Friday June 19

Happy Friday!

Great seeing many of you yesterday during our class meeting. Today will be a catch-up day.

I’ve put an activity up on Teams about developing the work that goes behind planning a field trip. I put it on last week so check it out if you have nothing to do. It’s optional but I encourage you to try it out. There’s a lot of work that goes into planning a field trip and I want to see if you can do it! There’s some researching, some persuading, and some math involved in the activity. If you do well, I’ll let your teacher next year know that you’ve “somewhat planned” a field trip this year!

Click here to see a list of optional activities that you may want to try out.

Continue working on your French on Duolingo or type on ATRT! I’m so sad that I don’t get to see your progress in typing this year =(.

Go outside! It will be raining tomorrow based on the weather report. Run, make bubbles, read a book outside!

Find a recipe online and ask to cook or bake with your family! Maybe you can plan an activity for your family! Check what ingredients you need, and see if you can go shopping for groceries over the weekend!