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April 21, 2020

Activity 23 Mini ADST Challenge

  • Use blocks or LEGO to solve one of the following problems
  • Problem: The city needs your help to connect 2 places. Build a bridge that will connect one side of town with another (or between 2 pillows on the floor)
  • Problem: You are stuck on the moon. Build a rocket to get home
  • Problem: The PNE needs a new roller coaster. Build one for them
  • When you have solved the problem please record yourself explaining how you came up with solution or write down how you solved it

Activity 24 Shapes Riddles

  • Read the riddles and figure out which shape it’s describing
  • Write down your answers and post to Freshgrade
  1. I am any shape with 4 sides and 4 corners. What am I?
  2. If you count my sides, you will find 3. What am I?
  3. I have 6 sides and 6 corners. What am I?
  4. I have 5 corners. What am I?
  5. I have 3 sides and 3 corners. What am I?
  6. I am a shape with 4 sides that are the What am I?
  7. If you put two of me together, you will get a rhombus. What am I?
  8. My shape has 4 corners. But my sides are not the same length. What am I?
  9. My shape has 0 corners. What am I?
  10. My shape has 6 sides. What am I?

Activity 25 Smoking Pencils

  • Gather a pencil, some paper, and a timer
  • Set a timer for 10 minutes (or if you want to challenge yourself set the timer for 15 minutes)
  • Start the timer and start writing about anything that is on your mind (keep writing for the full time frame and don’t stop)
  • When the timer is finished read over your work and think about any revisions (what are some words you can add or move around to make it sound better) or edits (punctuations, capitals, etc.) you can make
  • When you are proud of your work share it with a family member then post it on Freshgrade


April 20, 2020

Dear Families of Division 10,

Our first online class meeting will be on Friday April 24, 2020 at 10:00 am. We will be using Zoom to connect and a link will be sent out via email to all parents to access the video conference. Students will be able to see each other, if you or your child is uncomfortable with the video conference you may either turn off your camera or choose not to participate. We will start with a sharing circle where students will check in by sharing how they are feeling then we will end with a story. This will be  a short video conference as this is new for most of us. If all goes well and students as well as parents are onboard we can try to do a weekly video conference. If your child is unable to participate that is okay, this is not mandatory, but rather an opportunity for peers to connect. Please email me an RSVP if your child can participate or if you have any questions or concerns.

 Here are some things to keep in mind during our video conference.

  1. Be kind and respectful
  2. Be mindful of how long your turn is - we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to share
  3. Keep your sound on "mute" until it is your turn. This will help with the sound quality so we can all hear the speaker properly
  4. Please consider your background and any information you will be displaying such as personal information or photographs
  5. Please do not record or capture any part of the video conference
  6. Be aware of who will be captured in view of the web camera and what can be overheard on the microphone
  7. This is a school activity and you should be dresses appropriately
  8. We will limit everyone to share one thing first before offering an opportunity for another share