non standard). Find at least one object that is plus petit que ton ongle and one other that is plus grande que ta jambe. Record the object, measurement and unit of measurement for each. Which is the biggest? Smallest? How do you know?

Here is an optional worksheet to help you organised your findings: 

measurement table

4. Which of these measurement tools do you think does not belong? Why? Please video or audio record your answer (in French) and send it to me. Give me one answer that you think a lot of students will think of. Now can you come up with an answer that you don’t think many students would have?

**Optional: Browse the Project Chef website. Is there a recipe that you could try with the help of an adult?

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