Non Fiction News…

We’ve been working on finding facts in our Non-Fiction reading…Today we chose our own non-fiction book and read it to ourselves.  We had to identify the ‘topic’ of our book, and the title.  We then had to find 2 facts from the story for our non fiction news sheet.

There are lots of non-fiction books to listen to on Bookflix using your Burnaby Public Library Card.


Your assignment this week: Please choose a non-fiction book from Bookflix or your own collection, read it or listen to it, then see if you can remember 2 facts from the book.

Happy Reading and Sharing! 💜

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Earth Day

We had a wonderful Earth Day yesterday!   We started our day by doing a Neighbourhood clean up.  What a great way to contribute to our community!

Divisions 7, 8 & 9 headed over to the Skate Park, where we began our garbage adventure!!

We worked our way back to the school collecting garbage as we went along.  It was great to get together with our learning group and work to help the Earth.

Later in the day we wrote poems about Earth Day.  What an amazing group of writers!!  So creative and invested in making the Earth a better place to be.

Today we will illustrate our poems…I can’t wait to see the finished product!!

Click here to see some of the Earth Day Poems.

>>Your assignment this week: Enjoy the Earth–be thankful and do something nice for the our Planet.<<

Remember: Nature doesn’t need people–People need Nature!!

Happy Earth Day everyone.



Categories: Arts Integration, Core Competencies, Nature School, Special Events | Leave a comment

Outdoor Yoga

Welcome to a week of spring weather! 

It is exciting to finally see a weather report with 5 sunny days!!

Our assignment for this week is simple–some self care.

So, grab a die and head outside for some Yoga.

“I can use strategies that help me manage my feelings and emotions.”

Categories: Core Competencies, Math, Physical Health | Leave a comment

Domino Math

Hello Everyone and Welcome Back!! 

We continue to use dominoes regularly in math.  In addition to developing the skill of ‘subitlizing‘, we have been using the dominoes to learn addition.  There are three games we have played with the dominoes to develop our computation skills:

  1. Dunk it Dominoes!–we choose a domino, draw it, then write the number sentence
  2. Cover Me Up–we choose a domino, add up the dots, then cover the corresponding number on our game board
  3. Domino War–we divide the dominoes equally between players, each player flips one domino over (at the same time) adds up the dots and the player with the highest total ‘wins’ both dominoes…continue until one person is out of dominoes  (this is the game we learned today)

“I can work with others to achieve a common goal.”

Playing games also builds our communication skills…

Your assignment this week:  Play a game of War with someone in your family…😉

**If you don’t have dominoes–you can usually find them at the Dollar store or you can use playing cards.

Categories: Core Competencies, Math | Leave a comment

Amazing Amaryllis

Since returning from the winter break, we have been growing an Amaryllis in our classroom.  We have been tracking it’s progress through non-fiction writing by keeping a log book. This project is an example of how we integrate a variety of subjects.

Curricular Competencies and Content:


“Plants and animals have observable features.”

  • ask simple questions about familiar objects and events
  • features of plants that help them meet their basic needs
  • make and discuss observations made using their senses
  • represent observations and ideas by drawing


“We can describe, measure and compare spatial relationships.”

  • direct comparative measurement (time in days, height in cm)
  • change in quantity (how much has it grown?)

Language Arts

“Stories can be told through pictures and words.”

  • Plan and create a variety of communication forms for a variety of audiences
  • Non Fiction text features (diagrams, labels, table of contents, glossary)
  • Writing for information (what has happened to the plant)

Visual Arts

“People connect to others and share ideas through the arts.”

  • choosing a medium (oil pastel, chalk pastel, water colour paint)
  • express ideas, observations, and experiences through the arts

We have had a great time learning as our Amaryllis grew–and we’re not done yet…watch for our Amaryllis poetry!

This week’s assignment: Plan a fun activity together that you will do over Spring Break.

Categories: Arts, Arts Integration, Math, Science, Writing | Leave a comment

100 Things That Make Us Happy

To honor 100th day Ms. McKenna came up with a great idea…to list 100 things that make us happy!  Each day for the past week we have been adding to that list.   

“I can tell what is important to me.”

This is related to the Positive Personal & Cultural Identity Core Competency.  Being able to identify what is important to you

We read the book “100 Things that Make Me Happy” by Amy Schwartz and today for art, we brought to life our ideas through different art mediums.

We used:

  • sharpies
  • water colour paints
  • markers
  • oil pastels
  • crayons

Check out the link to our Food Bank Fundraiser related to this school wide event.

Categories: Arts Integration, Core Competencies | Leave a comment

Counting By 5’s

As we count each day of school and our numbers are getting bigger

Today is our 100th day of school–


As these numbers grow, we have been practicing skip counting in various ways.  We have already practiced counting by 10’s and 2’s.

This past week we learned about counting by 5’s.  We read a story about ladybugs (see link below) and then created a train together using chalk and counters.  Can you see us practicing our counting as we chug along with the train cars??

This week’s Assignment:

  • Listen to “Lots of Ladybugs”
  • Find something in your house that you can count by 5’s (maybe you can make a train like we did…)
  • Think about the pattern we talked about (the numbers we count end in 5 or 0)–can you find the numbers on  the 100 chart below?
Categories: Math, Nature School | Leave a comment

Tic Tac Toe

We have been working on offensive and defensive strategy in Tic Tac Toe.  Trying to win a game, while at the same time trying to make sure your opponent doesn’t win!  It is a lot to keep straight!!  We’ve been playing outside–using chalk to draw our game board and some of our new outside math manipulatives (counters) as game pieces.

Check out some pictures of our games in progress.  And here is a video of a dog playing…Hmm…incredible right?

Your assignment this week is to play a few games of Tic Tac Toe at home…Good Luck!!

Categories: Math | Leave a comment

Counting to 99

We have been working on building big numbers…in anticipation of our 100th day of school.  We have played some games with 6 sided dice and 10 sided dice–they are so cool!  We roll the die once–that is our ‘groups of 10’ number, then the second roll is our ‘singles (or ones)’ number.  We then build that number using sticks (when outdoors) or base 10 blocks when inside. 




Your assignment this week is to check out the online math opportunities below.  Can you play the building numbers game at home with the online Base 10 blocks ?  Or how about a game of Base 10 Bingo ?

Have fun!

Categories: Math, Technology | Leave a comment


In concert with our school wide “Project Of Heart” theme, we have been sewing Memory bags.  This activity was inspired by the Indigenous story Shi-shi-etko.

Shi-shi-etko gathers together many of the things of nature and places them into her bag of memories so that she will never forget her people and land as she prepares to go many miles away to the required residential school.

We have been using the knowledge we gained during our paper weaving to sew the sides of our felt ‘bag’ together.  Some of us have figured out the up-down motion of this stitch, while others have learned the whip stitch–by always going to the back of the fabric for each stitch. 😉

No matter which stitch was used, the bags are slowly coming together.  We are going to add a button closure and some sequin decorations next.

Your assignment this week:

Discuss what special items your child would place inside their bag of memories and why.

Categories: ADST, Arts Integration, Special Events | 1 Comment