Tuesday May 5

Hello everyone. Here’s today’s schedule.

First, we have a class meeting at 10:30am. Please join us as we discuss our work for the week and reading resources that we can find on the internet.

For math, you will continue lessons on Math IXL. Both grades have 2 lessons. Please find video lessons below.

  • Math 4: Perpendicular, parallel, and intersecting lines. Click here for your lesson about lines vs segments vs rays. Click here for your video lesson about types of lines.
  • Math 5: Identifying parallelograms and trapezoids. Click here to learn about both shapes as well as their similarities and differences. 5’s also have an assignment on Teams. For this assignment, all you have to do is tell me in your own words, the difference between a parallelogram and a trapezoid.
    • Hint: Parallelograms has the word parallel in it 🙂

For ELA, you will be learning and writing acrostic poems. You will find this assignment on Teams

You will have the rest of the day to do some catching-up. I’ve noticed that our percentage of assignments handed in on time has dropped a little bit. This is absolutely okay. I don’t want to overwhelm you by constantly pushing out new assignments, so instead of giving you another assignment, I want you to use this time to ensure that the work that you have yet to finish is done to the best of your abilities. For those of you who are done, read a book! Explore Ms. Ho’s website to access books. Use Epic Books! All this information is on the class blog.