Reading Bingo

Are you looking for some new ideas to spice up your reading time?  Look no further!  I found this BINGO game board with lots of ways to change up your reading time. 


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Screen Free Bingo

If you are feeling like me, you are a little burned out from all the screen time.  I found this fun game of BINGO that you can play.  It has lots of ideas of things to do that DO NOT require you to sit in front of a screen (except of course to see the list of things…Hmm…guess it does involve some screen time after all. 😢)

Some of the ideas are not possible right now–social distancing🤷‍♀️ –so you will have to substitute those with your own creative ideas.  I know you have lots of them to share!!  Have fun!


Screen Free Bingo

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All About Me

Today we are going to write some poetry.

Writing poetry is more than just writing, it’s like painting, but with words.

Don’t just say how you feel, illustrate it.  You need to make the reader ‘see’ what you are saying. 

Can you write a poem about yourself?

You might try to use a simile to describe yourself.  The book “Quick As A Cricket” is a great example of using similes.

A simile is: a figure of speech comparing two unlike things using like or as.

“Their cheeks are like roses” is a simile.

Here’s how to organize yourself to write your poem…
Step 1: make a web of 4+ words to describe yourself–be creative!!
Step 2: You can use the writing frame of: ” I am as_________ as a____________.” or of course your own frame!!
Step 3: If you are really stuck and find it hard to think of similes to describe yourself, you can use this poem All About Me Poem Frame instead.
Step 4: READ your poem to yourself.  Is there anything you need to change to make it better?
Step 5: Read it to a friend or family member.  Do they have any ideas on how you can make it better?
Step 6: Check your spelling. (you can ask a family member to help you find misspelled words)
Step 7: Illustrate your poem with a self portrait.
There are lots of poetry books on Epic! you can check out.  All you have to do is type ‘poetry‘ into the search bar.
Categories: Growth Mindset, Writing | Leave a comment


This is our last Games & Choices Challenge of the year:

It’s Shadows!

  • Walk around your house/yard…what shadows do you notice?
  • How do they change?
  • What surfaces are they on?
  • Can you create your own shadows?

How can you play with the shadows…?

  • Make them longer? Shorter?
  • Coloured?
  • Lighter or darker?



  1. Draw your objects and their shadows.
  2. Look at your shadow at different times of the day—measure it.
  3. Create a shadow story…

What do shadows inspire you to do???

You can also check out these stories on Epic!

  • Shadows” (read to me)
  • “Playing with Light and Shadows”

Or you can listen to “The Day I Met My Shadow” on YouTube.

Stuck for ideas to do???

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Summer Reading Club

Burnaby Public Library

Summer Reading Club is back!

Summer Reading Club is going to look a little different this year – BPL is going online!

Help your child succeed in school and life… Join the Summer Reading Club online. Registration starts Friday June 12.

Children who read over the summer do better in school, and libraries across BC are here to help. Kids sign up online at After reading this summer, they will be eligible to receive a highly coveted Summer Reading Club medal!

During the summer, check out the BPL website for weekly fun and exciting contests to enter. Your entries could be featured on the Burnaby Public Library website, Facebook page or Twitter! You can also find lots of great booklists and reading suggestions.

Go to to register and see the weekly challenges.

BPL is now open for paper bag pick up!

Also…Don’t forget to return your library books to the school library!


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I Can…

Today I want you to think about all the things you can do…and one thing you can’t do yet.

One of the Core Competencies included in the revised curriculum is:

Positive Personal & Cultural Identity.

Some of the “I can…” statements related to that Core Competency are:

“I can describe/express my skills.”

“I can reflect on my strengths.”

Your assignment is:

  • Watch the Video of  the story “Giraffe’s Can’t Dance” on Epic!
  • Then fill out the I Can… form–telling 3 things you can do, and 1 thing you can’t do yet–just like Gerald!!

I would love to see what you write about…so please send me a photo of your finished writing.  😉


Categories: Core Competencies, Reading, Writing | Leave a comment

Light Play

This week’s challenge for Games & Choices time:

It’s Light Play!

This type of play helps develop the following skills:

  • Story telling (Creative Thinking Skills)
  • Properties of light (Science)
  • Engineering (ADST)
  • Problem Solving (Critical Thinking Skills)

Options: Try out some toys to make shadows, use different fabrics, straws, cups or other materials. It’s also a lot of fun to find a dark place and read with your flashlight…



Some Connections:

Shadow Puppets (How to video)

Check out the following books and video on Epic!

  • “Tell Me Why I See Rainbows”
  • “Shadows”
  • “Raven’s Light”
  • “Fun Experiments with Light”
  • “Playing With Light and Shadows”
  • “Total Solar Eclipse” (Video)

Have fun!

Categories: ADST, Core Competencies, Games & Choices, Science | Leave a comment

Frisbee Golf

Are you looking for a new game to play outside?  Something that doesn’t require a lot of equipment?

Well, Frisbee Golf is a great game to try!

  • Make a course (at school we use paper numbers attached to different objects around outside, but you can make your own ‘holes’ however you like–see photo for idea using dollar store items).
  • We start at the start line, then try to make it to ‘hole’ #1 in as few throws as possible.
  • We then work our way through the course.  We throw from #1 to #2 and so on…
  • You can keep score on a piece of paper if you like.
  • Happy throwing!!!

Can you think of two other sports you could combine to make a new sport?

Check out the “Putt Putt Soccer” video on Epic! I’ve assigned you…

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Georgia O’Keeffe

Let’s try some art inspired by American Artist Georgia O’Keeffe.

“My painting is what I have to give back to the world for what the world gives to me.”  Georgia O’Keeffe 1940

Here is a video to get you started.  The video uses a sharpie and oil pastels–as the oil pastels are good for blending.



If you don’t have any oil pastels–be creative!

  • outside with sidewalk chalk
  • water colour paints
  • wax crayons
  • your own idea…

You can check out more than 100 images of her paintings at The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum.

There is also a read aloud book on Epic! called: “Georgia Rises: A Day In The Life Of Georgia O’Keeffe” that I will assign you!  Enjoy this artist exploration.

You can also watch the read aloud of “My Name is Georgia”.

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Construction Play

This week’s challenge for Games & Choices:

It’s Construction Play!

This type of play helps develop the following skills:

  • story telling (creative thinking)
  • balance and equivalence
  • engineering (critical thinking)
  • 3D space

Option: Encourage your child to think outside the box using different materials–clothespins, solo cups, rug/fabric pieces…

Check out the ‘Building’ series of books on Epic! for inspiration.

  • Building a Skyscraper
  • Building a Tunnel
  • Building a Bridge
  • Building a Dam
  • Building a Roller Coaster

Or the Read to Me:

  • Building Roads
  • Building with Poop

Thanks to Kristi Mraz 💗

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