Wednesday May 13

Hello everybody,
It was great to see 18 of you yesterday during our class meeting. We discussed several things: A recap of the meeting was sent to your email. Our next meeting will take place on Thursday at 2:00.
Here are our learning opportunities for the day!
Please continue to develop your typing on ATRT or on a parent approved website. Please also continue developing your French!
For science, you will find an assignment about the grassland biome on Teams. Please make sure that you watch the tutorial video that clearly explains the expectations of the assignment. We are practicing our skill of synthesizing the key information out of our reading materials.
For math, please continue on your lessons. As mentioned during our class meeting, a mini-project will be assigned next Tuesday as we are nearing the end of this unit about shapes and lines.
Math 4: 2 lessons
  • P.17 Identifying rhombuses – Tutorial video click here.
  • P.18 Classifying quadrilaterals (Big review) No tutorial video.
Math 5: 1 lesson
  • Y.4 3-D Figures from different perspectives – This can be a tricky lesson – make sure you click on the “learn with an example button”