Lessons for June 22-26


Overview of lessons  June 22nd to June 26th 
Language  My Kindergarten Memories 
Math  Financial literacy – Sharing  
Science   Bee Project 


Mes chers amis, 

We have reached the last week of your kindergarten year! It has been our pleasure to be your teachers this year! We have had a very exciting year with Mme. Jenny joining us, to Mme. Mauro leaving to have her sweet baby girl. Then Mme. Giugliani joined us for term 2 and we began learning from home in term 3! You have been so resilient and adaptable through it all. And how lucky to have had 4 teachers plant the seed of learning for your kindergarten year 

Mme. Mauro will continue to be on maternity leave for the 2020/21 school year but she wishes you all the best in Gr.1! 

We congratulate Mme. Giugliani on getting a fulltime position as the French Immersion Kindergarten Teacher this upcoming 2020/2021 school year! 

Thank you parents for supporting your child’s learning this year but especially for your support with the online lessons. When we work together, amazing things can happen. I end this message with a quote from my favourite poem : 

“And each agreed they would have failed, if they had worked alone. 

For behind the parent, stood the school 

And behind the teacher, stood the home” 

Unity, Author Unknown 


We have prepared a special video for you as a keepsake of your kindergarten year. Here is the link. We hope you enjoy it! 


Lessons  Last Week of School Lessons – June 22-26 
 Monday June 22nd  

J’ai fini ma maternelle: DOWNLOAD 

Have your child draw their self portrait. They drew one the first week of school! It will be exciting to compare their picture from September to now.  

Practice the phrase: Me voici! 

Record their height and weight at the bottom. Additionally, measure their height using a piece of string and attach it to this worksheet! Keep this in their portfolio 


Tuesday, June 23rd 


Mon souvenir de la maternelle: DOWNLOAD 

Watch the video of our kindergarten year. What was your favourite memory? 

Practice this phrase: Mon plus beau souvenir est 

Examples: jouer avec mes amis, la sortie aux champe de citrouilles…etc 

Record video and post it on Freshgrade! 

WednesdayJune 24th  

En premiere annee: DOWNLOAD 

Read the story: The Night Before First Grade 

Practice the phrase “ En premiere annee, j’aimerais apprendre 

Take video and post to Freshgrade! 


June 25th 


Last day of school! 

We leave you with this message as you go off into summer break! “Say Something” By Peter Reynolds 


Pick up report card and portfolio between 10-12pm outside our classroom door. We can take photos together as long as we maintain social distancing 😊  


June 26th  

Admin Day – No Students Attend 


If you are unable to pick up your report card on Thursday, it will be held for you until September. 



Spending and Giving Money 

We have learned that: 

  • It is important to think before we spend 
  • We can only spend money that we earn and save 
  • We make choices about how we spend our money 

The final learning expectation is:  

  • It’s a good idea to share with others 

It is important to develop an altruistic attitude around money. Altruism is concern for the well-being of others. To act in a self-less way. There are many ways to give to others: consider the food bank drives we have done at school, healthy snack day to raise money for PAC, the Terry Fox run etc. During the pandemic, there have been many organizations donating products to people in need. Find an example relatable to your family to explain to your child.  

Watch this read aloud, “Benny’s Pennies,” a little boy who heads out the market with 5 shiny pennies in his pocket. He works hard to meet the needs of his family, sticks to a spending plan, and comes back with gifts for all! 

Read about our kindergarteners Busy Town Donation to the Burnaby Hospital last year: https://www.bhfoundation.ca/news/the-biggest-100-ever-donated-to-burnaby-hospital/ 

How does sharing money impact ourselves? Others? Our community? 

Choose one way you will make an impact on someone else this week: Will you donate to a cause/agency? Will you perform an act of kindness? Brainstorm ideas with your parent! 



Remember to take the time to carefully look at the ground. It is important in science to be able to describe what you see/observe, smell, hear and feel in words. 

What do you see? What do you observe in your mini garden? Feel free to come by the school’s garden on Wednesday, or Thursday as well to try to look at the different sprouts. Do they smell like anything? Think about what they look like. Do they all look the same? Try to describe it.  


In this video here, there are some final thoughts and words. 

Thank you very much for your participation in the project! 

Remember to keep the native bees alive in certain areas we must be lazy gardener and let nature do what it does best! 



If you would like to complete the final sounds of the week (X,Y,Z), you can find the booklet here: https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/e18041_burnabyschools_ca/EUXu4ZtjKH9KjIxVCm0W8hMB5DgdVodFjdnnhSrtHtm-QQ?e=G8yIv3 

You will have access to the class website all summer to review lessons and download worksheets, however it will not be monitored.  

Also the summer reading program is online! Follow this link to have your child participate! https://bcsrc.ca 

Merci mes amis! On vous souhaite un bon été! All the best for Grade One! 





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