Lego Cars


This week for science/ADST we worked with a partner (or small group) to build a balloon powered LEGO car.  We had to use all our communication skills, critical thinking skills and creative thinking skills to figure this one out.

We built, then tested, then revised, then tested again…

We showed flexibility like Ormie and perseverance like Maru.  

Here are some of our ‘cars’ in progress…

Well done Division 8!

Categories: ADST, Core Competencies, Growth Mindset, Science | Leave a comment

Sound Map

On Monday Divisions 7 & 8 went to Confederation Park during nature school.  We learned about sound mapping.

Students got ready for the activity by listening to the story, The Listening Walk, by Paul Showers. We then worked together to find some idea for things that they might hear.  The nearby construction made it easy and difficult at the same time!!

Luckily it was a beautiful day–not too hot at all.  We all got situated with our papers–facing our compass rose to the North–and then began sketching and labelling things we could hear.

We had to stay in our spots…it was tricky at first, but we got the hang of it.  We were SOOOO QUIET!!

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Lion Art

During nature school on Monday Divisions 7 & 8 walked over to “Chestnut Town” and collected a variety of natural materials to create some art.

Some of the items we found:

  • pine cones
  • chestnut ‘shells’
  • blossoms
  • sticks
  • leaves

We filled up a wagon and headed back to school to create…

Working alone, with partners or with small groups we created lions!

We had to work together and use our communication skills to share materials and decide on what our Lions would look like…



Amazing work everyone!  Great collaboration & teamwork!




Categories: Arts, Arts Integration, Core Competencies, Nature School | Leave a comment

Bird Kites

ADST Big Idea: Skills can be developed through play.

Science Big Idea: The motion of objects depends on their properties.

Today we continued working on our science unit on Force and Motion.

You might have noticed we have been building a number of flying ‘contraptions’ to explore a variety of forces at work…today we constructed a bird kite.  How to make these items is modeled and then the students use those guidelines to create their own.

Can you guess which force is used to make it move?

  • Push
  • Gravity
  • Wind

Here are the simple instructions if you want to try to make another at home…

Happy Flying!

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Force and Motion

We are learning about force and motion in science.  We have looked at all kinds of big machines that help us do jobs.  We’ve also been building ‘machines’ (like the pinwheel and roto-copters) that explore force and motion.

Below are some links to some videos we’ve  watched to learn about some of those big machines.  These videos were provided by Mystery Science–we love the fun lessons with them we do every Friday.  (Tomorrow we are building a ‘wrecking ball’ to knock over a ‘cup’ wall!)

dump truck

truck crane


Today was our second visit to the construction site.  On Tuesday we watched an excavator fill 2 dump trucks with dirt.  This morning at the site, the workers were pouring cement.  When they had a break between trucks, they came to ask us our initials to put in the cement!!  So exciting.  If you have a chance in the next 2-3 weeks stop by the site and see if you can see them. (they will be covered up after that)

What a fun time!! 

I wonder what we will see next…

Here we are checking out the machines at work.  So exciting!!


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We’ve been busy!

We have have super busy in our classroom these last few weeks.  We have been working on our Lion King project for a month now, and have finally completed it!  We did lion research in the library with Ms. Besic and we learned so much about lions.  Thanks for helping us use a variety of reliable sources to create a Lion report.

We then used all our new found  knowledge to create a Lion Habitat Diorama!  So exciting!!  Thanks so much to everyone who sent in a shoe box!

Yesterday we put our work on display for the other classes to view.  Thank you to everyone who came to see and took the time to make comments.

Here are some of the comments we received:

  • Luke: “I liked your clouds” Love Sheyda
  • Giustina: “I liked your zebra.  I give you an A.”
  • Alexa: “It is so much so real and amazing.” Naomi
  • Gabriel: “I liked the pond it looked amazing, but I love the creativity.”
  • Eva: “I liked how the lion and the zebra are both 3D.” Emma
  • Gershom: “I liked the grass.”
  • “I liked Scarlett’s because she worked really hard on it.” Charlie

And there were so many more!!

Congratulations Division 8 on all your hard work.

Here are a few of the completed dioramas…


Categories: ADST, Arts, Arts Integration, Literacy, Science, Writing | Leave a comment

Learning about Learning Continued…

We have concluded our lessons on growth mindset (although of course we never stop learning about it!).  In the past few weeks we have learned about empathy and resilience.

Empathy is: learning by putting oneself in another person’s shoes.

We watched a fun video with Mark Ruffalo and Murray from Sesame street about what empathy is.  You can watch the video here.

We also talked about resilience.

Resilience is: bouncing back from setbacks and learning from failure. 

We watched a series of videos with Hunter and Eve who taught us a few things about how to navigate problems.

Keeping Calm

Solving Problems

Getting Help

I know these lessons will help us all as we move into term 3.

Keep learning Division 8!

Categories: Core Competencies, Growth Mindset | Leave a comment

Spring Sketches

This week we got out to enjoy the sunny weather and did some sketching of the spring blooms in our garden.

It looks amazing already.  If you haven’t seen it, go take a look.  We are very proud of the bulbs we planted last year!

We used our regular pencils to sketch the outline of the flowers–drawing what we see–not what we imagine or ‘remember’ we’ve seen.

Then we used some special sketching pencils to do some shading to show the darker parts of the flowers.

So much fun!

We are looking forward to the sunny days of spring so we can enjoy those nature school days.

Categories: Arts, Arts Integration, Nature School, Science | Leave a comment

Outdoor Adventures

This week we ventured into “Mother Nature” and “Baby Court” (also known as our garden and the grassy field right next to it) to do some exploring.

We planned two activities:

  1. Build the first letter of your name using sticks and raffia

  2. Measure the items that have begun to grow in our garden and record those measurements

We began by reading the book “Eh? To Zed” by Kevin Major.  It’s a Canadian Alphabet book that uses the letters of the alphabet to introduce famous Canadian people, places, and landmarks.

Then we broke into groups and began our stick collecting and measuring.  Luckily our school yard supplies us with a seemingly never ending supply of sticks and our garden bins are full of new sprouts!

We were excited to finally be able to use the new flower chalk boards on our fence to record our measurements!  Thanks to Mrs. Ishii for getting those hung up for us!

To conclude our adventure, we chatted about the stick building…Clover said, “It was hard, hard, hard, hard!”  Thanks for your honesty Clover!  Others readily agreed, but interestingly not a single student stopped trying to make it work!  Lots of persistence and flexibility.

Way to go Divisions 7 & 8!!

Categories: ADST, Math, Nature School | Leave a comment

Symmetry In Geometry

Today we revisited the word symmetry.  You might remember that our art show project involved symmetrical bugs!

This time we used geometric pattern blocks to create our symmetrical patterns.

If the pattern is symmetrical we could ‘cut’ it in half and fold it up to match each side.

We had to use our critical thinking skills to create these patterns.


You can explore with these blocks on your device at home via this link.

Here are some images of our completed patterns.

Categories: Core Competencies, Math | Leave a comment