Have a good summer

Chers amis,

Its our last day and on behalf of all your teachers, we are wishing you all a wonderful summer! Thank you parents for all the kind words yesterday. You were integral to our program!

I have created a page for resources to help with French skills. You will find that here!

Feel free to keep us posted on Freshgrade with your summer adventures!


Mme. Marando, Mme. Giugliani, Mme. Mauro and Mme. Jenny!

Au Revoir from Mme. Mauro

Congratulations on finishing your first year of elementary school! I’m so happy I was a part of it from September to December. You all worked so hard and learn so much. It was a pleasure to watch you grow and develop. Keep up the good work and good luck in Grade 1!!

Mme. Mauro


Ps here are some photos of Giorgia since I wasn’t able to come visit with her 💕

Lessons for June 22-26


Overview of lessons  June 22nd to June 26th 
Language  My Kindergarten Memories 
Math  Financial literacy – Sharing  
Science   Bee Project 


Mes chers amis, 

We have reached the last week of your kindergarten year! It has been our pleasure to be your teachers this year! We have had a very exciting year with Mme. Jenny joining us, to Mme. Mauro leaving to have her sweet baby girl. Then Mme. Giugliani joined us for term 2 and we began learning from home in term 3! You have been so resilient and adaptable through it all. And how lucky to have had 4 teachers plant the seed of learning for your kindergarten year 

Mme. Mauro will continue to be on maternity leave for the 2020/21 school year but she wishes you all the best in Gr.1! 

We congratulate Mme. Giugliani on getting a fulltime position as the French Immersion Kindergarten Teacher this upcoming 2020/2021 school year! 

Thank you parents for supporting your child’s learning this year but especially for your support with the online lessons. When we work together, amazing things can happen. I end this message with a quote from my favourite poem : 

“And each agreed they would have failed, if they had worked alone. 

For behind the parent, stood the school 

And behind the teacher, stood the home” 

Unity, Author Unknown 


We have prepared a special video for you as a keepsake of your kindergarten year. Here is the link. We hope you enjoy it! 


Lessons  Last Week of School Lessons – June 22-26 
 Monday June 22nd  

J’ai fini ma maternelle: DOWNLOAD 

Have your child draw their self portrait. They drew one the first week of school! It will be exciting to compare their picture from September to now.  

Practice the phrase: Me voici! 

Record their height and weight at the bottom. Additionally, measure their height using a piece of string and attach it to this worksheet! Keep this in their portfolio 


Tuesday, June 23rd 


Mon souvenir de la maternelle: DOWNLOAD 

Watch the video of our kindergarten year. What was your favourite memory? 

Practice this phrase: Mon plus beau souvenir est 

Examples: jouer avec mes amis, la sortie aux champe de citrouilles…etc 

Record video and post it on Freshgrade! 

WednesdayJune 24th  

En premiere annee: DOWNLOAD 

Read the story: The Night Before First Grade 

Practice the phrase “ En premiere annee, j’aimerais apprendre 

Take video and post to Freshgrade! 


June 25th 


Last day of school! 

We leave you with this message as you go off into summer break! “Say Something” By Peter Reynolds 


Pick up report card and portfolio between 10-12pm outside our classroom door. We can take photos together as long as we maintain social distancing 😊  


June 26th  

Admin Day – No Students Attend 


If you are unable to pick up your report card on Thursday, it will be held for you until September. 



Spending and Giving Money 

We have learned that: 

  • It is important to think before we spend 
  • We can only spend money that we earn and save 
  • We make choices about how we spend our money 

The final learning expectation is:  

  • It’s a good idea to share with others 

It is important to develop an altruistic attitude around money. Altruism is concern for the well-being of others. To act in a self-less way. There are many ways to give to others: consider the food bank drives we have done at school, healthy snack day to raise money for PAC, the Terry Fox run etc. During the pandemic, there have been many organizations donating products to people in need. Find an example relatable to your family to explain to your child.  

Watch this read aloud, “Benny’s Pennies,” a little boy who heads out the market with 5 shiny pennies in his pocket. He works hard to meet the needs of his family, sticks to a spending plan, and comes back with gifts for all! 

