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April 24, 2020

Hello Everyone,

It was so nice to see most of your faces and to hear how you are doing. I just wanted to remind everyone about the Pro D Day on Monday April 27, 2020 and to wish you all a wonderful long weekend. Since most families were able to participate in our virtual class meeting this Friday, I am thinking about keeping it on the same day and time moving forward. If you have any conflicts or concerns please send me an email and I will see what the majority of families say. I would also love feedback on how the first meeting went? It seems there was a bit of technical difficulties at the end with showing just one student's screen, but I am curious if there were any other problems. I will try my best to figure them out.

Warmest regards,

Ms. Diep


4 thoughts on “Feedback

  1. Lori Driussi

    Dear Ms. Kalagendran, Ms. Vacca and Students of Division 9.
    I miss you! This place isn't the same without all of your smiling faces and energy.
    Congratulations on all you and your families are doing to learn how things work in this new "classroom" environment. I am happy to hear you are connecting online with eachother. I miss my friends too. Thank you for doing your part to stay healthy and to keep learning!
    Ms. Driussi

  2. Lori Driussi

    Oh dear. I addressed this to the wrong class! So sorry. My message is for Ms. Diep, Mr. Barichello and the Students of Division 10. Thank you for your patience as I learn to manage one too many screens open at the same time! Take good care everybody.
    Ms. D.

  3. Lori Driussi

    Good day Division 10!
    Congratulations on all that you have learned this year and especially in the last 3 months. I am so impressed with the ways you have stayed connected to your learning and your classmates. You have all the skills you need for ongoing success. With only a few days left of school I want to wish you a wonderful summer. You have earned it! Take good care. Sincerely, Ms. Driussi.


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