Lessons for June 15-19

A schedule will be coming out this upcoming week to layout the plans for the last week of school (June 22-26) but I thought I would give you a rough idea of how the week will go for planning purposes.

  • *THIS IS A TENTATIVE PLAN AND MAY CHANGE* Monday and Tuesday cohorts will attend MONDAY only. Thursday/Friday cohorts will attend TUESDAY. ESW students will attend Wednesday as their last day. (If you decide not to send your child, please let us know ASAP so we can plan appropriately).


  • Report cards will be picked up from school on THURSDAY JUNE 25th with Mme. Marando. Time TBA. The school is not mailing report cards out this year. If you cannot pick up, your report card will held until September. We will also hand out their portfolios and take year end pictures (while maintaining social distance, of course).
  • Friday is an administrative day. There is no school.

Here is the lesson plan for the week to download: Lessons for June 15-19

Overview of lessons  June 15th to 19th 
Language  Les sons de la semaine 
Math  Financial literacy- Saving money 
Science   Bee Project 
Music  Zoom class Friday at 11:30 
Additional Learning opportunities  Various activities to support all areas of the curriculum 


Voici les leçons de la semaine. Here are the lessons for the week. 

Please find ALL the sound worksheets in the following document: https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/e18041_burnabyschools_ca/EUXu4ZtjKH9KjIxVCm0W8hMB5DgdVodFjdnnhSrtHtm-QQ?e=G8yIv3 


Lessons  Lundi  Mardi  Mercredi  Jeudi  Vendredi 


les sons  


Son R  Son S   Son  T  Son  U  Son  V 

This week, we will explore the concept of  Earning Money 

Lesson 1: Earning Money: What Can I do? 

Ask your parents, what do they do to earn money and why?  

What kinds of things can you do to earn money? Some ideas (I get money from birthday, I earn an allowance, I can have a garage sale and sell toys I don’t use anymore, I could make things that others want to buy)  


Make a plan by creating a money-making opportunity. Is there more than one way to earn money? Does work have value? Do objects have value? 


Lesson 2: Playing Store 

Set up a store in your home. Include coins, paper and pens for price tags and signs. If you have a calculator or cash register, add that too!  

Select 10 items around your home and price them for sale or select one of the ideas from lesson 1! (Make the amounts no greater than $10). Invite your family to visit your store. Make sure to keep track of what is sold and how much money you earn.  


What sold first and why? Does it have more value than another? What do you do with the money you have earned? 


Here is a story called Isabel’s Car Wash to help explore the concept of earning money 


Optional: Create a recording and send it to Mme. Marando via Freshgrade! 


Mme. Jenny Bee Project 

Last week, we made our bee house. This week let’s see if they have sprouted. 


Let me know if anything has changed for your seeds. What do you notice about your seedlings? Post a photo your seedlings if you have time and share a video to explaining to Mme. Jenny and Mme. Marando if you noticed anything different. 


This week, when the sprouts are 2-3 cm tall, we can start planting!  

In this  video,Mme Jenny will show you how to plant your sprouts in the ground.You may need a parent to help you make a hole in the dirt.  


Post a picture of where you have planted them. Make sure to think carefully where you are planting as the flowers will stay there for the next few years! Do not forget to decorate your sign (click here for PDF) to show where your garden is.  


Optional: Plant your flowers at school!! Come to school where the garden is ready for you to plant your seedings near the end of the week on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.  



Here is  our weekly music lesson: Music Lesson  

We will also be hosting a ZOOM dance and sing lesson at 11:30 on Friday. This will be our last music class! 

Additional Learning Opportunities 

Move your body! 

Choose an activity from Heart Smart Kids!  

Art and Nature: 

Here is a fun Nature Crown activity from a good teacher friend of mine! 




Social studies: 

One of the big ideas from our social studies curriculum “Rights, roles, and responsibilities shape our identity and help us build healthy relationships with others.” 

Here is a kid-friendly  book to explain Racism for kids.  

Celebrating Father’s 


Storytime with Mme. Marando  


Ah! Les Papas! By Nick Bland 


Here is a Chanson to learn for Papa! 


More Father’s Day resources from Ms. Dias (librarian)



Mme. Marando’s Birthday is June 17th 

*Kindergarten students need amples amount of free play. It’s how they do their best learning. We typically designate 1 hour of free play in our kindergarten class.  

**Outdoor education is very important. It is recommended children get a minimum of 30 minutes of outside time per day 








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