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Updates Oct 30

Hello Families of Division 11,

Here are some things to note

October 31

On Tuesday October 31 Suncrest will be having a primary halloween singalong in the gym. We will also be having a Halloween Parade after lunch. Start time is at 1:15, Parents are welcome to join us in the gym for the parade. After the parade we will have a halloween party with a short film, games and snacks. If you would like to bring a snack for the group to eat, please ensure it is individually wrapped and nut free as we do have allergies in neighbouring classes.

Last Friday there were pumpkin activity sheets sent home in the student's planners. These are optional and can be returned to school if completed.

November 1

Our class will be having a Panama day on November 1. Students can wear their pyjama's to school for the day.

November Calendar

A calendar will be sent home in student's planner with important dates for November.

November 6 - Family Reading (8:55am - 9:15am). Families are welcome to come into the classroom to read with students.

November 10 - Remembrance Day Assembly at 11am in the gym

November 13 - No School to observe Remembrance Day

November 20 - Family Learning (8:55am - 9:15am) Families are welcome to come in and learn how to use words their way with students.

November 23 - Family Math Games Night will be postponed until further notice

November 24 - Pro D Day (No school)


We now have Razkids up and running. Razkids is an online reading program that students will have access to use at school and at home. Please make sure to use this resource with your child daily to help build their literacy skills. Information on how to login will be sent home in the student's planner. The login information is taped to the front of their planner pocket in case the information sheet is lost.

Thank you!

Ms. Diep

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