Read about our kindergarteners Busy Town Donation to the Burnaby Hospital last year: https://www.bhfoundation.ca/news/the-biggest-100-ever-donated-to-burnaby-hospital/ 

How does sharing money impact ourselves? Others? Our community? 

Choose one way you will make an impact on someone else this week: Will you donate to a cause/agency? Will you perform an act of kindness? Brainstorm ideas with your parent! 



Remember to take the time to carefully look at the ground. It is important in science to be able to describe what you see/observe, smell, hear and feel in words. 

What do you see? What do you observe in your mini garden? Feel free to come by the school’s garden on Wednesday, or Thursday as well to try to look at the different sprouts. Do they smell like anything? Think about what they look like. Do they all look the same? Try to describe it.  


In this video here, there are some final thoughts and words. 

Thank you very much for your participation in the project! 

Remember to keep the native bees alive in certain areas we must be lazy gardener and let nature do what it does best! 



If you would like to complete the final sounds of the week (X,Y,Z), you can find the booklet here: https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/e18041_burnabyschools_ca/EUXu4ZtjKH9KjIxVCm0W8hMB5DgdVodFjdnnhSrtHtm-QQ?e=G8yIv3 

You will have access to the class website all summer to review lessons and download worksheets, however it will not be monitored.  

Also the summer reading program is online! Follow this link to have your child participate! https://bcsrc.ca 

Merci mes amis! On vous souhaite un bon été! All the best for Grade One! 






We would like to congratulate Vanessa Giugliani on being the successful candidate for the French Immersion Kindergarten position at Brantford! Brantford is very lucky to have gained Vanessa as a member of their staff!


Lessons for June 15-19

A schedule will be coming out this upcoming week to layout the plans for the last week of school (June 22-26) but I thought I would give you a rough idea of how the week will go for planning purposes.

  • *THIS IS A TENTATIVE PLAN AND MAY CHANGE* Monday and Tuesday cohorts will attend MONDAY only. Thursday/Friday cohorts will attend TUESDAY. ESW students will attend Wednesday as their last day. (If you decide not to send your child, please let us know ASAP so we can plan appropriately).


  • Report cards will be picked up from school on THURSDAY JUNE 25th with Mme. Marando. Time TBA. The school is not mailing report cards out this year. If you cannot pick up, your report card will held until September. We will also hand out their portfolios and take year end pictures (while maintaining social distance, of course).
  • Friday is an administrative day. There is no school.

Here is the lesson plan for the week to download: Lessons for June 15-19

Overview of lessons  June 15th to 19th 
Language  Les sons de la semaine 
Math  Financial literacy- Saving money 
Science   Bee Project 
Music  Zoom class Friday at 11:30 
Additional Learning opportunities  Various activities to support all areas of the curriculum 


Voici les leçons de la semaine. Here are the lessons for the week. 

Please find ALL the sound worksheets in the following document: https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/e18041_burnabyschools_ca/EUXu4ZtjKH9KjIxVCm0W8hMB5DgdVodFjdnnhSrtHtm-QQ?e=G8yIv3 


Lessons  Lundi  Mardi  Mercredi  Jeudi  Vendredi 


les sons  


Son R  Son S   Son  T  Son  U  Son  V 

This week, we will explore the concept of  Earning Money 

Lesson 1: Earning Money: What Can I do? 

Ask your parents, what do they do to earn money and why?  

What kinds of things can you do to earn money? Some ideas (I get money from birthday, I earn an allowance, I can have a garage sale and sell toys I don’t use anymore, I could make things that others want to buy)  


Make a plan by creating a money-making opportunity. Is there more than one way to earn money? Does work have value? Do objects have value? 


Lesson 2: Playing Store 

Set up a store in your home. Include coins, paper and pens for price tags and signs. If you have a calculator or cash register, add that too!  

Select 10 items around your home and price them for sale or select one of the ideas from lesson 1! (Make the amounts no greater than $10). Invite your family to visit your store. Make sure to keep track of what is sold and how much money you earn.  


