Tuesday May 19

Hello everyone. I hope you enjoyed your long long weekend. Here are our learning opportunity for the day! Looking forward to seeing many of during our class meeting at 10:30!

For math, we will begin our mini project. You will be designing the front of a house while keeping geometric shapes and lines in mind. You will find full assignment details on Teams. This is one assignment where you will need to do it OFFLINE, meaning in order to hand it in, you will have to take a picture of it and either email it to me, or upload it straight onto Teams. This project is not due until next week! Please take your time and put your best effort in it!

For ELA, you will be doing a little bit of research about Tanka poems before you write one. Continue to use your descriptive words and imagery to enable your readers (me!) to visualize your poems.

IMPORTANT: Thank you for filling out the form on Teams about scheduling our small group check-ins. I will be going through them tomorrow and will be emailing you today by 3:00pm to confirm your time! Please check your email before signing off for the day.

See you on Teams!