Fireworks In a Jar

Today we are going to make fireworks in a jar!!


  • tall glass or jar
  • vegetable oil
  • food colour
  • warm water
  • bowl
  • fork


  1. Fill your glass/jar 3/4 of the way full with warm water.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix 3-4 TBSP. of oil and several drops of different colours of food colouring.
  3. Use the fork to gently mix the oil and food colouring together.
  4. Gently pour the mixture into the glass/jar.
  5. Watch what happens, the food colouring will slowly sink out of the oil and into the water.  When this happens, it will expand and begin to mix with the other colours.

The science behind it:

Food coloring dissolves in water but not in oil. Because the oil is less dense than the water, it will float at the top. The colored droplets will begin to sink because they are heavier than the oil. Once they sink into the water, they will begin dissolving into the water (which looks like a tiny explosion).


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Musical Science

Today you are going to build your own Xylophone!!  What is a Xylophone you ask…?

Here is a video of a xylophone playing Baby Shark!


  • 4-6 glass jars or glasses the same size
  • water
  • food colouring (optional)
  • spoon (wooden or metal)


  1. set up your jars/glasses in a line on a table
  2. fill each glass with water–adding more to each glass as you go down the line
  3. add drops of different food colouring to each glass and stir (optional)
  4. using your spoon–and your creative thinking skills, create some music by gently tapping on each glass

I wonder what you noticed about the sounds from the jars? 

How is the sound different in a jar with a little water compared to one with a lot of water? 

Hmmm…I wonder what other instruments you could create???

I hope you have fun exploring music–you can even record the song you created…I know a music teacher who would LOVE to hear it!!!  And me too, of course!

Here’s a story about music you might enjoy: To Be A Drum

You can also look in Bookflix for more books about music…or Epic! (Epic! also has a video for how to make a Kazoo–so many fun ideas…)

Categories: Arts, Arts Integration, Core Competencies, Science | Leave a comment

Cloud In A Jar

Another new science experiment for you to try at home.  Make sure you have adult help and supervision as this experiment uses hot/boiling water!!


  • hot or boiling water
  • glass jar with a lid
  • ice cubes
  • hair spray (aerosol)





  1. Pour the hot/boiling water into the glass jar (about 1/3 cup)
  2. Quickly spray the hairspray into the jar (The spray gives the water vapour a surface to condense into tiny cloud droplets)
  3. Pop the lid on with the ice sitting on top
  4. Watch the cloud appear!









You can check out the assigned cloud book and video on Epic!

Thanks to No Time For Flashcards for the photos.


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Sidewalk Chalk Paint

I have an new science & art experiment you can try…you can mix your own sidewalk chalk paint!

This three ingredient sidewalk chalk recipe is so easy you can make it yourself!  And the making is half the fun!


  • corn starch
  • water
  • liquid food colouring
  • small plastic bowls or a muffin tin (as many as colours you want to mix)
  • fat paint brushes


*Yes these are the same ingredients for our Oobleck last week!


  1. Mix equal parts corn starch and water
  2. Stir up using paintbrush
  3. Add food coloring to desired vibrancy

Add, mix, test, and adjust accordingly.  If you have a sludge of corn starch in the bottom of your paint cup just add more water and stir!

Given the simplicity of the ingredients and process this sidewalk chalk paint is best mixed and used immediately.

Now go create….

Categories: Arts, Arts Integration, Science | 1 Comment

Maker’s Play

Play facilitates the development of intellectual skills, and also allows for the application of academic skills. For example, a child playing with water, might use intellectual skills to make a boat, but then apply academic skills to write the name of the boat on the side.

Play is also a time when children develop self-regulation, organization, and working memory. All skills essential for learning academics.

This week’s challenge for Games & Choices time:

It’s Maker Play!

This type of play will help develop the following skills:

  • Planning and organization (Creative  Thinking and Personal Responsibility)
  • Flexibility and perseverance
  • Engineering
  • Problem solving (Critical Thinking)





Option: Encourage your child make a bigger project: A restaurant, a school, an airport so this becomes a multi-day project.

Some possibilities:









Happy Creating!!

I found a read aloud of Iggy Peck Architect to inspire you…

Thanks to Kristi Mraz! 💗

Categories: ADST, Core Competencies, Growth Mindset | Leave a comment

Stories to Share

In these extraordinary times, finding resources to discuss what’s happening in the world can be overwhelming.  Finding them on a level your child can understand can seem impossible.

One of the great things about teaching is that teachers share!  So I have a number of resources that I can share with you to share with your children.

What Is COVID-19?


My Hero Is You

Returning To School During Covid-19

Ms. Lynka’s Blog also has a few resources:

Brain Pop Video

Princess In Black & The Case Of The Corona Virus

I hope these are helpful.


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100 Challenge

Calling all students (past or present) of Confederation Park Elementary!!!

After seeing the inspiring story of Captain Tom Moore–who turned 100 this past April–the teachers of Confederation Park have a challenge for you… 

We are having a virtual food drive!  

How will it work?

  • Create your own ‘100 Challenge’
  • Pick something that you can do 100 times–or something you can do 100 times each day!!!
  • Tell family and friends about your challenge and register at the link below
  • Confederation Park will be raising funds for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank
  • Share the news about our virtual food drive using this link:

  • Start your challenge
  • Complete your challenge by June 25

“I contribute to group activities that make my classroom, school, community or natural world a better place.”

I hope you will take this opportunity to practice your Social Responsibility skills on a community level.  Don’t forget to snap a few photos as you complete your challenge and send them to me!


My pledge is to donate $5 for every student in Division 9 who completes their 100 challenge!

Good luck and let’s make the world a better place for everyone!!


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3D Shapes

As we continue our online learning, I often think about what we would be doing in class if we could be there.  That got me thinking about our Poem Of The Week.  I wondered if you have been reading the old poems in your Poem Book?  Those poems (along with the books of the week) are great ways to practice your reading fluency.

Then I thought about what Poem I would have prepared for your Poem Book this week…and since we are learning about Geometry in math–I thought of the 3D Shapes Poem

I found it online along with a cut and paste activity (if you can print it out) or a fill in the blanks writing activity (if you have no printer).

This reminded me of our Poem Of The Week–as we often have to fill in the missing words as well.  I hope this reminds you of being in class!  Happy reading!

Here is the activity: 3D Poem

Categories: Math, Reading, Writing | Leave a comment

Animal Research

As we near the end of our animal research it is time to start collecting items that you will use to showcase your learning.  Next week we will be building a habitat for our animals.  This is called a diorama

“A diorama is a 3-dimensional scene created to illustrate an academic subject, a plot of a story, or an event in history.”

In order to do that you are going to need some specialized materials.  Each person will need different materials based on the specific habitat of your animal.  Over the next week, as you explore the outdoors, and your junk/craft drawer indoors, keep in mind what you need to include in a habitat for your animal.

Some questions o get yourself started:

  • How can I show what I have learned about my animal?

  • What will I build my habitat in?

  • What can I use to add a background–and what does my background need?

  • How will I create my animal?

  • Will I include predators of my animal?


A list of possible materials:

  • shoe box (or other small box)
  • small rocks
  • pom poms
  • cardboard
  • pipe cleaners
  • fun foam
  • coloured paper (construction)
  • googly eyes
  • white glue
  • play dough or plasticine
  • cotton balls
  • acrylic paints

I’ve included a few samples for you to look at below:

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As promised, here are some pictures of the 3D room models.  What a great job using your creative and critical thinking skills!!

Enjoy the long weekend!

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