What sold first and why? Does it have more value than another? What do you do with the money you have earned? 


Here is a story called Isabel’s Car Wash to help explore the concept of earning money 


Optional: Create a recording and send it to Mme. Marando via Freshgrade! 


Mme. Jenny Bee Project 

Last week, we made our bee house. This week let’s see if they have sprouted. 


Let me know if anything has changed for your seeds. What do you notice about your seedlings? Post a photo your seedlings if you have time and share a video to explaining to Mme. Jenny and Mme. Marando if you noticed anything different. 


This week, when the sprouts are 2-3 cm tall, we can start planting!  

In this  video,Mme Jenny will show you how to plant your sprouts in the ground.You may need a parent to help you make a hole in the dirt.  


Post a picture of where you have planted them. Make sure to think carefully where you are planting as the flowers will stay there for the next few years! Do not forget to decorate your sign (click here for PDF) to show where your garden is.  


Optional: Plant your flowers at school!! Come to school where the garden is ready for you to plant your seedings near the end of the week on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.  



Here is  our weekly music lesson: Music Lesson  

We will also be hosting a ZOOM dance and sing lesson at 11:30 on Friday. This will be our last music class! 

Additional Learning Opportunities 

Move your body! 

Choose an activity from Heart Smart Kids!  

Art and Nature: 

Here is a fun Nature Crown activity from a good teacher friend of mine! 




Social studies: 

One of the big ideas from our social studies curriculum “Rights, roles, and responsibilities shape our identity and help us build healthy relationships with others.” 

Here is a kid-friendly  book to explain Racism for kids.  

Celebrating Father’s 


Storytime with Mme. Marando  


Ah! Les Papas! By Nick Bland 


Here is a Chanson to learn for Papa! 


More Father’s Day resources from Ms. Dias (librarian)



Mme. Marando’s Birthday is June 17th 

*Kindergarten students need amples amount of free play. It’s how they do their best learning. We typically designate 1 hour of free play in our kindergarten class.  

**Outdoor education is very important. It is recommended children get a minimum of 30 minutes of outside time per day 








Lessons for June 8th

Cher parents, I am posting these lessons a bit early as I will be celebrating my daughter’s birthday this weekend! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. “See” you for the zoom calls!

Overview of lessons  June 8th to 12th  
Language  Les sons de la semaine 
Math  Financial literacy– Saving money 
Science   Bee Project 
Music  Zoom class Friday at 11:30 
Additional Learning opportunities  Various activities to support all areas of the curriculum 


Voici les leçons de la semaine. Here is the WORD document, in case you cannot view this properly on your screen

Please find ALL the sound worksheets in the following document

Don’t forget to sign up for a ZOOM call this week! Here is the link for ease

Thank you for picking up your gardening kits! If you did not pick up, Alternate pick up for the gardening kits will be Monday or Tuesday from 10-12 or 1-2. It will be outside our classroom door. Your child’s name will be on the bag.

Lessons  Lundi  Mardi  Mercredi  Jeudi  Vendredi 
Literacy: les sons booklet  Son M  Son N  Son O (eau/au) et O  Son P  Son Q 

This week, we will explore the concept of earning, saving and spending money 

There are 3 important concepts to know when learning about the value of money: spending, saving and sharing. Last week, in Bunny Money, Max and his sister spent all their money that they were supposed to spend on their grandma. This week, we will learn how we can save money properly so that we spend it wisely.  

Watch the video of the story, “Just Saving My Money” by Mercer Mayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g4DBTMfE9I 

Project: Had we been in class, we would have been hard at work on our year-end project: Busy Town! We would have created a mini town in our classroom, where we speak French of course, and invited our families to come and visit. All the students would have a job and would work in our town. Parents would get to visit and purchase goods/services 

What do I want to be when I grow up? Quand je serais grande, je veux être… 

Take some time to think about, when you are older, what is a job you would like to have and why? How will it impact our community?

OPTIONAL: Create a recording using the phrase above and send it to Mme. Marando via Freshgrade! 


Mme. Jenny Bee Project 

Last week, we planted our seeds to attract our bee friends, this week, we will observe our seeds. 

