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April 16, 2020 

Activity 15 Corners, sides, edges and vertices

Activity 16 Reading Bingo

  • Print off the sheet and use it to keep track of the different ways you are reading
  • Cross off the different ways you have read
  • When you have tried all the different ideas and added in some of your own, take a photo of the completed sheet and post to Freshgrade
  • This activity can take several weeks to complete, please work at your own pace
  • Reading Bingo

Activity 17 Keep a journal

  • We are all currently a part of a living history. Our children are all a part of this, and it will be talked about for generations to come. Schools are closed; sports are cancelled and people are social distancing on a global level. Have your child keep a journal over the next while documenting their experiences. This can be handwritten, typed, shown in photographs, drawings, in a video journal, etc. In their journal record events, day to day activities, feelings, and thoughts. As family members, let them interview you, be a part of it. When it’s all over save it in a safe place, that way they can share it with their children and grandchildren. Help them create a tangible, primary source of their own history.
  • Every once in a while I will ask that a journal entry be posted on Freshgrade
  • This would be a great opportunity to talk about different types of writing that there are and why we write
  • You can also discuss the writing process and revising vs. editing

There are attachments below about writing