June 1st-5th: Online Lessons

Overview of lessons  June 1st to 5th  
Language  Les sons de la semaine 
Math  Financial literacy (needs and wants) 
Science   Bee Project 
Music  Zoom class Friday at 11:30 
Additional Learning opportunities  Various activities to support all areas of the curriculum 

The format of our lessons has changed.  

French instruction is our priority, along with providing students with social and emotional lessons in class. We will focus on a sound per day. In-class students will do Monday and Tuesday’s sounds with Mme. Giugliani and the rest of the sounds at home Wed-Fri.  There will be a video lesson for each sound. 

Please find ALL the sound worksheets in the following document: https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/e18041_burnabyschools_ca/EUXu4ZtjKH9KjIxVCm0W8hMB5DgdVodFjdnnhSrtHtm-QQ?e=G8yIv3 

Do what you can!  

There will be one math lesson per week to be completed via online learning.  

For science, Mme. Jenny will work with the in-class students on their bee project. Online students will have the chance to pick up their package and follow along at home. Pick up is Thursday JUNE 4th between 12-2. There will be a bin outside our classroom door. Each bag is LABELLED. Please ensure you grab the right one 😊  If you cannot make it, please check with another parent in our classroom to see if they can arrange pick up for you or contact Mme. Marando

You will continue to receive activities for MUSIC. We will continue with ZOOM music class every Friday at 11:30am. 

We have also included a section of supplementary activities to do at your pace. 

I am also planning on doing a one on one check in with each student (that will not be in-class). I will communicate more information regarding this next week.

If you have any questions regarding the online lessons, please contact Mme. Marando.If you have trouble viewing the lessons below, DOWNLOAD HERE (word document)


Lessons  Lundi  Mardi  Mercredi  Jeudi  Vendredi 
Literacy: les sons booklet 

Son G 

Video: G  

Video: Gi 


Son J 

Video : J 

Son I  Son K  Son L

This week, we will explore the concept of needs and wants.  

Watch the video of the story, “Bunny Money.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcVaypXBEqg 

What did Ruby and Max want to do with the money for grandma?  


Needs versus wants: when we learn about money and how to spend it, we need to know the difference between a need and a want (j’en ai besoin et je veux).  

A need it something we can’t live without like water or food. A want is something we would like to have but can live without it, like a toy or candy. 

Here is an activity for students to do at home. Print and glue the images in the appropriate spots or draw your own needs versus wants. Needs versus wants – May 28 2020 – 4-51 PM. Have a conversation with your child about why he or she made those choices.

Optional additional activities: match and dans ma poche 


Mme. Jenny planting lesson 

We will be making a pollinator garden for native bee friends. (Nos abeilles solitaires) 

Bees rely on blooming wildflowers, shrubs and trees to provide the nectar and pollen on which they feed. We will be adding a new garden bed filled with blooming native plants at school and you can help at home too.  We’re going to start by growing some native BC wildflowers

Students in-class will receive their kit this wee. For online students, you can come pick up Thursday between 12-2pm (bags labelled in bin outside classroom). Watch this video that will tell you the steps of how to plant the seeds. 

Don’t forget to keep the soil MOIST. Do not over water. You don’t have to water it every day but make sure there is always water in the saucer.  

Music  Here is a lesson on Chrome Music Lab: Music Activity -week of May 25, 2020. We will also be hosting a ZOOM dance and sing lesson at 11:30 on Friday. Invite on Freshgrade to follow. 
Additional Learning Opportunities 

Move your body! 

Get outside and ride your bike/scooter

Use Go Noodle for indoor movement activities! 

Art idea: 

Here are some cute bee related art activities https://homeschoolpreschool.net/toilet-paper-roll-bees/  


Using outdoor chalk, create a 10 frame. Collect items from nature to fill your 10 frame 

Social studies:  

Act of Kindness 

Draw a picture of a rainbow and deliver it to a neighbour 

Bonne fete Ryan!🎈🎉 



*Kindergarten students need amples amount of free play. It’s how they do their best learning. We typically designate 1 hour of free play in our kindergarten class.  

**Outdoor education is very important. It is recommended children get a minimum of 30 minutes of outside time per day 

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