Let me know if anything has changed for your seeds. What do you notice about your seedlings? Post a photo your seedlings if you have time and share a video to explaining to Mme. Jenny and Mme. Marando if you noticed anything different. 

This week, we’re going to make a bee home! When we have our garden, some bees can bury themselves underground while others need old logs and old trees. Some of them are starting to lose their home so lets help by making some new homes for them. 

In this video, Mme Jenny will show you how to make a homemade bee house that you can place above the flowers when they grow.  

Post a picture of your bee home. 


Here is our weekly music lesson: Music Lesson  

We will also be hosting a ZOOM dance and sing lesson at 11:30 on Friday. Invite on Freshgrade to follow. 

Additional Learning Opportunities 

Move your body! 

Draw pictures of different animals/insects on a a piece of paper. Cut into cards. Head outside or into an open space and move like the animal you have chosen. Invite a parent/sibling to play along! 

Art idea

Colours of Us. Watch this story being read on Youtube!  

If you have paints at home, try mixing the colours to find your shade! 

Or try this alternative 


Using outdoor chalk, create letters A-Z on the sidewalk or driveway. 

 Find collections that start with that letter.  

Social studies:  

Explore your neighbourhood. Are there services and stores in your area that serve your community?  

Take pictures and share on Freshgrade 

Celebrating Kindness 

Here is Mme. Marando reading the story “What does it mean to be Kind” 



*Kindergarten students need amples amount of free play. It’s how they do their best learning. We typically designate 1 hour of free play in our kindergarten class.  

**Outdoor education is very important. It is recommended children get a minimum of 30 minutes of outside time per day 



Student Assessment Sign Up

Cher parents,

Please find attached the sign up form for the ZOOM calls next week. Each call will last approximately 10 minutes. We have allotted 15 minutes per slot.

To prepare your child for the zoom call, please download this worksheet and have it in front of them for the call, a pencil and some colouring tools. DO NOT FILL OUT. We will work through the worksheet with your child. Please allow time for your child to complete the worksheet at the end of the call. Then submit the finished product via Freshgrade or email. We will be discussing the following core competency for the term: I can try to do things in different ways. We felt this appropriate since the students have had to learn in a completely new format this term, online!

The following students, please sign up for a time on WEDNESDAY with Mme. Giugliani: CASPIAN, PETAR, CARINA, DAMIAN, LOGAN, TEAGAN, KALEAH, MAX (Eva, Elisa, Mythica and Ella will complete their assessment in class) 

The following students, please sign up for a time on  THURSDAY OR FRIDAY with Mme. Marando: JAMES, CONNOR, ALICIA, GEORGIE, SIMRA, RYAN, ELSA, IVAN 

Student Assessment Sign Up

Cher parents,

Please find attached the sign up form for the ZOOM calls next week. Each call will last approximately 10 minutes. We have allotted 15 minutes per slot.

To prepare your child for the zoom call, please download this worksheet and have it in front of them for the call, a pencil and some colouring tools. DO NOT FILL OUT. We will work through the worksheet with your child. Please allow time for your child to complete the worksheet at the end of the call. Then submit the finished product via Freshgrade or email. We will be discussing the following core competency for the term: I can try to do things in different ways. We felt this appropriate since the students have had to learn in a completely new format this term, online!

The following students, please sign up for a time on WEDNESDAY with Mme. Giugliani: CASPIAN, PETAR, CARINA, DAMIAN, LOGAN, TEAGAN, KALEAH, MAX (Eva, Elisa, Mythica and Ella will complete their assessment in class) 

The following students, please sign up for a time on  THURSDAY OR FRIDAY with Mme. Marando: JAMES, CONNOR, ALICIA, GEORGIE, SIMRA, RYAN, ELSA, IVAN 

Assessment Check-in via Zoom next week

We will be contacting all parents/students next week to schedule a  time on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday to have a one-on-one zoom call with each student to do a check in on how they have been doing with the lessons thus far and to do a self-assessment evaluation. Details to be sent out with our June 8th lesson plans.

