Phase 1 Continuing Education and what to expect in week 2

Cher parents,

Thank you for your patience as we quickly try to come up with new lessons and ways to teach your children online! I know many of you are anxious about what online education is going to look like. Some of you are probably wondering why we haven’t sent out lessons yet. Please bear with us as we are taking direction from the district as we all need to follow the same protocol. Mme. Giugliani and myself have been in constant communication planning, brainstorming and preparing to teach our units online. As you are aware, the schools have been closed. We are able to access the building starting today and are excited to collect our resources and get lessons prepared for you. In the meantime, the district has created lessons for week one to help support your children. The link is found in Wednesday’s email and on the district website.

Yesterday, in our staff meeting, we were asked to connect with families this week which is why you received our videos on Freshgrade! Thank you for the kind replies! We will be contacting you today and tomorrow via email or phone call. Please be advised, that our numbers will appear blocked or private. During our phone call, we will check in to see how you and your family are coping and what guidance you need from us. If you prefer for us to email you instead, please let us know.

Instruction is to begin in phases next week. Starting with one activity per day. Mme. Giugliani and I will post an overview by Sunday on our classroom blog with the lessons of the week and where to find the resources. A friendly reminder to CC Mme. Giugliani and myself in all email correspondence. Mme. Giugliani will be  responding to emails on Monday to Wednesday and Mme. Marando will respond Thursday and Friday to respect the days we are not working or teaching in other classes.

What we need from you:

– Bookmark this blog. Ensure you are getting the emails and they are not going to your junk mail! This will be our main way to connect with you.

– Bookmark my youtube channel that you have been using with the Chantons to assist with the song of the week

– Download: Freshgrade for Students. I will send you all a code so that your child will have access to record and send us back videos or take pictures of work to be “submitted” to us. We are very excited to use this platform!

– Check out the Burnaby Continuing Learning Hub to supplement our lessons for the week

– Use our student support page on the blog to supplement lessons and work on French skills

– I have created a new page with workbooks that you can print to support learning at home:

We are working on a way to connect with students individually and a way to host a live video via ZOOM or MICROSOFT TEAMS. A google form will be sent out with a questionnaire to fill out to help us plan for this.

Thank you for your support and continued patience

Stay healthy!

– Mme. Giugliani and Mme. Marando

PS: Unfortunately, Mme. Jenny  was supposed to begin her practicum next week but it has been postponed until further notice 🙁



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