Return to School June 1st Schedules and Safety Protocols

Cher parents,

Thank you for your patience during these trying times. For those of you continuing with online lessons, the format has changed a bit. I will be posting the lesson plan shortly. Students will receive a daily language lesson. Math, science and music will have one lesson for the week. Plus, there will be additional resources if you require additional support.

If you decide you want your child to attend in-class instruction, you must contact Ms. Aujla to confirm placement before bringing your child to school. 

For those returning to school, we will have ONE COHORT on Monday and Tuesday from 9am-3pm. Mme. Giugliani will teach the in-class portion and Mme. Marando will continue to deliver the online lessons. Mme Jenny will be at school to support the Mason Bee project Tuesday afternoons.

Here is the new class schedule. The school has been divided into 4 groups with staggered recess and lunch. We are Group D

Arrival: 9am – Language instruction will be delivered during this time

Snack: Self directed. Students will break to eat when they are hungry

Lunch recess: 11:15-12:15 (students must remain outside while school is cleaned, except bathroom breaks)

Lunch: 12:15-1:00 (students eat their lunch)

Afternoon session: 1:00-2:00 – Cosmic Yoga, Science with Mme. Jenny (Tuesday); Art

Recess: 2:00-2:30 – Outdoor play. Students must remain outside during this time

Dismissal: 2:30 – 3:00 – Get ready for home, class read aloud, dismissal. Please do not approach the door. We will dismiss your child one-by-one.

Safety Protocols

  • Students must enter and exit from the classroom by the classroom door ONLY. We will provide signage to ensure all students maintain social distancing. Parents will not be permitted into the classroom. If you are late, DO NOT report to the office. Knock on door and you will be let in
  • Students (and staff) are expected to do an assessment using the Daily Health Check List to ensure they are healthy. You can find the questionnaire here: student check in – May 26 2020 – 11-08 AM 1. If you answer yes to any of these questions, your child will have to remain home.
  • Upon arrival, students will report to their assigned desk/table. This will be their space for the entire day when not outdoors. All their belongings will be kept in their backpack such as their lunch, water bottle and their school supplies in a bin on their table. Please ensure they have a muddy buddy on or in backpack for rainy days as we will spend lots of time outdoors.There will be no use of the cloakroom. Students will not change shoes like they are used to. Students will also need to be able to put on and take off their jackets independently as to not interfere with social distancing. Please ensure that you have provided them with adequate sunscreen (or other sun protection) as teachers will not be applying sunscreen to your child. Social distancing measures may need to be broken for safety reasons (i.e your child gets hurt)
  • There is a strict hand washing expectation. Students will be expected to wash their hands 6 times a day: arrival, before recess, after recess, before lunch, after lunch, before going home and anytime they use the bathroom or touch their nose/mouth)
  • Students are to bring a SNACK, bagged lunch, their own utensils and 1 or more water bottles (labelled) to school. Water fountains will be CLOSED. NO lunch drop offs will be permitted. Students must bring all their food wrappers and waste home.
  • Students cannot be dropped off or picked up in roundabout as this area is reserved for staff only
  • School supplies will be bagged and labelled for each student. There will be no communal supplies.
  • All center toys (dress up, blocks, art centre etc) will be packed up. The carpet and shelves will be removed from the classroom to ensure custodial staff can wipe down all surfaces in their allotted times morning and afternoon and to make room for enough tables for each child to sit 2 meters apart. We will be incorporating more movement songs, music lessons and outdoor play to compensate for the change in classroom.

We acknowledge that these changes may seem stressful. Student, staff and community safety is our highest priority. Students will be trained on proper hygiene and safety expectations. We will strive to make school fun and engaging for your child but it will look very different. I recommend reading them this social story to best prepare them: Returning-To-School-During-COVID-19

Thank you again for your patience and support as we navigate through these challenging times together

  • Mme. Marando and Mme. Giugliani

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