June 1st-5th: Online Lessons

Overview of lessons  June 1st to 5th  
Language  Les sons de la semaine 
Math  Financial literacy (needs and wants) 
Science   Bee Project 
Music  Zoom class Friday at 11:30 
Additional Learning opportunities  Various activities to support all areas of the curriculum 

The format of our lessons has changed.  

French instruction is our priority, along with providing students with social and emotional lessons in class. We will focus on a sound per day. In-class students will do Monday and Tuesday’s sounds with Mme. Giugliani and the rest of the sounds at home Wed-Fri.  There will be a video lesson for each sound. 

Please find ALL the sound worksheets in the following document: https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/e18041_burnabyschools_ca/EUXu4ZtjKH9KjIxVCm0W8hMB5DgdVodFjdnnhSrtHtm-QQ?e=G8yIv3 

Do what you can!  

There will be one math lesson per week to be completed via online learning.  

For science, Mme. Jenny will work with the in-class students on their bee project. Online students will have the chance to pick up their package and follow along at home. Pick up is Thursday JUNE 4th between 12-2. There will be a bin outside our classroom door. Each bag is LABELLED. Please ensure you grab the right one 😊  If you cannot make it, please check with another parent in our classroom to see if they can arrange pick up for you or contact Mme. Marando

You will continue to receive activities for MUSIC. We will continue with ZOOM music class every Friday at 11:30am. 

We have also included a section of supplementary activities to do at your pace. 

I am also planning on doing a one on one check in with each student (that will not be in-class). I will communicate more information regarding this next week.

If you have any questions regarding the online lessons, please contact Mme. Marando.If you have trouble viewing the lessons below, DOWNLOAD HERE (word document)


Lessons  Lundi  Mardi  Mercredi  Jeudi  Vendredi 
Literacy: les sons booklet 

Son G 

Video: G  

Video: Gi 


Son J 

Video : J 

Son I  Son K  Son L

This week, we will explore the concept of needs and wants.  

Watch the video of the story, “Bunny Money.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcVaypXBEqg 

What did Ruby and Max want to do with the money for grandma?  


Needs versus wants: when we learn about money and how to spend it, we need to know the difference between a need and a want (j’en ai besoin et je veux).  

A need it something we can’t live without like water or food. A want is something we would like to have but can live without it, like a toy or candy. 

Here is an activity for students to do at home. Print and glue the images in the appropriate spots or draw your own needs versus wants. Needs versus wants – May 28 2020 – 4-51 PM. Have a conversation with your child about why he or she made those choices.

Optional additional activities: match and dans ma poche 


Mme. Jenny planting lesson 

We will be making a pollinator garden for native bee friends. (Nos abeilles solitaires) 

Bees rely on blooming wildflowers, shrubs and trees to provide the nectar and pollen on which they feed. We will be adding a new garden bed filled with blooming native plants at school and you can help at home too.  We’re going to start by growing some native BC wildflowers

Students in-class will receive their kit this wee. For online students, you can come pick up Thursday between 12-2pm (bags labelled in bin outside classroom). Watch this video that will tell you the steps of how to plant the seeds. 

Don’t forget to keep the soil MOIST. Do not over water. You don’t have to water it every day but make sure there is always water in the saucer.  

Music  Here is a lesson on Chrome Music Lab: Music Activity -week of May 25, 2020. We will also be hosting a ZOOM dance and sing lesson at 11:30 on Friday. Invite on Freshgrade to follow. 
Additional Learning Opportunities 

Move your body! 

Get outside and ride your bike/scooter

Use Go Noodle for indoor movement activities! 

Art idea: 

Here are some cute bee related art activities https://homeschoolpreschool.net/toilet-paper-roll-bees/  


Using outdoor chalk, create a 10 frame. Collect items from nature to fill your 10 frame 

Social studies:  

Act of Kindness 

Draw a picture of a rainbow and deliver it to a neighbour 

Bonne fete Ryan!🎈🎉 



*Kindergarten students need amples amount of free play. It’s how they do their best learning. We typically designate 1 hour of free play in our kindergarten class.  

**Outdoor education is very important. It is recommended children get a minimum of 30 minutes of outside time per day