Week of May 4th-8th

THIS WEEK (May 4 – May 8) 
Language  Calendrier, lettre de la semaine, printing « Z », Letter poem, Chantons, *NEW* Syllables and Rhymes
Play  Kindergarten students need amples amount of free play. Its how they do their best learning. See here for ideas on what play looks like in a Kindergarten classroom. We typically designate 1 hour per day.  
Art  Les Fleurs pour Maman, Shape Project  
Math/Science   Bees and Flowers, Shape Project  
Outdoor Learning  Play outside, GoNoodle, cosmickids. See links. 

Voici les leçons de la semaine. Here are the lessons for the week. 

**Please save all work in a folder to keep track of assignments. We may ask to see them for assessment purposes. 

*Zoom session with Mme Giugliani on Wednesday May 6 @ 10:30am* 

Music Lesson: Music Time! -Musical Scavenger Hunt

LUNDI: le 4 mai 

Le Sujet  Les instructions  Les questions? 
Calendar:  Create a new calendar for May! Don’t forget to make up a new pattern and write important dates. (e.g. Mothers day ! May 10th) 

Here is a template for May, or create your own.  


Follow the calendar script and draw the weather on the date.  

-sing the calendar songs  


What new pattern will I create for my May calendar? 




What is the weather like? Is the weather in May different or the same as in April?  


Language   Letter of the week list of words-Z  


Practice saying each word and talk about their meaning. Color the images with the words if you have time 😊  

Here is a video to help with the pronunciation of each word 

Video of list 

-Read a book :  

Try https://boukili.ca/en 



Are the words similar to the English words? 


Can I find objects in my house that start with “Z” or have “Z” in them ? 


What did I learn from the book ? 

Math:   We are coming to an end with our unit on shapes. As a final project, you will create an object of 3D shapes using recycled materials.  

Here are the instructions for your project:  

During our zoom meeting on Wednesday (may 6) , bring your creation to share with you classmates ! If you are unable to finish the project, please still join the zoom session! 😊   


What recycled materials in my home can I use to make my shape object? 

Joue Dehors ( Play outside) OR inside movement  Go outside and explore! 

 -Follow a video by GoNoodle, Cosmickids, etc 

Where can I explore and have fun outside while staying safe? 



Le Sujet  Les instructions  Les questions? 
Calendar:  Follow the calendar script and draw the weather on the date.  

-sing the calendar songs  


What pattern do I see today?  

What is the weather like? Is it different or the same as yesterday? 


Language   Printing page: letter of the week: “Z 

Trace letter and color.  

Practice reading the words out loud. 

-Read a book : Try https://boukili.ca/en 


Can I pronounce these words? Are they similar to the English words?

-What did I learn from the book ? 

Math  Work on your 3D object project.   
Joue Dehors ( Play outside) OR inside movement  Go outside: Have you noticed the cherry blossom trees are changing? Are the flowers starting to lose their petals? 

-Follow a video by GoNoodle, Cosmickids, etc 

Where can I explore and have fun outside while staying safe? 


MERCREDI: Le 6 mai 

Le Sujet  Les instructions  Les questions? 
Calendar   Follow the calendar script and draw the weather on the date.  

-Sing the calendar songs

What pattern do I see today?  

What is the weather like? Is it different or the same as yesterday? 



Practice the letter of the week poem 

Watch video for “Z”.  

Repeat as necessary. 

Use this photo to help practice  

-Post a video of you reading the poem. This is the last one! 

-Read a book. Try https://boukili.ca/en 

What new words did we learn from the poem? What other words start with “Z”  that I learned this week ? 


Math  Zoom session at 10:30am: DETAILS TO FOLLOW ON FRESHGRADE

Show Mme Giugliani and your class the shape objects you created! The zoom meeting details are posted as an announcement on Fresh Grade.  


What shapes did I use to create my object? 
Joue Dehors ( Play outside) OR inside movement  Play outside and get some fresh air.  

-Follow a video by GoNoodle, Cosmickids, etc 


What shapes can I discover in my neighborhood?  


JEUDI: Le 7 mai avec Mme. Marando 

Le Sujet  Les instructions  Les questions? 
Calendar  Follow the calendar script and draw the weather on the date.  

-sing the calendar songs. 

Read your Spring Booklet you worked on last week! If you can read it, send a video to Mme. Marando via Freshgrade 🙂

What pattern do you see today?  

What is the weather like? Is it different or the same as yesterday? 




Language Activity with Mme. Marando  C’est le Printemps! 

Syllables lesson: Mme. Jenny 

Lire avec moi! Listen and read Madame Jenny’s spring book. Here is the student version

Send a photo or video and post it on Freshgrade of you playing hopscotch and jump to a new spot/square for each spoken word. (Try the sentence from the last page of the book) 

Try it while walking too if you like!

What new words did you learn? 

What words did I remember from Madame Marando’s spring vocabulary in Mme Jenny’s book? 

How did you know how many words where in a sentence? 

Science Activity  Plants

Georgie has shared some photos on plants that he would like to share with you! Take a look at the photos below!


If you have been gardening and have pictures to share, please send to Mme. Marando or via Freshgrade. Spend some time outdoors looking at plants. What do you notice? How do the different parts of the plant work? Words to know:  Les racines, la tige, les feuilles, les petals, la fleur, la graine


Ms. Dias has shared some great resources on Bees. Pick a video from this list you would like to learn more about 🙂


What magic does a seed hold?
Joue Dehors ( Play outside) OR inside movement  Nature Walk: Collect wild flowers for mom. Place in water in empty jar or container 😊    


VENDREDI: le 8 mai avec Mme. Marando 

Le Sujet  Les instructions  Les questions? 
Calendar  Follow the calendar script and draw the weather on the date.  

-sing the calendar songs.  

– review Chantons: Qu’il y ait…

-Lire avec Mme. Marando: La fete des Meres

What pattern do you see today?  

What is the weather like? Is it different or the same as yesterday? 




Language Activity with Mme. Marando  Mother’s day poem 

Listen and read the mother’s day poem with Mme Jenny in this lesson. 

Click here for the poem 

Review words that rhyme in this activity. 


Can you write 2 rhyming words? 


Can you make 2 sentences that rhyme using sentence starters such as Cest, Voici or J’aime? 

Science Activity  Butterfly and Flowers 

Watch video of Mme. Marando teaching you all about “les papillons”

After watching the video, complete this life cycle activity

Bonus: Create this fun caterpillar to butterfly art!

All living things have a life cycle and all living things are connected. What do you know about life cycles? Feel free to send Mme. Marando a video sharing what you know! 
Joue Dehors ( Play outside) OR inside movement  Nature walk 

  • Go on a listening walk today. What are all the sounds you hear? 
How can I explore and have fun outside and stay safe? (social distancing, not using playground equipment, etc. ) 





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