Are You Flexible???

No, not like a gymnast…I mean flexible in your thinking? This past week we learned about ‘Flexibility‘.  We learned that when we have a problem, we can’t keep trying to solve it in the same way–we need to be ‘flexible‘.

Flexibility is Trying different ways to find a solution.

Our inspiration is Ormie the Pig.  He wants a cookie so badly–and will do just about anything to get one…We laughed so hard we had to watch the video again!!


What would you do to get a cookie?  Watch the video, and see how it ends….another problem to solve…Poor Ormie!  We came up with some pretty creative (although a bit scary!) solutions to this problem…butter, a bat, a drill, a hammer….YIKES!

Your assignment this week:  watch the video together and talk about other possible solutions to his new problem…

Categories: Core Competencies, Growth Mindset | Leave a comment

Musical Fun

Hi Everyone!  I hope you had a great long weekend, full of fun and family.

I thought I would make this week’s assignment simple–check out Mrs. Ishii’s website.

She has a lot of fun musical activities to try…you could listen to a fun song on the home page, or try one of her other activities.

Check out the top bar of her website for activities for Division 8, 9, 10.

Happy singing!


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Today we watched a video about a cat who never gives up!  His name is Maru and he is from Japan.  He wanted to learn how to swing on a swing.  So he tried and tried until he could do it!  Maru showed us how important persistence can be when learning something new.

We each thought about a time we had shown persistence as well–and recorded it for our Portfolios.

Our ideas included: riding a bike, learning to talk, learning to walk, setting the table, learning math…

This “Growth Mindset” is an important component of our ‘Positive Personal and Cultural Identify’ Core Competency’.

“I will continue to develop new abilities and strengths to help me meet new challenges.”

Your Assignment this week:  Can you find a story on Bookflix that has a character who shows persistence?


Happy Reading!

Categories: Core Competencies, Growth Mindset | Leave a comment


What is a weed???

This week we are going to be working with ‘weeds’ during our outdoor school time.  We are going to be doing some fall planting in the garden, and need to identify what to keep and what to get rid of!

We have read the story “Dandy” together…you might enjoy the read aloud again…

This week’s assignment is:

Find a weed in your yard–or on your walk home.  Take a photo and send it to my email:  (we will share work via email if there is remote learning)

I wonder how many different weeds we can find???


  1. How many different weeds can you find?
  2. Can you count them?
  3. How would you sort them?  Size? Colour? Shape?
  4. Can you find the name of your weeds?
Categories: Nature School, Reading, Science, Technology | Leave a comment

Math Fun

Each morning as we settle into the classroom we have table activities to work on.  This past week we have introduced:

  • Book Of Fun (a book of puzzles, games, reading & math activities)
  • Playdough
  • LEGO
  • Pattern Blocks

We have also been using some of these items for math lessons as well.  We played Subtraction Smash with the playdough, and have sorted and counted our pattern blocks.

Your online assignment this week has 2 parts…


  1. Can you find the homemade playdough recipe on this site? (Hint: try the search bar…)
  2. Can you find the “Cool Math For Kids” website?  (Hint: Try Math ‘Resources‘)  It has a manipulatives bar at the top of the page that has pattern blocks that you can play with…try to make a picture or a pattern.  You can take a screen shot of your work, and send it to my email–I’d love to see it.

Take a look at this symmetrical pattern from last year’s students…can you make one on the website???

Categories: Math | Leave a comment

Welcome To Our Website!

Hello Everyone–Welcome to a new school year at

Confederation Park!

There are lots of changes this year for sure, but I am confident we will work together and find our way!

After our experience in the Spring (remote learning) I thought we might like to try some activities together that might make that process easier to adapt to if (or when) 🤷‍♀️we ever have to do it again…

I’m planning on posting a new ‘homework’ activity for the students to do each Monday or Tuesday.  These activities will be set up to help you explore and navigate this website–where any future remote learning will occur.  If you would like to be notified with each new post–please subscribe.    (it’s right here…➡➡➡➡)


Our first activity is to apply for your child’s very own BPL Card!

Click here for the link to find out how–or drop by the McGill Branch of the BPL (4595 Albert Street) on your way home…

Many of you already have your own card…Yippee you!  You can move onto part 2 of the activity…

Next you need to sign in to Bookflix and choose a book to read.  There are so many to choose from, it might be hard to pick just one!

Can you find the Bookflix link on this website?

Hints: Try the search bar…or check the tabs at the top of the home page–it might be a valuable ‘Resource

(You will need your library card and PIN number to access Bookflix)

The last step in this activity is to post a comment below.  Which book(s) did you read???

Happy Reading…

Categories: Reading, Technology | Leave a comment

I’m Bored…

It’s your first full day official summer vacation. 

I hope you had a chance to sleep in.  If you are feeling a bit at loose ends, and can’t quite figure out what to do…Listen to this great story and try the drawing activity at the end…

“I’m Bored”

Categories: Arts, Reading | Leave a comment

Lego Summer Challenge

Here is a great challenge for you to try over the summer…can you build all of the items listed before we meet again in September??  Have fun!

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Bubble Snake Maker

Are you looking for a fun ADST project? 

This one combines liquids and gases together!  It is super easy–and tons of fun to play with.


  • bottle
  • scissors * adult supervision is needed
  • elastic band
  • flannel, face cloth, or old sock
  • bubble mixture (store bought is fine–or you can make your own)
  • food colouring (optional)

You will find the directions here.

Categories: ADST, Science, Special Events | Leave a comment

Spell Your Name Gym

Here is a great way to get some exercise and spelling practice!  You can spell your name, some word wall words,  or try a super long word like “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” (from Mary Poppins)!

Yikes you will be exhausted!

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