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April 2, 2020

Please write a detailed journal entry including a picture about some of the things that you and your family did over the spring break. I look forward to reading what you write!

Some things to keep in mind when writing are:

- Capital letters at the beginning of each sentence and for names

- Sentences have full and complete ideas (subject and verb)

- Finger spaces between each of the words

- Punctuations at the end of each sentence

A song we listened to in class to help us remember the parts of a sentence is linked:

April 2, 2020

The platform I have decided to use to share resources and activities is a program called Freshgrade. It is a free, safe and easy to use program that is used by many teachers throughout the province. An email will be sent to out too families to connect parents to the Freshgrade class page.  There will also be an access code sent out to access student Freshgrade where your child can post their completed activities. I will be posting about 2-3 activities daily that your child is encouraged to participate in throughout the day. When they are finished the activity they can upload it through the app or on a computer and I will see it and share it with their peers. These activities do not have a due date and can be completely based on the schedule you and your child have come up with together. Please take the time to familiarize yourself and your child with Freshgrade. I will start by posting one activity a day for the rest of this week and have more uploaded on Monday and onward. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know and I will try my best to answer them.