
Next Week is Maker Week

I hope that you had fun creating your silly super powers yesterday and creating silly yoga poses. Don’t forget to upload or send me your pictures. Today, during Nature School Ms. Fischer and I want to you go out and enjoy nature in any way that you like. Pretend that you are in the gold forest having free time. What will you do? Find sticks and build something. Run around. Explore nature. It is up to you.

Don’t forget to save your recycling for one more week. Next week is going to be maker week so it will be helpful if you have some recycling or things from around your house. Some of the items that would be helpful are:

  • toilet paper rolls
  • small and medium sized boxes like the ones that hold cereal, macaroni and cheese, crackers, bandages,
  • string or yarn
  • 2 empty containers that are the same size (paper or plastic cups, cans, yogurt containers)

For Storytime today, I suggest that you listen to Ian Michael Black read his book, I’m Bored. It is illustrated by Debbie Redpath Ohi. We listened to one of her book’s last week.

The picture in this post was taken from a video about cats and dominos, kind of silly, right?

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